White Dragon Lord

Chapter 51: Aquatic Beast Army

Chapter 51: Aquatic Beast Army

The next day, Bruce stood on the deck of the Bailey City fleets main ship, the Death Whisperer, looking at the horizon in the distance, with Lockman Willen serving on the side.

Bruce said, "How long will it take for us to reach that island."

Lockman estimated the time and replied, "At most half a day."

Bruce had no expression on his face. He lost about two hundred soldiers last night. Before even the war started, they had lost so many companions, the ordinary soldiers were a little depressed.

However, Bruce has never doubted whether he could win this, he had an archmage and a half-step legendary weapon master.

The high-level professionals sent by the family, plus the high-level professionals sent by the nobles made the combat power of the high-level powerhouses alone reach more than 30 people.

In addition, there were four thousand elite soldiers, each soldier was equipped with sophisticated scimitars and crossbows, as well as large war machines such as artillery and bed crossbows, which were enough to win a medium-sized battle.

"Look! What's that?!"

At this time, a soldier standing on the observation deck noticed an abnormality in the distant waters and yelled to interrupt Bruce's thoughts.

Bruce frowned, took out the monoculars, looked into the distance, and his expression turned solemn.

"Quick! Get ready to fight!"

"Damn it! That white dragon knows how to tame sea beasts!"

In the distance, a swarm of swordfishes leapt out of the water, their sharp and slender beaks gleamed with cold light, and the sharks with giant teeth sliced the sea with their huge dorsal fins, proclaiming their supremacy. Under the sea, a swarm of Murlocs could be seen, riding on copper-backed snapping turtles, wielding spears in their hands. A huge mass of black shadows could also be seen at the bottom of the sea.

The analytical ability of Amos's system, plus a druid, who could control some small-sized near-intelligent sea beasts without much pressure, so he formed an army of such large-scale battle beasts.

The army of beasts quickly approached the fleet.

"Ready for artillery fire!"

Each fleet commander saw the enemy entering the range of the artillery and roared, "Launch!"

Bang bang bang!

After a loud noise, the cannonball formed an arc and fell towards the enemy in the distance.

After entering the range of the artillery, Old blind commanded the Murlocs to control the beasts and dived into the 30-meter-deep sea. The mighty shells fell on the water, exploding a large chunk of water, but did not cause any harm to the enemy.

Bruce also discovered this problem, but there was no good solution, and he could only stare at the Murlocs in the sea.

Soon, the fastest swordfish approached the battleship, and the seven or eight-meter-long swordfish jumped out of the water, like a sharp arrow shot from the string, it flew directly at the soldiers on the deck. The slender beak penetrated the soldiers' bodies and carrying one or more screaming soldiers, it fell into the sea from the other side of the deck.

Weapons master Gandalf, with a long stick in his hand, ruffled the swordfish's beak and kicked it in the belly. The unlucky swordfish landed on the deck, bounced a few times and made no sound. If someone cut open the swordfish's belly with a knife, they would find all the swordfish's internal organs shattered.

Archmage Jax used magic to amplify his voice, and said, "Don't panic! Squat down! Look for cover!"

The wise mage could see the fatal flaw of the swordfish attack at a glance.

The second round of swordfish attacked, and some soldiers were lying on the deck. Sure enough, the swordfish flew in a parabolic trajectory and could not attack the soldiers who were lying down. Some bold soldiers raised their weapons and broke open the belly of the jumping swordfish. Due to the deep cuts, the swordfish's internal organs fell on the ground. After looking at the scene, other soldiers also followed suit.

A soldier hid behind the mast and thought he was safe, but a swordfish shot into the mast and penetrated his heart. However, the swordfish itself got stuck on the mast and was pierced by the sword by the soldier on that side.

Commander Old Jimmy saw that the swordfish in the second round of attack almost had no achievements, and motioned to Old Blind to stop the swordfish attack.

