Who Stole The Empress

Chapter 164: The crazy emperor

Chapter 164: The crazy emperor


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The cotton that had been hidden under the hard shell spilled to the floor.

Her bare skin was exposed through the torn clothes, but Natasha didnt even think to hide it, and she sat there shivering.


A white hand wrapped around her neck as she swallowed dry saliva.

Even though her neck was still attached, her whole body was trembling with fear.

Look at this! Natasha Roanti, this woman dared to deceive the emperor with a fake child! There is no record in any history of keeping such a woman alive, so cut off her limbs and dig out her intestines to feed the pigs!

Some of the whispering nobles nodded as if they were reasonable. The Imperial deception was heavy.

In particular, no one could say anything if her limbs were cut off and her family would be killed for three generations for deceiving the emperor with a child.

That, no, no, no!

Natasha hung on Gillottis pants with a messy appearance, but she kicked it hard.

After falling back, she wept again, and crawled back and clung to him. She didnt look like the woman who was called the spring flower of Tanatos. She was crawling on the floor in front of the nobles, asking for help.

It was like a woman who had always put peoples life at her feet for her own desire and comfort, and now she was crawling on the ground to beg for her life.

Natasha! You will have to atone for deceiving me by death, along with the things you treasured! With your children whom you care so much!

Natasha, who was crawling on the floor, stopped moving. With wide eyes in disbelief, Natasha looked at Gillotti.

Ha! Looking at those eyes, you must have thought your cubs could escape this country.

No, no already, those kids already .

My bodyguards were chasing them. I said if they resist, kill them. 

Only with a merciful command to bring in their corpses for you to see.


Natasha groaned and struck the ground. The soldiers stopped her from running to Gillotti.

No, it doesnt matter! I dont have it!

The noisy crowd watched the scene in silence without even opening their mouths.

Everyone frowned at the filthy and disgraceful sight, humiliating the Tanatos imperial family.

The main characters, however, seemed to have no idea what a funny skit they were showing. 

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tamon, who was watching this, suddenly burst into laughter.

As if it was really funny, he grabbed his stomach and laughed, and Theoransha, who was standing next to him, did not stop him, but rather drank champagne and joined his laughter.

Natasha was clinging to Gillotti, and the noisy crowd all watched them. What a sight.

Ah, sorry, sorry. I cant help but laugh Until just last year, Tanatos, whom I thought was great, is this terrible.

Tamon sarcastically mocked Gillotti.

What, what? How dare Amors foreign minister mock the emperor!

Thats right, Your Majesty. As the noblest person, youre doing what the street vagrants wouldnt do .

Tamon smirked disrespectfully, and clicked his tongue.

There was no fear in his face.

Hey, catch that rude man now!

Gillotti ran wild and gave orders to the soldiers, but no one dared to move.

Tamons red eyes without a smile were staring threateningly at the soldiers.

It was red in color, but its coldness was like ice on a snowy mountain that had not melted for a thousand years.

Obviously, this was Tanatos, and they had to obey the Emperors orders, but Tamons red eyes bound them and they couldnt move.

What are you doing right now!

Forgive my servants rudeness. Sometimes hes too frank, so Im always offended. When it comes to punishment, Ill do it. Why dont you continue with the show?

Theo took a step in front of Tamon and covered him.

However, she also uttered insulting remarks against Gillotti, so Gillotti revealed this and looked at Theoransha.

Does Amor dare to oppose Tanatos now?

Look. Now, do you really have the dignity to be called the master of this great icy land?

How dare you!!!

Gillottis heart pounded loudly.

He took the sword that had torn Natashas fake bulging stomach and rushed towards Theoransha.

But before he could even stand before her, Ronasso struck his sword.


As the emperor staggered, Perso who had been silent until now moved.

As he supported the emperor, he looked at Ronasso and Tamon with savage eyes.

Stop it. Any more will be considered an excessive insult.

Insult? What about the insult that everyone feels because of your emperor? I came here because it was supposed to be a fun festival, and I had to watch the dirty battle of the imperial court!

Theoransha spoke to Perso with a terrifying voice.

Perso clenched his teeth and rolled his fists.

