Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

For what felt like an eternity, there were pointless words spoken between Kharon and Redrick. Mostly revolving around what was going to be brought into the domain and how. I toned most of it out, at least until he presented a small bag that had glittering clear stones embedded into the khaki-colored leather. A small twine band was wrapped around a radiant blue gem that sat in the center of the triangular flap.

"This is a gift from me to the Empress. Contained within are a bottle of Savarian red wine, a bundle of coins, and a few other things that I hope she will enjoy." Redrick sat forward, placed the bag onto the table, and slid it over to Kharon.

The skeleton reached out and took the bag, which quickly vanished into the recess of his black cloak. "I will pass on the message to her. As for the next batch of goods, we will have that delivered to you within a few days."

"That sounds splendid. How about the housing provision that we discussed earlier?" Redrick asked as he sat back and crossed his legs.

"We are currently working on that. The Lady is currently working on clearing a path towards the next town over. Once it is finished, we will gift you a residency there." The skeleton sat forward and laced his gloved fingers together.

Already, I was growing bored once more, and if I felt that, then there was no telling how the child must feel right now. I cast a quick glance down and saw that the little girl was trying to keep her eyes open. I guess all the new and exciting stuff must have worn her out. But at least she was trying to stay awake. Perhaps I should take her back so she can rest.

"Perfect. I think that covers all of us for now. The rest we can discuss once the next batch of goods has been finished. Now, I believe Cato wishes to speak to you." The redhead gestured toward the other man.

His eyes flickered between myself and Nyx before they finally settled on Kharon. "Thank you, Sir. Redrick." The man cleared his throat. "I am here on behalf of King Aurelius to ascertain the domain's intentions and to see if I can broker a deal between us. However, I wasn't expecting to see such guile."

Kharon focused on Cato, his burning red eyes flicking as if the flames that gave them life were stirring into full blast as he regarded the man. "Tell me Cato, what is it that your king desires?"

As Kharon's voice took a more magical undertone, Cato's eyes glazed softly. "King Aurelius seeks to hold back Velcrest and to rout out the nobility that does not hold any sort of loyalty to our country. Every day allegiances are changing, and new kingdoms are rising from the dust of the old. The times are changing, and we fear what is to come."

"Ah, well, Lady Asteria has made it clear that she doesn't wish to be involved in anyone's affairs, for Asteria is her first priority. However, even though that may be the case, we may still enter certain pacts that may benefit us both, albeit indirectly." The skeleton's voice rolled through the air like a soft tide. The magical nature of his words was but a soft edge that seemed to grow duller with each passing second.

"We wish to make an exclusive weapons deal and a nonaggression pact. There are far too many hounds out for blood, and we especially wish to avoid a war with an undead faction." The glaze that had overtaken Cato's eyes faded as fast as the magic that filled the air.

"Worry not, Lady Asteria has no desire to wage war on the outside, so we will happily agree to a nonaggression pact. As for a weapons deal, publicly, it's an offer we will have to decline since it would put us on a specific side. However, privately, it's an offer that we will happily take as long as you deliver the raw materials for it. Each exchange will be made privately, in a secure location."

Cato nodded his head as he sat forward in his chair. "That would be wise, yes. Many nobles are clamoring for the removal of this domain, but just as many are curious. We've never met a domain before that so openly deals in negotiations. While my power comes directly from the king, I still have to tread a careful line, for now at least."

"Ah. Worry not, Sir Cato. Any deal we make can be filed away on a private level, and will be honored." As Kharon spoke, I felt something brush against my arm. I glanced down and saw that Nyx had lost her battle with sleep and had passed out. I let go of her hand, placed my hand on her head, and looked around.

Cato was still stuck in a fierce deliberation with Kharon as the negotiations went forward. However, Redrick smirked as he looked at me, no doubt amused by the fact that I seemed to have a caring side to me. Gunther seemed slightly amused at the fact that the princess had passed out during a meeting. But I didn't care, really. Out of everyone in this domain, she and her mother are the only ones who slept.

'Lord Kharon, I will take my leave now. The princess has fallen asleep, so it's for the best that I get her home." I pushed my words through our mental link as I shifted my polearm and picked Nyx up, "Forgive me, but I must take my leave now."

'Ah yes, it's easy to forget about living necessities. I will keep you up to date about what has transpired here."

Cato glanced up towards me, his eyes locked onto Nyx, and his futures softened slightly. "I understand. Tell Empress Asteria that I send my regards and to thank her for sparing some time today."

"Of course," I replied as I positioned Nyx in a way that I could carry both her in one arm and my pole ax in the other.

"Farewell, Alessia," Redrick spoke up, and I glanced at him. The disdain I felt for him boiled under the surface, but I held it back. It was the right thing to do.

"Farewell Redrick, Gunther." I gave them both a nod as I headed out of the office. Nyx mumbled something in her sleep as she adjusted herself and wrapped her arms around my neck. 'I'll leave a few dark wraiths for you, just in case something happens.

I received a mental nod in return as I walked out of the office. All but two of the dark wraiths flooded out of the room, trailing behind us in the veil of darkness. The phantoms lurked a little further away, ever vigilant for anything that would be a threat to us. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the child as an excuse to get out of the meeting, but it was dreadfully dull. Diplomacy really isn't my thing, and I trust Kharon enough to leave him independent.

It took a few hours, but eventually, we made it back to the office. Most of the honor guards were in the training areas, with very few left in the main lobby. But the ones that guarded this place were amongst the best that I could offer. As I strode through the lobby, the honor guard dubbed as the blade masters noticed me and cracked off into a salute. I nodded at them as Nyx adjusted herself in my arms and mumbled something else quietly. The girl slept like a rock.

I weaved my way through the labyrinth underground and came to the door of the Empress's office. Posted outside were two spirits who had been tutored by Amari and myself to create a unique type of praetorian known as the Palatine Guard. At the moment, these were the only two, but they were fearsome warriors. Meticulously trained in assassination and frontline combat, these two were the cream of the crop, and hopefully soon, I can organize an entire platoon, at least when I get the troops for it.

The two nodded at me and opened up the door. As I walked through, I saw my Lady sitting on a chair. The mask she wore obscured her face, but her eyes screamed exhaustion. "Greetings, Empress." I bowed as well as I could, careful to not wake the child.

She lazily glanced over at me, "Oh, Alessia, hello. How was your trip?" As she spoke, a yawn punctuated her words.

As I went to reply, Nyx stirred and quickly jumped out of my arms. "Mother! I've missed you so!" She ran across the ground and threw herself into the Empress's arms. She stiffened slightly as her child wrapped her arms around her neck.

Lady Asteria seemed a little uncomfortable at the sudden onslaught of affection. Eventually, she caved and returned the gesture. "Hello there Nyx, how was your day?"

"It was perfectly splendid! Ms. Alessia and I explored the area! She showed me these little creatures, called squirrels, that were this big!" As Nyx spoke, she gestured wildly, and the Empress focused on her daughter. Nodding her head and listening to her speak.

Now that I think about it, she doesn't ever talk about her parents. Whenever she does, it seems like sadness is the dominant emotion. There was still so much that I didn't know about her, and yet I found myself wanting to know more about her. Yet the idea scared me, as it filled me with emotion that I have long since forgotten. Why was I like this?


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