White Dragon Lord

Chapter 7: Ambush

Chapter 7: Ambush

It took all night to bring the Kobolds back to the valley before dawn. Most of the time Amos had to wait for them as the Kobolds were very slow and always left behind.

When Amos returned to the valley, Fingale was talking with some of the winter wolves to discipline the noisy Goblins and Kobolds.

Felicia and Elena have also returned. Felicia is lying on the ground sulking. Willy is gloating on the sidelines, and Elena looked at Willy angrily, in a big fight.

Amos did not care about their antics. After handing over the Kobolds to Fingale, he flew straight to the Dragon Mother at the bottom of the valley.

"Mother, everything is going well, the cannon fodder has been brought back," Amos said, "This is the gold and gems found in the Kobold tribe."

While talking, Amos placed gold and two precious stones in front of the Dragon Mother.

"Oh, Amos, my dear boy, among your siblings, you are the only one who makes me feel relieved..."

I don't know what Dragon Mother's expression will be when she knows what Amos ate the two best gems.

After a few words of encouragement, Dragon Mother sent Amos away.

Amos came to the place of the dragon brother and sisters. Felicia, who was sulking, raised her head and complained: "Amos, mother robbed me of my gems."

"And also took my gold!" Elena talked in.

When Amos heard it, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that the two sisters had divided the Kobolds' gems and gold, and stupidly brought the treasures back, but they were taken by the Dragon Mother to help "keep" them.

Amos rolled his eyes and didn't know how to comfort them. "Never mind, there will be more gems and gold in future, Willy, you can also be quiet, too."

After saying that, he lay down and slept.

The powerful brother's words are still very useful, and Willy is not teasing Elena, and finds a cool place to lie down and rest.

Amos pretended to sleep, but he was actually checking his own gains.

"View this dragon information."

[Name]: Amos Aldridge

[Level]: Level 7 Dragon Level 3 Mage

[Strength]: Tier 2

[Camp]: Lawful Neutral

[Introduction]: You are a male white dragon. A soul from another world, resulting in a deep change in the bloodline of the white dragon. Your body is stronger than other young dragons, and scales are harder, and the breath is stronger. You have barely been able to protect yourself in this cruel world.

The corners of Amos' lips rose slightly, the biological level rose by one level, so the harvest was good.

Of course, this was not entirely the result of eating the precious stones. Amos had premonition that he was about to break through, and the gems merely made the breakthrough come sooner.

Among the four young dragons, besides the most powerful Amos, Felicia was the strongest. She inherited the priesthood of Dragon Mother.In the process of praying, she received the dragon god Tia. Matt's response, the current level is 5th-level dragon plus 1st-level priest.

The third strongest was the youngest Willy, who was currently on Level 5.

The weakest was Elena, who was still a Level 4 dragon.

Throughout the day, Amos was lying on the ground to rest until night.

A full moon hung high in the night sky, emitting a soft light. The difference was that the size of the moon on Nordhill was ten times the size of the previous moon, and it was the size of a tabletop.

Amos thought the moon revolved around Nordhill just like on earth, but later found that the inheritance record said that the moon could be seen at any place. However, in some places it had different colors.

Amos surmised the rules of other world stars differed greatly from those of Earth.

The ancient legend provided a reasonable explanation. It was said that the moon was the last gift left to the world by the ancient moon god Elune.

Elune is a natural god in the same period as Aio the Nine-Faced Dragon god.

In ancient times, when counting time was meaningless, what kind of disaster that had occurred was unknown. The natural god born during the birth of heaven and earth fell in large numbers, including Aio, the ancestor of the dragon family, and Elune, the moon god.

According to legend, the moon was created by the fall of Elune. Following Elune's will and bringing light to the dark world.

It is impossible to determine whether the legend is true or not, and Amos is powerless to question it.

Nor did he bother to investigate, because the army of monsters was about to be drawn out, and they had to go to the South Side of Sandonar before dawn and lay an ambush in advance.

After a busy night, covering up the traces of the march, and setting up the trap, the black-robed warlock came with a group of people, and after a brief conversation with the Dragon Mother he sat under the tree to meditate.

Faye must ensure that the magic power is sufficient before the battle. However, one of them made Amos feel uncomfortable. He stood motionless under the tree, as if to blend into the darkness.

Towards noon the next day, a team came into view, and a two-metre tall, bald, savage man walked in front of the team, his face blank and expressionless.

Ignoring the cold weather, he wore only a half-length leather vest, showing large muscles with an exaggerated double-edged axe on his back, and riding a tall, red horse.

Followed by two teams of 20 horse-riding barbarians. Although they were one size smaller than the leader, they should not be underestimated. They were followed by a carriage full of goods, which was out of sight, around the carriage they also tended to be escorted by many barbarian guards, riding horses, or walking.


Severred glanced back at the convoy that was following, his face covered with a hint of concern.

The bloody plague cost the barbarians a great deal, and large numbers of ordinary barbarians were faced with the threat of starvation. After high-level discussions in Sandonar, they decided to buy food from the Principality of Wata in the South and let them suppress the battle.

The goods in the cart will be sold in the Principality of Wata, and the cart will return to Sandonar loaded with food.

Severred sighed in his heart, feeling the hope of his people and weight of the burden on his shoulders.

I hope everything goes well on this trip. Protect us, Your Holiness Palino.


Without any warning, the crowd of ambushers who had practised group invisibility suddenly appeared. Dragon Mother leaned back, took a deep breath, opened her mouth fiercely, spewed out an ice-blue cone-shaped dragon breath at the leader's face.

No! Severred's heart shuddered and without hesitation, he activated certain magical equipment. A golden shield appeared in front of the team, blocking the dragon's breath.

The Dragon Mother did not expect to hurt her old opponent. At the same time, she released Longwei which was nearly an 8-meter-long tail which swept through the air with a whoosh.

The shield, which resisted the dragon's breath, instantly shattered, turning into gold fragments; the dragon's tail remained unscathed, and continued to lunge at the barbarians who were threatened by the dragon.

When Severred appeared before the Dragon Mother, he slapped his horse back into the air and kicked on the dragon's tail with all his strength. His rushed kick was naturally not as good as a planned attack, and Severred flew upside down.

The dragon tail continued to sweep the team, but the Golden Shield and Severred's kick bought the team behind them a moment of precious time.

Those behind him were not mediocre, they struggled out of Longwei's deterrent, hurriedly turned over and got off the horse and rolled on the spot. The rest of the unlucky people who failed to break free, were driven off with horses, spitting blood, and died before they could reach the ground.

A magic missile with purple trajectory formed a barrage, attacking the lucky ones who escaped the dragon's tail and the dragon's tail attack range, it's the dragon's worshiper who shot it!

At this critical moment, barbarians showed their trump cards, either activated their gear magic, or tore up protective scrolls. At the worst, they also turned on frenzy to enhance their magic resistance, then protect key areas with generous weapons.

After a series of loud bangs, the broken limbs and blood flowed to the ground, and the hard-core barbarian was badly injured.

Severred's javelins, who were at least at Level 10, were the mainstay of the barbarian race, and they lost nearly ten people in the wave of attacks.

However, soon he had no time to care about others. In a shadow under the woods beside the road, an unknown black magic energy locked on him, silently but swiftly shooting at him.



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