Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

So I've read all of the comments about the POV question! 

 I started this novel with one thing in mind; I hate how most dungeon core novels are written. I really don't like the rules, the constant POV switching to stuff that isn't relevant, and other myriads of things. With that being said, with where Whispers is right now, (Chapter 75 as of writing this) The novel has taken off in a way that has me excited to write more! 

 I originally had a plan to POV outside of the domain, but the more I thought about it, and the more I read the feedback, the more I realized that it wouldn't be good. So any and all POVs will be in the domain since it makes the most sense, and since I wrote this book to have a dungeon core(Esq?) novel, I want to stay away from the stuff that doesn't make sense.

 A huge problem with many dungeon cores is that they tend to be, well, rinse, repeat, style with a few diamonds in the rough, and I want to push on the boundary a bit. I've already come up with a few key things to keep the story fresh and exciting. Most of which relies on Calixa's potential of being a domain core, and the story she has been building! One big idea that I have been pondering over, which will play a key role is kingdom building. I've read many, many, many lltrpgs, dungeon core, and various other novels, and one thought had always struck me. Why does the MC just kinda accept a world filled with magic and not do anything special with it? Someone with knowledge that we take for granted now and see as well common sense, but to someone from a time period that many novels like this take place in may be revolutionary, or even world-changing. 

 Without spoiling anything, let me tell you that Calixa, will be pushing many boundaries in the future, and Asteria will become a very lovely fusion between modern-day concepts and the impossibility of magic and undead. :) 

 Ps: (Don't worry about anything that might break this novel. like modern-day guns, or nukes. )

Anyways! Enjoy! Join my discord and patreon if you want to support me!

I stared out across the small gathering of undead that stood under us. They were all clad in the same military uniform and had various weapons and gear. However, what really had me worried was that the second warrant officer's name was tinted red. There was a mini-boss here. I glanced towards Gunther and back out across the outpost, unsure about what was to come. "So, how are we going to get off of this one?"

"I'm not sure myself. If that wall gives, we will have even more to contend with before. Think we have a solid chance of fighting our way out?" He gripped the staff and paced around. He was worried, and I don't blame him. However, we have fought our way out of even worse situations than this.

"I think if we.." My sentence was cut short when a horrible groan overshadowed the sounds that the other undead were making. I stepped back and drew my sword as I saw movement in the corner of my eye. Rising from the wooden flooring were two ghostly figures clad in a uniform that looked much like the one the undead below us wore. However, the most significant difference was that this uniform was dark, vibrant purple, and a stark contrast to the sickly green, translucent flesh.

I quickly analyzed the two new foes, and my heart sank all the more.

Praetorian Neophyte- Squire

Praetorian Neophyte- Squire

Both of their names were green, with a touch of red, which told me they were on the cusps of mini-boss strength. I believe they were both spirits, which would be difficult for us to fight as it was. The only way we could harm them was through the use of magic. I was a duelist and lacked any sort of magic, and Gunther could use the most basic of magic.

I mashed my teeth together as I brought my sword to a guard position. Our situation was growing even direr with each passing second. We stirred a hornet's nest when we entered this base. But I refused to die here, not when I had so much on the line.

The spirits both held swords that looked much like the sword that the Warrant officer held. However, these had a blue twinge that seemed to permeate them. It was almost as if the sword was slowly becoming as incorporeal as its user. I eyed my friend from the corner of my eye and gazed at me. His face told me he was worried about winning, which was rare. I turned my focus back to our foes and stepped forward as I channeled my duelist focus skill. Everything around me faded as I took stock of my opponent before me.

Usually, I would never use this skill against more than one opponent, but I trusted Gunther more than enough to do it. I already knew that I couldn't harm the spirit. What I really needed to do was just buy us some time as we tried to work out a plan to escape.

My foe bared its sword in the same way; its face was a little clearer with the skill active since it toned out most of my surroundings. The spirit seemed to be a male with a shaved head and wore an angry snarl across its face. I wonder why the spirit was so angry. Was that how it died? With a heart full of hatred? I gripped the hilt of my sword and shrugged away the thought. It didn't matter. All that mattered now was that we were about to fight, and I refused to die here and join them.

In a flash, the spirit crossed the distance between us, almost catching me off guard, its sword rushing towards my face. I stepped to the side, dodging it. Out of instinct, I sent my rapier forward with pinpoint accuracy towards where I knew the heart to be. However, much to my surprise, the spirit pivoted and used its hand to push away the blade and quickly launched a counterattack.

