Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 746: Douyin King Card

Chapter 746 Douyin King Card

 The development of the times will indeed restrict the development of the industry. Just like in the past when traffic was extremely expensive, literary media, a low-flow carrier, was regarded as the mainstream.

 Now, two traffic price cuts have allowed the video industry to flourish.

 But Qi Fang returns to Qi Fang, 2016 is still far away from the era of free traffic. People with huge wealth like Mr. Cao are worried about money, let alone ordinary people.

Jiang Qin watched a handsome guy paying the bill at the front desk. He was still scrolling through videos a second before going out, but when he reached the door, he reluctantly quit Douyin.

 “I plan to get married this year.”


Jiang Qin came back to his senses and glanced at the young master.

Cao Guangyu sat on the counter and spoke quietly, like a beautiful boy who has gone through many vicissitudes of life: "In a blink of an eye, I am almost twenty-six. I have had enough fun, and it is time to get married."

“It’s the same as how wonderful the game was before you met Ding Xue. Haha, have you had enough of playing with Ding Xue?”


Jiang Qin grinned and stood up to leave Qianzhu, but when he left, he left behind a brand new and unopened phone card.

Cao Guangyu was stunned for a moment, picked up the card and took a look, feeling a little confused.

As soon as I returned to Shanti Villa, I heard the voices of Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini coming from the living room, both complaining about Douyin draining their package data.

"In the Name of Friends" was officially published. Hui Huizi was invited by the publishing house to revise the manuscript in the second half of last year, and it was only then that she was released from the dark room.

 Then the two people became severe addicts of Douyin.

 Gao Wenhui’s followers and likes are all about a dog-food couple, and Wang Haini’s followers and likes are all about a fitness coach with eight-pack abs.

 According to Wang Haini’s words, it’s a good time to catch up!

But when they received their monthly phone bills, they realized that they had fallen into the trap of capitalists!

No, it's only the middle of the month, and their data is already being used everywhere. Without wifi, they can't even see their abdominal muscles. It's simply impossible!

Feng Nanshu’s traffic has almost been exhausted, with only a few dozen megabytes left.

“You don’t always use wifi at home. This can also use up your data. What are you looking at?”

 “I look at handsome guys every day, even when I go out.”

Feng Nanshu said seriously and seriously, with a kind of confidence in his expression.

Wang Haini couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this. She thought to herself, "Hey guys, Feng Nanshu got tired of playing with Jiang Qin after getting married, and now she even watches handsome guys on Douyin!"

With excitement and gossip, Hai Wangni secretly took her phone and took a look at it when she wasn't paying attention. She found that it was full of video clips of Jiang Qin's news, and she couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

Gao Wenhui also leaned over and took a look, and said to her heart, "I knew it. The handsome guy in Feng Nanshu's mouth was none other than Jiang Qin."

As the number of Douyin users increases, the topic of insufficient traffic has gradually become a hot search topic and has become a hot topic among the people.

“Black stockings will drain your body, and Douyin will drain your traffic!”

“I have always said that Jiang Qin is a living Bodhisattva, but now I know that these black silk threads are not free!”

“Is Douyin a dog sent by the operator?”

“Years ago, I said that the traffic would not be cleared in the month, but now it’s better. My **** traffic is not enough for one month!”

 “That’s great, that’s great. I’ve worked hard for a month and all my salary has been paid for the phone bill.”

 The software Douyin has a magical power, as if people can't feel the passage of time.

 Some people plan to brush up for a while before going to bed at night, but find out after a while that hey, it’s another beautiful morning!

 So, in this case, it is normal for the traffic to exceed the standard, but it does affect the user experience. After all, no one wants to worry about staring at the traffic bar and playing with their hands.

 This phenomenon is good news for those Internet companies that are following the trend of making short videos.

  Douyin has been incubated for a year, and has grown rapidly in the later period. What competing products need most is time to catch up with the development speed of Douyin, and with traffic restrictions, Douyin's pace will inevitably be restricted.

“Douyin is still less than a year old. Although user stickiness is high, user loyalty is not enough. We have a chance.”

“Because according to survey data, the overlap rate of users of Douyin and Kuaishou is 60%. Do you know what this means?”

“This means that Douyin users are not tied to Douyin. As long as we make a good product, we are very likely to overtake others around the corner.”

 “The most critical thing is traffic.”

“Although the three major operators have lowered the price of data a year ago, the current price still does not allow users to achieve video freedom. As the cost of Internet access becomes higher and higher, Douyin’s growth rate will definitely enter a period of weakness.”

“Our strategic plan is to use this period of time to make a better product than Douyin and overtake it when the next traffic price decreases.”

Tudou short videos have begun to hatch, and Ma Yun feels that as long as there is enough time, they will definitely not be worse than Douyin.

 Tencent’s Mr. Ma has high hopes for Weishi, believing that as long as Weishi is given enough growth time, it will become one of Tencent’s largest traffic pools in the future.

 Baidu and Sina also spent a lot of money to recruit well-known creators on major platforms during this period.

 Major Internet companies have made predictions about future development. In their view, video freedom will be achieved at least in 2018.

 Hence, it will be difficult for Douyin to capture the entire market within two years.

 The past two years are a critical period for them to catch up with Douyin.

 In fact, major Internet companies are somewhat grateful to Jiang Qin.

Over the years, major manufacturers have been exploring the development direction of the 4G era, but they have never been able to find a way out. They can only take one step at a time. However, Jiang Qin has directly pointed out the direction of the trend for the entire industry.

 The Internet of the future is a battle for traffic and user usage time, and its realization is a battle for short videos.

