Who Stole The Empress

Chapter 140: Let’s go there together

Chapter 140: Let’s go there together

This is

Gently unfolding the handkerchief, Asha looked at it and opened her eyes in surprise.

Isnt it my hair?

It was Ashas hair, tied in a circle with a small ribbon.

It wasnt a lot, but it wasnt so little silver hair that it was indistinguishable.

No, why is this here?

Asha suddenly thought of the hair that was caught and clipped from Tamons coat a few days earlier.

It was just about the same hair that was caught on the buttons of the coat.

She was in pain, and Tamon cut the hair off himself.


Asha looked alternately at her hair, which was wrapped in a handkerchief with a bland face, and at Tarmon, who was sleeping with a calm face.

She tried not to, but she burst into laughter.

He was strange when he asked for her limping leg, now he even kept her cut hair. He let her keep all the good parts and kept the crooked parts for himself.

Hes a madman.

After a few moments of contemplation, Asha folded the handkerchief back again and placed it inside Tamons coat.

Although it was originally her hair, this was now Tamons.

She threw it away, but he did not; he kept it in his handkerchief.

Even though it had originally belonged to her, it was only a few strands of hair that she did not mind cutting.

But it seemed important to Tamon.


Asha approached Tamon, who was lying on a cot.

She looked at his face, which was disheveled as she sat on the bed, which was quite soft due to the layers of wool piled on top of each other.

Perhaps that was why his face looked harder than usual.

Asha reached out and gently brushed his wrinkled brow.

His skin was cool, unlike his usual hot temperature.


The hand that had been touching his brow brushed his cheek. His cheek was just as cold.

Tamons eyes, which were tightly closed at the tickling touch of the fingertips, twitched.

Asha carefully touched the texture of his skin along his chin and neck.

She could feel the veins twitching powerfully on his thick neck.

She liked the pulse she could feel under her fingers.

She stroked the area a little more insistently and slowly lowered her hand again. 

She glanced over and saw more strength in his brow, which was furrowing.

Tamons cool skin felt different from hers.

Maybe it was because his body was healthy and he trained all the time.

The firmness and softness was naturally admirable.

Asha slowly bent her upper body, following between his thick shoulders and his chest, which was tense with tension.

Ashas hair spilled over his neck and chest as she bent over.

She whispered in Tamons ear in a quiet voice.

Until when are you going to pretend to be asleep?

Tamon chuckled as he closed his eyes at her whisper.

Then a thick arm grabbed her waist and lifted her up and put her on top of his body.

I thought you wouldnt know. How did you know?

Your skin was cold.

Then you mean you also noticed that I was outside and came in?

Being a witty guy, he must have woken up as soon as she got out of bed.

Perhaps he followed her out in the open air and came back in quietly without interrupting her.

Asha smiled softly as she faced him silently.

Tamon couldnt resist and kissed her.

His tongue was as hot as she remembered, dug through her open lips.

Its hard to sleep with home in sight?

He asked, their lips still pressed together. Asha was out of breath. Immediately the warmth of their touch became hot.

No, Im calmer than I thought, just.


I just want to get this whole thing over with as soon as possible and get some rest.

There was a thin sign of fatigue in her muffled voice.

Tamon stared at Asha, and their lips met again.

Ashas lips opened without resistance.

It was strange to see her desire growing every day.

She thought they had had enough of each other just a few hours ago, but he was making her wet again.

There is one very small island.

Tamon whispered, biting Ashas lower lip.

An island ?

Its a two-hour boat ride away.

Tamon spoke as he kissed her chin.

Halfway up her body, his lips gradually moved along her chin, down to her neck, and then down to her thin ribs and below.

Before long, they were in a lying position facing each other.

Asha shivered with the heat that tickled her chest.

Its an empty, deserted island. I built my hut there.

You? By yourself?

When Asha looked at him with disbelief, Tamon laughed and bit her.

Startled, she tried to get away, but Tamons arms didnt let her go.

Why not? Dont you believe me?

Tamon smiled leisurely and swallowed her mounds.

Ashas thin hips bent like a bow, and he opened his mouth wider, seizing the moment.

It was like a greedy predator angrily wanting to taste as much as possible.

Tamons hands slid down her open thighs.

Grabbing his shoulders, Asha twisted her hips and shook her bottom.

