Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Hey sorry for being gone a while! I took a vacation and spent a lot of time building up my backlog. Consider checking out my patreon to see what's ahead! 

 I have three books on there at the moment. Codex Administratum, Whispers of a Dead Empire, and a litrpg novel called Crimson Empress. For 5$ a month you can read chapters as I write them! 

 Whispers goes up to chapter 62, and some chapters may be changed

 Codex goes up to chapter 12 

Crimson Empress goes up to chapter /silentoverseer

Also here is my discord! 


 A few weeks later

I cleared my throat and sat down the last book I wrote for the domain on top of a wooden barrel. I was standing on the docks, right next to my domain's exit. The fog was thicker here and far more tangible and ran through my fingers through it only to have it cling to my fingers like syrup.

Would you like to exit your domain?

The words danced across my vision, teasing me. I wasn't strong enough to leave, and even if I could leave, it's not something that I felt comfortable with. I had no idea what existed outside this realm, and I wasn't too keen on discovering it. Maybe once I learned more of this world, I would, but this was my home for now. I glanced back down at the book bathed in the soft white light of the lantern that floated above it, gave it a soft tap, accessed my menu, and set this book to respawn after a set amount of time.

I cleared the menu and cast Kharon a glance. He was standing in a longboat at its helm. A long paddle was clasped firmly in his hand as he waited for me. "There, I think everything is done. I have spread some treasure chests around the domain, scattered out various lore pieces, and whatnot. Respawn rates have been set, and item drop rates are good to go." I rattled off my mental list as I crossed the docks.

"Everything seems to be in order now. All the troops have been deployed and are now situated in key locations. The ferals have also been repopulated. The last thing that you have to do is just name your domain." His eyes brightened up once more under his hood, giving him a stunning appearance.

I sat down on the boat and crossed my legs as I brought up my menu. "Thank you Kharon, you can start the journey now while I work on that." The sound of the paddle breaking water was the only noise around us. The water was still and only reflected the faint moonlight and the air heavy and oppressive. It was odd, really. I kept expecting to hear waves as they moved, yet all that came was just the sound of silence. I tore my gaze from the lake and instead chose to focus on my menu. I haven't really looked through it lately, so there were many things to catch up on.

I brought up my weapon proficiencies to the middle of the novice level and even added in a few more, like pole-arm, staffs, two-handed weapons, and dual-wielding. It only required hours upon hours of non-stop training to get everything there, so hopefully, when I get to my first milestone, it will be worth it. I looked over the character sheet and saw that all my stats had grown considerably. In fact, it was almost inhuman how quickly I was growing. Though I suppose it has a lot to do with the fact that I didn't need sleep in my domain. It took me a bit, but I learned how to cancel the urge to sleep and instead just focused on training for hours at a time. Though a large part o that had to do with each upgrade to my stats. My stamina became more robust and allowed me to push myself to greater heights.

I wasn't even sure if I was still human anymore at this point. With my Ki core hitting the next stage of evolution and turning into a condensed core, my bones became stronger, and my stamina was through the roof. Each passing day I felt my humanity slip, and with all my companions being undead, I wasn't sure how to feel. Hopefully, once the adventures arrive, I could feel again, but for now, I was trapped, surrounded by an army of the undead.

I dismissed the screen and took some time to think.

I stared out across the lake as Kharon took us across. It was quiet, and for once, I didn't have to do anything. All I had to do was sit there and relax for a while. I did everything else there was to do. I worked on respawn rates with Kharon; I hid treasure chests, mob placements, drop rates, and whatever else in between, all while training and building up lore, at least for this area.

With a quiet sigh, I watched the water as it rippled from each impact of Kharons paddle, and the distant outline of the far shore broke through the deep fog. This was a peaceful, brief trip, one that I enjoyed a lot. I opened up my menu and went to my domain screen and towards the entrance settings. All I had to do was name this place, and it would be ready. As I expand the domain a bit more, I would have to add more things like this. Yet I was also afraid to, the moment the domain opened, would be the moment adventures could come and slay my people. Yet, I knew I could do nothing to stop it. It was the only way for them to grow stronger. As much as it tore me apart, I had come to terms with it. They would fight, and they would die in my name, and I would have to let them. It was the only way I could make it out alive. I typed in Asteria and confirmed my choice with a heavy heart. I still had a few hours left before we opened up, but I might as well get it out of the way.

I confirmed my choice just as the boat hit the dock, filling the air with a quiet thud, and Kharon stepped off and extended his hand outwards. I took it and stepped from the boat. Alessia stood on the dock, along with two members of the honor guard. Both held the rank of guard sergeants and were t2 elites. The first was a skeletal horror, about the same size as me, but held a large shield and spear made of bone. Lately, I have referred to him as Hektor, and funny enough, he held a hoplite class. Once I realized that it was amplified by others of the same class, I created a few more to compliment him.

The next was a spirit that dual-wielded two blades through telekinesis. Both were just typical Asterian patterned blades she wielded with grace. More than anything, she reminded me of an assassin, and once I get more boss positions open, I would promote her to be such. Her name lately has been Amari since it seemed to fit her. Her class was one option I saw for Alessia near the start, a spectral dancer, and she lived up to that class with the way that she moved.

"Mistress, the domain will be opened in just over an hour. Is everything to your liking?" Kharon asked as he stepped up beside me.

"Yes, I believe so. Rikard already recalled all the troops and finished construction on the roads. All the various buildings have been made, and I have created a lot of the environmental stuff. I've switched around the undead at the stronghold and added in a few more t2 elites. I think we are ready, Kharon." Some movement beyond the dock caught my attention, and I saw the squad that Hektor ruled over. There were seven hoplites at the moment, with all of them either zombies or skeletons. Sadly, I don't have enough material to outfit them, but that day will come soon enough. Just behind them were a few of the knight class t2s that acted as the vanguard and a few phantoms that lingered in the darkness that belonged to Amari.