Old Jimmy led the casters to recite the spell, and rows of five-meter-high waves formed, hitting the battleship, and deflecting its trajectory. The soldiers hurriedly grasped the ship to stop themselves from swaying, but the artillery, shells and other supplies slid down from the deck falling into the sea, and many people were injured in the process.

The murlocs rode on the waves and boarded the deck to fight with the soldiers. The Murlocs deserved the title of the kings in the waters. They were not the opponents of the elite soldiers at all. The casualty ratio was three to one, and the swordfish joined the battle at this time, taking away lives.

The copper-backed snapping turtles in the sea formed a square array. Under the command of the Murlocs, the turtles' heads were raised and the water arrows were sprayed out frantically.

The huge black shadows in the water also arrived. Tentacles covered with suction cups rose from the sea splashing large amounts of water and grabbed the deck of the battleship. These deep-sea cephalopods wanted to pull the battleship over.

The human masters stood up and slashed at the octopus's huge tentacles with their weapons.

The octopus felt pain and released its tentacles, and swung them in the enemy's direction. It smashed toward the deck without distinction, and dusty mist rose in the air, and there were more bloody meat pies on the deck.

The giant-toothed sharks were underwater, hitting the iron hull of the battleship. Although they could not break the defence, they successfully made a dent in it. Sooner or later, the iron hull would be deformed and break open.

Seeing that the situation was not optimistic, Bruce ordered loudly, "Quick! Use a poisonous bomb."

The captain of each battleship took out a dark green alchemy bomb from the dimensional bag, activated it and threw it into the sea.

There was no sound, but the azure sea was dyed dark green and quickly started spreading.

The sharks and deep-sea octopus in the water contacted the poisonous water, their brains swelled, and after a while, they lost their lives and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this, Old Blind hurriedly withdrew his remaining beasts and led everyone to escape from the poisonous sea, and stopped in the distance and continued watching.

The Murlocs on the deck had no reinforcements, while the sea was poisonous, they had no way out, and they fought valiantly until death.

Bruce's face was livid, and he did not have the joy of repelling the enemy's attack. These poisonous bombs were originally prepared for the white dragons. They hadn't seen the boss, and yet his trump cards had been used up, and the artillery of the fleet was ruined.

Viscount Oliver said, "Master Bruce, our intelligence was severely insufficient. It would be very bad for us to start a war in the sea. Let's retreat!"

This time, his daughter caused such a big disaster. Although Earl Dumbledore did not blame her, Viscount Oliver was loyal and took the initiative to bring the masters of the Oliver family to join the war against the white dragon.

Bruce glanced at Viscount Oliver. The loyal battlefield veteran said the same thing he was thinking, so he borrowed the slope and shouted, "Retreat!"

Old Blind saw the fleet turning around, and noticed that the enemy was going to flee. He bypassed the poisonous sea area, and rushed to the front of the enemy's route, trying to intercept him.

A thousand meters away in the sea, the four white dragons enchanted themselves with the stealth magic and observed the distant battlefield. Seeing the enemy fleeing, the white dragons again enchanted themselves with various buffs and dived into the sea. It was time for them to emerge.

For a longship that was 30-metres-long, turning was a hassle. When the fleet changed direction, Old Blinds single eye was already waiting for it.

When the enemy ship sailed out of the toxic sea, Old Blind led the army to greet them.

The white dragons sneaked under the battleship, in the sea several hundred meters deep, and accelerated upstream, heading towards the battleship on the sea surface, and the sharp dragon horns pierced the bottom of the ship without hindrance.

When the white dragons sprinted, Jax and Gandalf on the main ship felt a powerful source of magic power closing in quickly.

"Not good!"

Jax and Gandalf jumped into the sea together, but it was still a step too late.

The white dragons drew out their dragon horns, and the seawater directly poured into the cabin through the damaged areas.

Underwater, the four white dragons watched coldly as the two masters jumped into the sea.


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