Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 163 - 162: Yingtian Immortal Volume 1

Chapter 163: Chapter 162: Yingtian Immortal Volume 1

Once upon a time, Fairy Eternity, as one of the Five Immortals of the Ancients, had a celestial reputation that resonated across the universe, and her existence was universally acknowledged.

The ancient people, Demon Race and others would often build altars to offer precious treasures and sacrificial offerings to worship Fairy Eternity, hoping to win her pity.

There were even tribes who looked upon her as their totem and guardian deity, holding grand sacrificial events year after year. For a time, Fairy Eternity’s glory was unparalleled.

Unfortunately, since her resurrection, everything had changed. Now she was destitute and only worshipped by a single sect whose members were not the sharpest tools in the shed, they didn’t even know her real name, and kept getting her gender wrong.

Residing within Lu Yang’s body, she was occasionally intimidated by a little girl named Yun Zhi, and frequently ridiculed by Lu Yang himself. Life was truly hard.

Even immortals, let alone those who were at the Transcendance Tribulation Stage, shouldn’t be treated like this.

Finally, someone had opened their Heavenly Eye, recognizing her identity and even begging her to accept a huge flying boat as tribute.

Just look at the gems embedded in the ship’s walls and its massive size! This is how an Immortal should be treated!

In the spiritual space, Lu Yang glanced at Fairy Eternity, thinking to himself, ‘You look like you’ve enjoyed being sect leader these past couple of days. Killing a cultivator at the Divinity Transformation Stage while only at the Foundation Establishment Stage is unprecedented. Any genius would feel ashamed faced with such victory. It’s fair to say that you have set a historical record.’

“Since you came bearing such a large gift, let’s proceed.” Fairy Eternity laughed, reaching out to Qiu Jin’an to retrieve the magic artifact controlling the flying boat, speaking in the ancient language.

“What are you doing?” Qiu Jin’an looked at Lu Yang who was grinning foolishly, feeling confused. He didn’t understand what Fairy Eternity was saying, he only knew a single sentence in the ancient language.

Qiu Jin’an scrutinized Lu Yang. From his positioning, Lu Yang seemed to be an important figure, occupying the sect leader’s seat.

But most importantly… was he acting a bit sissy?

“Didn’t you just say ‘Great immortal, please accept your humble servant’s gift’? Isn’t the gift the flying boat?” Fairy Eternity was also a bit confused. Could he go back on his word now? Did this vice-leader still want to continue his position?

This time Fairy Eternity spoke in Mandarin. Qiu Jin’an understood, his eyelid twitched as he finally realized the true meaning of what he had said in the ancient language.

Unexpectedly, he had met a cultivator fluent in the ancient language.

“Do you really understand the ancient civilization?” Qiu Jin’an looked doubtfully at Fairy Eternity.

Fairy Eternity thought for a moment then blurted out the truth: “I understand it better than you do.”

Qiu Jin’an chuckled out of anger: “Young man, just because you have read a couple of books, don’t think you understand the ancient civilizations. Let me test you!”

“Do you know that in the ancient times there was a concept of ‘Heavenly Court’ which divided immortals into several ranks? Do you know what they were?”

Recently, Qiu Jin’an came across an ancient book while exploring some ruins. It was written by an immortal and described the flourishing ancient times, particularly mentioning the concept of “Heavenly Court.”

“Are you referring to human immortals, earth immortals, sky immortals, golden immortals, Dharma golden immortals, Hongineng immortals of the first system conceived by Ying Tian or human immortals, earth immortals, immortal kings, immortal emperors of the second system conceived by Qilin Immortal?”

“The system I devised included first-level immortals, second-level immortals, third-level immortals, fourth-level immortals, fifth-level immortals.”

Fairy Eternity scratched her head. They had developed several disciple ranking systems back then and no one knew which one Qiu Jin’an had found.

Qiu Jin’an retorted angrily, “Don’t speak nonsense, it was written by an immortal, how could it just be ‘concocted’?!”

Fairy Eternity was puzzled, but then had a sudden realization, “Didn’t anyone say that immortals must always tell the truth? Ah, I get it now, the system you found must be the one Ying Tian put together. It’s the most comprehensive one and quite intimidating.”

