Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Her swords hit the ground with a clatter, and everything stopped. The flames that jumped to the sky stopped mid-air. A thoughtful hum escaped from Kharon's mouth as the images flickered and the song ended.

I was disappointed by how quickly it ended, but a part of me was also relieved. It scared me with how much magic and strength were flying around. They were both so powerful. It was as if they were both forces of nature. So I'm glad that Alessia knows her limits.

Carefully I pulled Nyx into me a little tighter than before and whispered in her ear as I watched the two talk to each other. "Did you enjoy that?"

She nodded her head slightly. "Yes, mother. It was very insightful. Ms. Alessia is mighty." She crossed her arms and gave me a curt nod as if she were thinking something through, but I wasn't sure what. "But so is Mr. Kharon."

"That she is. I remember when Alessia wasn't as strong as she is now. It's amazing how fast she grew." I felt a small smile cross my face as I remembered those times. I remember when she was just a spirit, I designed to watch over me. But watching her change into the woman that she is now was something that made me proud.

Nyx sat there quietly, staring out across the stage before she opened her mouth again. "Mother, I have a question."

"What is it?" I asked as I settled in, rested my chin against her shoulder, and watched the two talk underneath me. They were far enough away that I couldn't make out what they were saying, but more than likely, they were discussing the duel.

"What is going on between you and Ms. Alessia?" She asked softly as she leaned back into me and rested her arms on top of mine.

My heart jumped in my chest at her question. It was something that I really didn't want to answer, but I also didn't want to lie to her. What Kharon said earlier was also fresh on my mind, and I knew Nyx would somehow get to her own conclusions, which wouldn't be good for anybody. But what was I so scared of? "Well, I care about Alessia a lot." That sounded lame, and I knew it, but I wasn't really sure what to say about it.

"More than you care about me?" Her hair obscured her face from the angle I was sitting at, so I reached up and brushed it back. Her face was as still as a statue, but I could see something. Maybe just a touch of sadness. No, maybe it was jealousy.

"Here is how you can look at it. You occupy my heart. You are my little Nyx, and nothing can change that. Alessia compliments me as a whole. She makes me very happy, and what I feel for her is slightly different from what I feel for you." I kept one arm wrapped around Nyx, and the other gently went through her hair. I enjoyed how silk-like her hair was under my fingertips.

"How so?" The jealousy that I could faintly see on her face faded slightly, but it was still there.

"Well, Alessia" I trailed off slightly as I tried to find the right word. She was my girlfriend, right? It wasn't something that we talked about, but there wasn't really another name for it, was there? "Alessia is my girlfriend."

I could see Nyx's face scrunching slightly as she processed what I said. "What is a girlfriend?"

I found myself biting my lip as I tried to put it into the right words for her. "Well, it's someone who you are with romantically. But it can be a boy or a girl. In this case, Alessia was the one I decided was for me."

A quiet hum came from her throat. "Hmm, does that mean Alessia is your mate?"

I felt my face light up at her choice of words. It was such a vulgar choice that caught me off guard. "Erm. Something like that." I conceded slightly, as it felt like the right path to take. Maybe this would be the best way for Nyx to understand what is going on.

My eyes drifted from Nyx's face to the stage. Kharon and Alessia standing close to each other, locked in a deep conversation. Alessia's hands were down by her thighs, and she was nodding her head. Kharon's jaw was working in overdrive, and his hands were making rapid movements. For some reason, I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"I agree with your choice. Ms. Alessia is strong." Nyx's voice tore my attention away from the stage and back to her.

"So you aren't angry?"

"No, mother." A wave of relief coursed through me at her words. I wasn't sure why I was so scared. Maybe I was just worried that she wouldn't be okay with it.

"Good. I'm glad." I smiled once more as I looked back towards the stage and saw that the conversation between the two was already wrapping up. The fringes of the stage became like dust as the scene started to unravel.

I let Nyx go as I sat back in my chair. The countless amount of red velvet chairs around us quickly became sand and vanished on the lifeless current that pulsed through the room, at least until it all faded away. Then we sat back on the training grounds. The sun sat low in the sky, and sad grey clouds slowly crawled through the air. The stench of burnt flesh had already faded on the wind, leaving that same familiar scent of undeath that hung low in the air.

"Empress." Alessia walked over to Nyx and I and gave me a slight bow.

"Alessia, you did very well." I smiled at her, hoping to convey approval in my words. I really was proud of her. She was so strong, and she was only getting stronger with each passing day. She was my knight, and all she lacked was shining armor.

"Thank you, Empress." She bowed once more to me, and a faint smile adorned her face.

"Mistress, your chosen is very powerful." Kharon stepped forward. All the damage on his cloak was now gone, and it looked as pristine as ever. "If we went any further into the second phase, then it was likely that we both would have been severely hurt, so it was for the best that the duel was called off."

"Ah, I understand. I'm glad that both of you know your limits." With a quick pat on Nyx's head, I thought over what I had watched. Kharon has phenomenal control over magic. I wish I could say I've seen nothing like it, but I have little to base it on. Alessia was a monster with her swords. Perhaps I should craft her some more weapons at her disposal, not just the polearm.

"Ms. Alessia, I see now why mother decided to take you as her mate." Nyx jumped up, threw her arms around Alessia with a soft giggle, and held her close. I felt my face light up once more as I called out her name and told her that was inappropriate.

"Oh do you now?" Alessia placed her hand on Nyx's shoulder, and she chuckled. It was a soft chuckle that sounded almost like a choir of small bells.

"I like you, so it's okay." Nyx pulled away from her and rushed back over to me. On her face was plastered a small smile. All traces of the jealousy from earlier were gone and instead was just a look of content.

I bit my tongue back from trying to ruin the mood a bit. Though a part of me was a little furious about what had occurred. Well, not furious, maybe just a little annoyed, but I would let it slide for now. I was just happy that Nyx was accepting of it all.

I went to speak up until a deep thunderous voice broke through the air. "Empress. Lord Regent, Princess, and Chosen, It's a pleasure to see you again."

My eyes shot up, and I looked at the giant standing nearby. He was wearing the standard issue combat uniform that all my troops wore. Across his back was the giant sword that I had created for him. It was a massive weapon; if I wasn't mistaken, it was called a great knife. It was one that I designed off of one of my favorite horror game series. Sadly, however, it stopped being made, at least when I left earth. Well, the last one that I played was that demo.

Maybe it was a bit on the nose, but I think it fits. A symbol for people to fear, both inside and outside of the domain. Something that would be memorable and would sear the memory into their mind. "Octavian, hello." I flashed him a smile and sat back in the bleacher.

"I have come to inform you that the funeral gathering is over. We will depart in just a few hours. Stragglers have been roaming in from the surrounding countryside, but the stronghold is still under-manned." He crossed his arms across his chest, and his muscles' sheer size threatened to tear free from the fabric.

Hmm, it looked like there was still a lot of work for me.


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