Her senses were developing day by day, and now her body opened right up to the smallest stimulation.

When Asha, who was quickly overheating, became overwhelmed with the torturous rush of pleasure, Tamon whispered to her, soothing her with a gentle hand. The insistent sound stirred her ears.

But, the looters came to the hut.


Well, they were little monkeys who lived on the island, but they were dexterous in getting into the hut and pretended to be the owners. I dont know how many times I fought with them.

Asha couldnt help but laugh as she imagined Tamon fighting with the little monkeys. (*me too, Asha )

Dont laugh, I had a very serious battle then.

Tamon sounded a serious warning.

Yes, Im worried about the monkeys.

Oh . They were formidable enemies.

Asha laughed again, and something hot and hard penetrated deep inside her while she was caught off guard.


It was always hard to breathe at this moment.

Tamon said as he came in and hugged and kissed her gently.

I thought I needed a brave guard to protect my hut that I had built with my hands.


Asha couldnt tell if they were having a physical conversation or a verbal one.

The artists sculpture-like high, straight bridge of his nose plunged into Ashas chest.

He kissed her breasts tenaciously, hugging her, soothing her, showering her with warmth.

I brought two loyal wolfdogs.


After that, those nasty monkeys didnt show up. Peace came. My peace.

In a blurry head full of pleasure, Asha imagined a shabby hut, two big dogs guarding its front, and a group of wild monkeys flailing about in the trees.

Even though it was not a sweet story, she felt a strange sweetness as if she had candy in her mouth.

Lets go there together, Asha.

Asha lifted her head and looked into Tamons eyes.

The red eyes staring at her bent faintly.

He said so casually like, Lets have dinner tomorrow.

We must bring their favorite fruit as a gift of peace.


Lets go together.

Asha silently held Tamons head.

Then she whispered the best she could as he thrust forcefully.


* * *

What? You lost them?

Im sorry. When we got there, everyone had already dispersed.

D*mn it!

Gillotti got up from his seat, stomping his feet.

This was his chance to get rid of the rats, but they slipped away!

Why the hell were they all gathered? Did they gather to welcome Marquis Helio, who would come back tomorrow?


Gillotti was pacing around the room laughing.

True to the words of the prophet Hartz, Hans succeeded in obtaining the holy relic.

Gillotti was both happy and unhappy.

The one who would persistently survive and create fame even in that barren land was none other than Hans Helio.

He had life, reputation, honor, and few weaknesses.

It was clear that if the mans power was left to grow, the lands of the Northwest would belong to him.

No way. I am the one who holds this power, and the Imperial Family is here, and he dares to divide the country in half?

It was because Hans was stuck at the end of the northwest, otherwise he must have been picking a fight.

It was also Hans Helio who sent the most persistent letters of opposition to Natashas entrance this time.

It was also Hans who protested against the removal of the Empress.

The man had much to lose, but he was not afraid.

That annoyed Gillotti.

Having much to lose meant exactly that he had much to have.

No matter how much he reduced and suppressed Hans power, he still gathered in triplication like a mouse and sarcastically complained about the lack of the imperial family.

What a bunch of annoying people

He wanted to put Hans away as soon as he got the holy relic.

But if I do that, there would be no one to control the Northwest. Thats the problem.

The land was tough, but that didnt mean it was a land that could be taken by the barbarians.

So Hans Helio had to be left behind and his limbs had to be cut off.

The best way to do so was to eliminate his followers one by one.

And it would be even better if we swept them away quickly at once.

He tried to contact several people, but only one was able to conciliate.

It was Carlson, the second son of Liphius, who could not bear the sudden poverty.

Where is Carlson Liphius?

The Kingsguard captain, who had been waiting nervously, answered Gillottis question with his head bowed more deeply.

He was dead in that place. It was a pierce through the heart.

What, they found out he was our spy?

The captain of the Guard did not follow up with another word. It was not a question he could answer with certainty.

However, given the circumstances, it seemed somewhat certain that he had been killed because he was discovered to be a spy.

Gillotti knew this, too, which made him even angrier.

Those rats!

What the hell were those guys trying to do?

He didnt know what it was, but it really bothered him. He felt like he should not wait and see.

Gillotti, who was pondering for a while, immediately ordered to call Hartz.


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