“Let me tell you, Ying Tian’s words can never be trusted. They are all lies. Even before he became immortal, he used to trick me all the time, and I would beat him like one would beat a disobedient grandchild.”

Qiu Jin’an paused, feeling that Fairy Eternity was speaking nonsense. However, it was indeed Ying Tian who was credited in the ancient book that he found: “Have you read that book?”

Fairy Eternity nodded: “Of course. Besides Ying Tian, does the book also mention an Immortal named Huo Metal?”

Lu Yang had a sudden premonition of having a stroke. Was he just imagining things?

“If you don’t believe me, bring out the book. I’ll tell you how to distinguish between the true and the fake.”

Qiu Jin’an doubtfully took out the ancient book. The name of the book was quite impressive; it was called “Imprisoning Heaven.”

He pointed to the cover and said: “Look, it is clearly written, ‘Composed by Ying Tian Immortal’; it was written by Ying Tian Immortal.”

Fairy Eternity shook her head: “Didn’t you notice the tiny blank space between the characters for ‘heaven’ and ‘immortal’?”

“What do you mean?”

“You have read it wrong, you are reading it as ‘Ying Tian Immortal, Composed,’ but it should actually be ‘Ying Tian, Immortal Composed’. So, this book was written by someone named ‘Ying Tian’, not Ying Tian Immortal.”

The Grand Elder and others, when they saw Qiu Jin’an being put in his place, couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Hahahaha, I have always been telling you Jin’an, you should quit showing off with your limited knowledge.” Although the Grand Elder and others were laughing subtly, Shangguan Yu directly laughed out loud from behind Qiu Jin’an, showing no regard for Qiu Jin’an’s feelings.

With an apologetic tone, Shangguan Yu said to the members of the Seek Dao Sect: “I’m sorry, you all know how Jin’an is, thick-skinned and hardheaded, refusing to admit his mistakes. He didn’t know the original meaning of the ancient language, which caused this misunderstanding. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

“Please accept these gifts.”

The disciples from the Five Elements Sect began unloading magic artifacts, ore, elixirs, cultivation methods, etc. from the ship, each of which could be the highlight or even the grand finale of an auction due to their high value.

The most precious was the Five Elements Ores, a special product of the Five Elements Sect. The ores were divided into five types based on the five elements – gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each color represented the extremes of the corresponding attributes. These were the kind of materials that refiners could only dream of.

The Fifth Elder, Old Zhou, saw the ores. His gaze was like a wolf spotting its prey in the middle of the night, his eyes glowing green with greed.

It was customary for the Five Great Immortal Sects to bring gifts when attending each other’s events.

For example, the Laurel Fairy Palace would often give laurel branches and moon essence as gifts.

The Suspension Temple gave Buddhist sutras and consecrated Buddhist treasures as gifts.

The Prison Suppressing Sect gave tamed demons and goblins as gifts.

The Seek Dao Sect was a bit unique or rather casual, especially when Daoist Buyu was around.

For instance, they once gifted the Laurel Fairy Palace with a high-level body refinement method. Once the method was mastered, the body would become as durable as steel and iron, unmovable and able to overpower anything. This enraged the members of the Laurel Fairy Palace to the point where they wanted to fight.

What kind of disciple would a female cultivator who mastered it look like?

And they gifted the Suspension Temple with the long-lost Silent Zen cultivation method. Daoist Buyu even claimed that he had successfully practiced it and that it worked remarkably well.

The temple host chuckled sarcastically at the time, thinking to himself ‘If you, this damned beast could practice it successfully, would you still be called ‘Silent’?

Even though Daoist Buyu repeatedly assured him that it was a genuine method, the temple host still practiced it doubtingly once.

Afterwards, he realized that every time he opened his mouth, his breath smelled of garlic, and everyone around him would plead with him to shut up.

The explanation given by Daoist Buyu was, “Isn’t Silent Zen all about making people wish you’d shut up?”

The host was so angry that he manifested the Immovable Ming King to suppress this damned beast, Daoist Buyu.


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