Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

After reassuring Nyx that I would play with her after making the next boss and ushering her out, I sat in my office and stared at the ceiling, juggling all of my thoughts. There was so much going on, so a lot of the work was piled on top of me. I groaned and leaned forward, resting my head against the table. The coolness of the wood pressed against my head, and I let out another short groan.

This was so much work. Not to mention I needed to get back to the expansion and keep running that. At the moment, the veterans were constructing many buildings and populating them with items. I still needed to finish laying the concrete down for the roads and ensure they would last the wear and tear. Thank god I asked Kharon to deal with the negotiations. Otherwise, I may have had a mental breakdown.

I took a deep, steadying breath, sat up, and cleared my throat. For now, I just need to take care of this boss, and then I can focus on other things. I reached out across the desk and grabbed my notebook and pen. Now, what did I want this character to be like? I flipped open the page and tapped my pen against the paper as my mind wondered.

Each tap of the pen echoed in my mind as I felt my mental grip slip. In a way, it was much like the allure of sleep, but this was something more. Another tap, I felt my head grow fuzzy, and a voice slithered its way into my mind. The voice, I recognized as my own, but the words didnt feel like mine.

Octavian Varus, thank you for giving me your time. As the words seeped into my mind, my office seemed to change around me, as a strange fog seemed to seep in from the walls. A warm orange light fought its way through a stained glass window on my far right, basking the room in a steady glow.

Across from me was a large man standing, who stood well over two meters tall. The warm light kissed a face that was marred by a countless number of scars that cross each other almost endlessly. A set of storm gray eyes were locked onto me as if he were trying to see through me. No Empress, the honor is mine. His voice was far deeper than any voice Ive ever heard, and he flourished a bow with ease. His battle uniform was perfectly straightened and hardly wrinkled as it reacted to his movements.

Please, take a seat. I know the journey here was a long one. My voice sounded weak and almost pathetic next to the man I now knew as Octavian. I struggled to speak once more, but the words didnt leave my mouth. In fact, it was as if I wasnt in control of my body.

Without another word, the large man sat down in a finely designed chair, which struggled to hold his entire body. I reached forward and grabbed a small porcelain cup covered in a myriad of flower designs. A tiny waft of steam slowly rose into the air as I swirled it around and took stock of the man before. I know my summon was rather unexpected and rushed, but you see, I need someone with your expertise. Not to mention, reputation.

The haze that seemed to crowd around the man slowly pushed to the side as more of his facial features became visible. His flesh was sun-kissed and had a slight leathery appearance as if it were dried from the constant exposure to the light. His nose was prominent, and his cheeks well defined. Honestly, he was a very handsome man, though in a rugged way.

What do you need from me? His voice boomed once more as he spoke.

I swirled around the cup of liquid, and the familiar scent of tea tickled my nose. Instead of answering, I brought the cup up to my lips, and the hot liquid rushed into my mouth. I could taste soft notes of vanilla interlaced with orange and honey as the tea coated my tongue and mingled with my taste buds. This was by far the most exquisite tea Ive ever had. As you know, we are beset on all sides by various forces. Not to mention the rise of the mortuary cult in the capital. Even the counts in the western states are struggling to fend off the Tyrrhenian threat. Morale is at an all-time low.

Octavian nodded his head as he reached up with a massive hand and ran it across a shaved head. Yes, I am well aware. Many of the nobles are calling for your removal and are even now trying to get you dethroned.

I could feel my body shrug as I watched helplessly. When the snakes rise to greet the sun, they will only meet an icy blade. The tea once more flooded my mouth, and even though I was struggling to escape, I couldnt help but be relaxed by the warmth that seemed to radiate from the liquid.

Ah yes. Many whisper that you are much like a dragon, yet you seem to be far more than that. Octavian nodded his head once, understanding the importance of my words.