Its blade flashed towards my face, forcing me to activate my sidestep skill to dodge it. My body jerked as I landed, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the muscles in my legs burned from the usage of that skill. Side-Step was a high leveled movement skill that essentially sent your body into overdrive for a split second, and I could only use it twice more before my stamina reserve plummeted to critical levels.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself. I activated my second intention skill, which would allow me to feint once before delivering another blow with increased strength. With a thought, I used my advancement skill and rushed forward. The spirit placed its second hand in its blade, preparing itself for my attacks.

The tip of my rapier rushed forward towards its face, and it twisted its sword to block. However, the second half of my skill activated, and I flourished my blade towards its chest. However, instead of taking the blow, the spirit stepped in and to the side, bringing its sword down. Without a second thought, I activated Side Step and moved backward, out of the range of its blade.

My legs screamed, and it took everything I had to stay standing. I only had one more before my body couldn't take anymore. I could feel the beads of sweat as they ran down my head and legs. My lungs were burning, and my vision blurred slightly from the use of Side-Step. I was a renowned duelist, but this spirit was something else. Whoever trained it was a monster; I was starting to think that the label above its head was slightly off.

I cut my focus skill and kept one eye on my foe while searching for Gunther. I saw him on the other side of the room, dancing around the spirit, blocking a flurry of blows coming in his direction. While I was sucking down air, I searched around the area. We had to make a run for it, and we were in no state to fight our way out, especially with how powerful these two were.

I glanced at its name and saw that it was a neophyte, which meant this was the bottom of the barrel. If these two were that strong as beginners, I didn't want to fight anything above them. I circled around my foe as I tried to find an opening, to either attack or to make a break for it, but lady luck was not on my side today, with anything.

The spirit and I exchanged a few more blows as I tried to stall out more time. Thankfully, however, we were pulling about even in our exchanges. Neither one of us could gain the upper hand, and my companion was about the same. We circled around each other in a tight dance as we activated skill after skill. But my stamina was slowly dropping, so I had to rely on tighter footwork and stop being so aggressive.

It was just tricky. Everything I threw at this spirit was dodged or deflected with minimum effort. Shifting distances countered each strike and forced me to overextend far more than I liked. The spirit was goading me into opening myself up, and I was falling for it each time. If it wasn't a spirit, given time, I could probably wear it down, but at the moment, I was beating my head against an unmoving wall. I activated a blocking skill and narrowly avoided a blade that was plunging towards my heart.

I stepped backward as I took a few more deep breaths. Gunther stepped back as well, spinning his staff around. His face was cut and bleeding in multiple places, and his staff was chipped and flaking. "How are you doing, buddy?" I asked through my heavy panting.

"Not so good. I'm getting my ass handed to me." His voice was tired, and he sounded like he was on the verge of collapsing. Usually, we could pace ourselves better, but these spirits were hitting us hard and fast. Oh, how glorious it must be to not have to worry about stamina usage.

The two spirits circled us like cats, toying with their prey. I steadied my blade and focused on them once more as I was prepared to give them everything I had. If I was going to die here, it would be with my blade in my hand. Gunther must have come to the same conclusion as he pointed his staff outwards. "I think this might be it."

"Aye. It may be so. Just do me a favor. Die last, so you can kill me once more if I become one of those things. I refuse to live a life as an undead." His words were heavy and sad. Though I knew better than to pity him. He was a soldier first and foremost, and I knew he wasn't scared of death.

"I'll do my best." I swallowed another gulp of air, and I could feel the summoning stone pressing against my hip. Maybe if I used it, I could save us. I dropped my hand and patted the side where the stone was reassuring. There was still a chance for us to get out, and it wasn't the end yet. We both took another step back as the spirits pushed forward. Their blades hung menacingly in the air as if they were taunting us about our death.

Just as I activated my next string of skills, the sound of wood cracking filled the air and drowned out the drone of the undead for a moment. It must have shocked the two spirits as well since they tore their attention from us and searched for the source. Much to my surprise, however, instead of continuing to fight, they rushed towards the edge and jumped.

Gunther and I spun around to see what happened, and I felt my heart drop a bit as I watched the wall crumble from the constant barrage of attacks from the zombies outside.

The wall exploded outwards, and zombies began funneling through the gap that formed. However, terror quickly gave way to relief as I watched the former soldiers turn and confront the undead pushing into the outpost. The relief was so strong that it threatened to buckle my knees. Finally, we had a chance to escape, now that everything was distracted.


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