"Good. How has your training been going?" Kharon asked as we walked on the road that the captain made. The hoplites fell into a lockstep around us as we walked. Amari vanished along with the phantoms, and the knights kept to the fringes. I sadly had to cut down the number of guards I had at the moment and weeded out a lot of the undesirables. There were still more in reserve, but now they served more specialized roles.

"Pretty good. All my proficiencies are now up to the novice level. I evolved shunpo into fleeting steps for faster and more precise movements. The boon for getting both Ki and my soul up to novice was drastically reduced usage. Now I wasn't killing myself using my skills, though I still had to be careful. Sadly, I haven't really focused on any other skills since I can't really learn anything else regarding magic, but I managed to bring my soul manipulation up to the novice tier."

"Good, good. When the adventurers arrive, you will siphon experience off of their kills, and if you wish to join the fray yourself, bonus experience." When he told me that, I felt my heart skip a beat. I don't think I was ready enough for something like that.

"For now, I think I will just sit on the sidelines. I much rather not risk myself. When I get powerful enough, I will consider it." I told him as we walked down the road. A small cabin was to my right that we recently built for the adventures to rest at. I instructed the surrounding undead not to attack it unless the adventurers provoked them. But for all intents and purposes, it was a safe haven.

As we walked down the road, we passed by a few checkpoints manned by a couple of the legionaries led by a corporal. My eyes kept drifting towards the clock that was ticking ever slowly downwards. "Are you ready for the adventurers?"

"Not really. I'm scared, and most of all, I am scared for the others. They don't deserve to die, but it's the only way forward." As much as I accepted the knowledge of what was to come, it didn't make it any easier for me.

"I know, Calixa, I know. Once we get enough essence stored up, we can leave this place and keep everyone safe." I nodded my head. The thought that one day, I could save everyone cheered me up a bit.

In the distance, I could see the stronghold through the trees. A few legionaries were outside milling about, and a few more lined the walls. The spearheads glittered in the moonlight. The fog here wasn't as deep as it was elsewhere, so I could still see. We marched in silence as we neared the gate that slowly swung open. The Lieutenant was standing there, next to the captain.

Aaron wore thick padding as his clothing, painted in the colors of the Asterian military. The rank of Lieutenant displayed proudly on his shoulders and breast. He looked as alive as a skeleton could at that moment. Rikard, on the other hand, looked absolutely menacing.

He wore a suit of plate metal that cost a fair amount of resources to make. It was a beautifully crafted piece of armor, painted grey and black, with various symbols of the empire, like a falling star and various magic symbols. Behind him was a long, flowing black cape that came down to his calves.

"Lieutenant, Captain," I called out as we arrived. Amari's group materialized from the shadows since we were in a safe zone and immediately joined the vast majority of my honor guard that was assembled here. I would leave a few out as tougher mobs for the adventures, but the rest would come with me.

They both gave me a nod, and I walked over to them, looking them over. "Are you two ready?" Aaron quickly replied with a brief chitter that I identified as being yes, and Rikard replied with a quick moan.

"Good, sound the alarm. The invaders will be here at any moment. Defend me and defend my empire. Do not betray my faith." I've been working on my acting, and I have to say, I am happy with how well it's turning out.

The captain made a quick gesture, and a skeleton ran across the courtyard and towards a few recently created buildings. At the top of one was a small bell that I made so they could communicate more easily. My eyes drifted towards the clock and saw that I only had a few brief moments left before the domain opened.

"Warriors of Asteria, hear me! The invaders are upon our doorstep! Do not let them take this stronghold once again. For behind this lies the motherland! Protect us, and above all else, protect me. Do not fail me." I yelled out with everything that I had, hoping to spur everyone just before I left. Once the domain opens, I will not be coming topside until I can adequately defend myself.

The surrounding undead roared out in agreement. The skeletons chittered and bashed their weapons into the shields, and the zombies screamed. The ghosts and spirits did their best, but they couldn't be heard. I turned towards kharon and gave him a soft smile. "Stay safe out there," I told him as my clock struck zero and the bell rang, signaling the opening of my domain.

"Of course, mistress. I won't let you down." His form became enshrouded in grey light as he teleported back to the entrance.

"Don't die on me," I whispered as I brought my menu up and teleported myself and my entire honor guard back to my office. While I left a secret entrance, I didn't want to take the time to get there. For now, I would get to my sanctum as quickly as possible and see what was to come.

Once we all materialized back into my office, my honor guard dispersed. Since I didn't want to leave them topside, I went ahead and quickly expanded the size of my office and made a few dorms and training areas for them. I also went ahead and portioned off a section for myself, so they wouldn't disturb me. Maybe one day, I would bring this entire area up and make it my dwelling.

Alessia stayed right next to me as I walked towards the door of my private dwelling. Two knights stood at the ready next to the door. One was a hulking zombie, while the other was a skeleton. The skeleton reached out with a simple movement and pushed open the door for me, and I stepped inside. My desk was in the middle of the room, along with a few books I made spread around the area. The same as it always looked, just a little more messy than before. Just behind that was a door that led to my bedroom that was cut into the rock.

Next to my desk was a chair for Alessia since she insisted she wanted one. Though I don't see why she was a spirit. But whatever made her happy at this point. I crossed the room, sat at my desk, pulled up my map, and quickly scrolled to the entrance. Kharon was busy paddling his boat across the river; just as four adventurers walked through the entrance. However, on the opposite side of the domain were four more that appeared, though it was hard to make out what or who they were. Let's see what happens and how they fair here in my realm of undead.


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