Many think that I am weak. That Asteria is ripe for conquest. Many are making their moves, trying to capsize off the death of my father. I leaned forward and set the cup down. But they will realize their mistake once its too late, of course. However, because of some unforeseen events arising, Im forced to play my hand slightly earlier than planned.

You can plan for a thousand years, yet all it takes is for a single person to bring it to ruin. Octavian crossed his arms as he spoke. His clothing threatened to burst from the sheer amount of muscle that lay just under the surface.

Precisely. Which is why I have called you here today. I wish to appoint you as my Warmaster. My words filled the room and chased away all of the other sounds.

Empress, I am not worthy of that title. All the color in Octavians face faded away as he pushed himself from his chair and fell to his knees in front of me.

Do not dishonor me by lying, Octavian. For all the years you have served my country and my father, you have never sought fame nor fortune. I know very well of your feats and the respect that you command. I know of your character and the standards you hold yourself to. For years, Ive watched you turn away the empty triumphs that many seek. I will never bring you dishonor by giving you the same level of pomp that many of your colleges so desire. For you have never sought it. Instead, I am giving you what you so rightfully earned. Rise Octavian, not as a tribune of my legions, but as my Warmaster. I stood from my chair, looking down at him. The words that left my mouth seemed so alien, yet I could only look on with pride as I saw myself in a different light. As the Empress and woman I desired to be.

For a few heartbeats, the air hung still as he rose to a knee. His gray eyes alight with silent fury. I understand Empress. I will not fail you, nor will I bring dishonor to your name.

I stood there, gazing at him. From henceforth, you will now control all of my legions as if they were your own. Every order that you issue will be as if they came from my mouth. From this day forward, you will be known as Warmaster Octavian. Rise now, and take your mantle, and crush all who oppose me.

The man rose from his knees, standing many heads taller than me, yet, at this moment, he looked oh so small. I will begin immediately, Empress. The mans words, though whispered, were as loud as thunder in my ears. He placed his hand over his heart and gave me one last bow.

I stepped back and opened up a small compartment in my desk, and withdrew a ring. Across its surface was a finely etched design of a comet falling from the sky, shadowing a single sword clad in radiant flame encased by a golden frame. Instead of replying, I extended my hand towards him, with the ring nestled gently in the palm of my hand.

He reached out his large fingers, dwarfing my hand, and gently plucked the ring from me, which quickly expanded to match the size of his finger perfectly. Without a second thought, he slid the ring onto his finger, and any sense of trepidation seemed to melt away. Before, I stood a man with a renewed sense of purpose and will. The man who will help me defend Asteria.

As I sat down back in my chair, I stared at him once more, and thoughts that werent my own seeped in once again. In my eyes, he was a paragon of my empire and a man who was worthy of my hand in marriage. Yet, I also knew that my heart belonged to another. But as I tried to ply the thoughts that swam through my mind, they slowly faded. Just as I was about to discover the answer, it slipped from my grasp and with it, all the fog that had settled.

My head pounded as I tried to figure out what had occurred, at least until a script rolled across my vision.

You have created a new boss!

Name: Octavian Varus

Title: Warmaster of Asteria

Class: Martial Soul

Race: Asterian Revenant

Congratulations! You have created a unique mob!

+1000 essence!

Asterian Revenant: Once a living being of the Asterian Empire, its body and soul has risen to serve the Empress once more. Neither blade nor magic will stay its hand, nor can it be led astray. It is driven by an overwhelming sense of duty and will stop at nothing to see that its task is completed.

I tore my eyes from the screen and towards the massive man that now stood in my room. His once sun-kissed skin, now gray and decrepit. His uniform was ruined and covered in dried blood. Though as terrible as he may look, his eyes radiated a sense of power and intelligence that few could match.

His eyes fell on me, and with a swift movement, he took a knee before me. Empress, you have called, and I answered. Allow me to serve you once more. His voice was still as deep as it was in that vision, and yet it was filled with sadness that seemed to leak off of each word.

Just what the hell was going on?


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