But what they didn't expect was that Jiang Qin didn't seem to leave them that long.

 Things happened very suddenly, just like Douyin exploded in the New Year without any warning...

Wang Bolin, the former data analyst of Youku Tudou, after joining the short video department, often watched videos to study Douyin’s algorithm and content.

 One morning, as soon as he opened Douyin, he saw an advertisement.

“Come on, it’s already 2016, you’re still worried about traffic?!” “Pin Tuan

“10G is not enough? But this is only national traffic.”

“The package also includes a 50G directional data package. I can browse Douyin, read headlines, browse Zhihu, use Amap, order group takeout, and find group discounts for group purchases. Isn’t it enough?”

“Click on the bottom left of the video, the quantity is limited, come and apply now!”

“Apply now and you’ll be able to use it tonight~”

 Subsequently, a detailed table of Douyin King Card tariffs popped up from the video, and was quickly moved to the next video accompanied by beautiful music.

Wang Bolin didn't speak for a long time after reading it. It wasn't until five seconds later that he slowly raised his head. His heart, which had suddenly contracted just now, slowly relaxed, and the hanging heart finally died.

As Douyin’s video was transferred to Toutiao, Zhihu, and even WeChat Moments, all major Internet companies that planned to pursue Douyin exploded.

They felt that the price of traffic would limit the growth rate of Douyin, but they did not expect that Pintuan would join forces with China Mobile to launch targeted packages.

  It turns out that the shackles of the times can be taken off and then tightened a little more on friends and businessmen.

Jiang Qin had no intention of leaving any time for them to catch up!

 “Directed traffic…”

Housin's eyelids were twitching wildly, while Sina's short video director looked ashen.

Without the shackles of Douyin, who the **** can beat it?

The number of online applicants for the Douyin King Card has increased rapidly, and countless netizens who are addicted to short videos have called the Living Bodhisattva. According to unreliable news, the sky above the Jiang family’s ancestral grave that day was bursting with thousands of auspicious colors.

 But many people only noticed the Douyin King Card product itself at this time, but ignored the last sentence of the video.

At that time, Pintuan had a warehouse opened in logistics parks across the country, and stacks of cards were delivered by trucks to designated locations in the city.

At the same time, countless orders were added to the group delivery rider side by the system, and each rider received a card delivery task.

 Some people applied at noon and got the card in the evening. Even the applicant found it unbelievable.

 The consequence of this phenomenon is that the real-name registration channels of mobile companies are almost blocked.

Mobile CEO He Jie had two unexpected things.

 The first thing I didn’t expect was that after the Chinese New Year, Douyin would become so popular.

 The second one was unexpected. He did not expect that the delivery speed of the group package would be so exaggerated.

They moved to catch this overwhelming wealth!

That night, Jiang Qin updated a post on Weibo, which he had not used for a long time.

No more pretense, let’s show off our cards, I’ll take the first step, everyone, please find a cool place to bury yourselves.

Sina short video director slammed the coffee cup in his hand. He thought he was too arrogant. He thought he could seal the battle with just one card?

 But what he didn't expect was that this sentence was not a summary, but a warning.

As early summer approaches, popular contestants from recent popular talent shows publicly announced on Weibo that they have joined Douyin, and have maintained a daily update routine since joining.

The key point is that these popular singers don’t move in together, but one every five days, one every five days...

This caused countless fans to flock to Douyin, and the four words "My Brother" brought a huge wave of traffic to Douyin.

  Sina Weibo, I feel like my life force is being sucked away.

 “Are all those popular celebrities...from China Entertainment Film and Television?”


“Is China Entertainment Film and Television controlled by Group Holdings?”


“They took control of China Entertainment in 2012, and then China Entertainment started to incubate idols by first auditioning, then releasing singles, and then appearing on TV?”

 “That’s right.”

“Jiang Qin had already decided to start Douyin in 2012?”

 “I don’t know, boss, please stop crying, I’m afraid…”

Just like the group investment in Meitu Xiuxiu, their holding of China Entertainment Film and Television has always been full of doubts.

 But at this moment, the answer that had been delayed for four years finally arrived quietly.

At this moment, at the headquarters of Alibaba, Ma Yun pulled out a photo of Jiang Qin and Jiang Qin at the Internet conference and looked at it for a long time.

 I don’t know why, but he suddenly felt a little tired, or maybe he felt a little old.

 He doesn’t quite understand how today’s young people can do business like this.

However, after all the traffic idols under China Entertainment Film and Television settled in, Douyin’s actions have not stopped.

Everyone who was beaten by him back then knows that he is a bad businessman. He is not fully prepared and will never take the lead. But once he does, he will not give other opportunities to his friends.

 So after the traffic idols settled in, Xitian announced that it would spend 500 million to jointly launch an original musician support plan called "Maitian" with Douyin.

 In fact, there have always been many musicians in China who have been quietly creating music. However, because they have no funds to package themselves, no operating company to set up a personality for themselves, or even no publicity funds, they have always been unknown and are regarded as unpopular singers.

 Some of them sing in bars, and some work during the day and sing on the streets at night.

Douyin’s “Wheatfield” plan promises to provide original musicians with support funds and 100,000+ traffic exposure to help outstanding musicians realize their dreams.

At this time, an original musician named Zhao Lei was scrolling through Douyin and silently clicked on the Wheatfield Project.

He previously participated in a program called Chinese Good Songs, and only got the title of the top eight in the group. At this time, looking at the endless night, he still didn't know where his future would be.

   (Please give me monthly votes, my family, or2)


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