Gillotti, standing behind him, was indignant, but Perso was a man who knew common sense and shame.

Now the situation was too messy.

For ten and a hundred years, people would still be talking about Tanatoss disgrace.

When the Empress was alive, I heard that Tanatos was a rare place to see.

Theoransha, who was laughing out loud, touched Gillottis wrath.

Suddenly, Gillottis eyes widened.

How dare you talk to me like that!

Gillotti couldnt beat his anger and picked up the dropped sword again.

Ronasso raised his sword and took a defensive stance, wondering if he was going to attack Theoransha again.

But Gillottis gleaming eyes were not directed to Theo nor Ronasso.

He stared at Anna, who was standing a few steps away from them.

Damn Empress, Empress!!

Lost his mind, Gillotti ran like a madman with his sword towards Anna.

It was because in his eyes, Anna was overlapping with Roselyn.

Startled, Anna tried to step back, but her feet froze as if frozen.

Gillotti raised his sword in an instant, and slammed his sword at Anna.


The sound of swords and swords clashing was heard.

Anna, who had her body trembling at the sharp friction, slightly opened her eyes.

A huge shadow fell like a mountain in front of her.

Anna looked up at the red hair that was blocking her with her startled eyes.

Persos shadow was large enough to cover her all.

Gertium! You dared to hit the Emperors sword!

Innocent sacrifice is not right. Youd better calm your excitement, Your Majesty.

The low, deep voice of Perso resounded heavily in the hall.

Even if he dared to block the sword of the emperor, there was no shaking in his eyes.

In the banquet hall where the red sunset was sinking, a tighter tension than before was felt.

In the silence that did not dare to gossip, only Natashas breathless cries resounded somberly.

This is treason. Gertium. Treason!

Gillotti shouted angrily. At the emperors shout, the soldiers hurriedly stretched out their long spears toward Perso, but it was not very threatening.

It was because there was no confidence in the faces of the soldiers who were trying to stop Perso.

Even the soldiers could read the flow.

The air swirling around has already flowed in a direction that was not afraid of Gillottis existence.

The emperors attitude of neglecting the state guests was openly criticized by other countries, and his obsession with the ghost of the dead empress and neglect of state affairs cast doubt on his qualifications as an emperor.

In a public meeting where he had to show courtesy and manners, he grabbed the head of the runaway mistress and pointed his sword at his guests.

Everyone frowned at him.

There were people who remained until the end, but there was no one who was not offended by the emperors action.

Indeed, the authority of the emperor was cast down to the ground.

Voices gossiping and criticizing Gillotti wet the hall like gloomy rainwater.

Gillotti, who was trembling, looked around sharply with a shaky gaze.

The loud, noisy voices and murmurs scratched Gillottis eardrums like ants.

The worm of defeat crawled into Gillottis still weakened head.

How dare you deceive, against and criticize the emperor

It was a moment that he would never have dared to imagine in the days of the previous Emperor.

When his father opened his eyes, everyone fell flat on their heads and was afraid.

It wasnt just the nobles of this country. Even in neighboring countries, or even in distant countries, if Tanatos wanted it, they threw away the government and knelt at his feet to please him.

That was the authority of Tanatos!

He was the emperor Gillotti dreamed of.


Gillotti looked around with trembling eyes.

They cursed at him for being cruel, but he was undoubtedly an emperor.

His powers proved it!

The previous emperor, who was about to die, was blinded by his greed and underestimated him (Gillotti) and was killed by his own hands.

And the arrogant Empress who also ignored him and took over politics, but was destroyed by Gillotti himself.

Didnt God let him do what he did?

Even if he betrayed the Heavenly Law and killed his father, even if he drove his companion away, his superpowers were still in him.

That was proof that he was the emperor blessed by God!

But, it was all the more bizarre that everyone gathered here was looking at him with the eyes of the dead Emperor.

It was as if hundreds of dead emperors were shooting at him.

Gillotti couldnt stand it, as if his father had known that this would be the case and frowned at him and criticized him.

I, myself, will cut the buds of this rebellion!!

Gillotti opened his eyes wide and raised his power.

So, the first one he stared fiercely at was the arrogant Gertium.


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