Whispers of a Dead Empire

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Hello! I wanted to take a moment to address a few things that a couple of you have pointed out! 

 This novel will never be based around romance. I know some of you may think that it's now the driving factor, on top of a child raising story. That isn't the case. I also know that some of you feel like the romance was rushed, and I'm sorry. Perhaps it was, and I'm sorry. I'll do my best to smooth it out, and make it a bit more seamless in the future. If you have any sort of feed back what so ever please give it to me! Anyways, enjoy :)

Worry ate away at my mind as tears poured down my face. I was so scared. My eyes went to my notifications as my heart clenched in my chest. I pleaded with whoever would hear me as I glanced through my notifications, dreading seeing that she had died. My eyes skimmed over everything that I deemed unimportant. The rest I filed away until later.

I felt relief at seeing that nothing like that had existed. But why wasn't she answering me? I reached down and picked up her weapon, and stared at her. "Don't worry, Alessia. I'm going to get you somewhere safe." I wrapped an arm around her waist, and keyed in the teleport function. The world around me distorted as I was moved back to the stronghold. I had to take her here since I didn't want to pull Kharon away from Nyx. Not until I knew what was wrong with Alessia.

The millisecond that the world stopped moving, I looked around to find the closest soldier, which was a zombie. "You. Go to the inner sanctum. Find Kharon, and tell him to meet me in the first guest room. Now." I hissed through my teeth before my eyes met a skeleton that was standing at attention close by. "You, carry her weapon and follow me." I passed the pole arm quickly before I took Alessia in my arms.

She was so light. Even more so than a feather. I was terrified that she would float away if I let her go. So I clung to her, like she was a tether, as I pushed into the stronghold, my eyes set on the inner building. My body burned, and exhaustion gnawed at my mind. I wanted to curl up and sleep, but I couldn't. Not yet. Not until I knew she was okay.

I landed in front of the door, shifted my weight to my side, and pushed the door open, wholly ignoring the two guards that sat close by. I didn't have time to wait around for them to move. Without a pause, I pushed further into the building and quickly delved into its depth to get to the guest room suite.

My heart was hammering away in my chest nonstop, and I could feel sweat mingling with my tears as I reached the door. I needed to keep it together. Falling apart now wouldn't help anybody. I adjusted Alessia slightly in my arms, reached out to the handle, quickly flung the door open, and rushed into the room.

I crossed the small distance between the door and the bed and gently laid her down. Her eyes still lacked their luster, and her body hung limp. The blue liquid that ebbed freely from her cuts had lessened, yet it still tore me apart to look at her. I placed my hands over the worst of them, trying to staunch the flow in any way possible. Yet it seemed to only adhere to my fingers like a thick syrup.

I pushed harder and begged for it to stop. My irritation grew as I felt like my clothing was pressing down and restricting my movements. It usually would never bother me, but now it was a thorn in my side. A low growl escaped from my lips as I yanked my mask off and threw it across the room. The cool air kissed my face, and I took a deep breath. I wiped away some of the sweat and tears crowding my face before turning my attention back to Alessia. The flow of blue blood had finally stopped. My hands were numb, and my eyes stung. Every part of me hurt and begged me to close my eyes, but I couldn't. But I didn't know what else to do.

The door squealed on its hinges as Kharon glided into the room. His scarlet eyes blazing like a muted fire. "Mistress, I came as quickly as I could."

"Kharon, I don't know what's wrong with her. I've done everything that I can." I sniffled and wiped away more tears that were coming down my face.

Gracefully, he slid across the room and towards Alessia and reached his hand out, and placed it gently against her forehead. His eyes dimmed for a few seconds before he retracted his boney hand. "Ah, she is suffering from soul strain."

"What is that? Will she be okay? How long will she be out?" I barraged him with questions as I reached out and took her hand in my mind, trying to fight the thoughts that threatened to drag me into their cold, unfeeling depths.

"It's caused when you push your soul past its limits. Much like a well, if you over tap it and don't give it a chance to refill. She may be out for either a few hours or a few days. Once she wakes up, she should be okay. However, I do not recommend moving her from this spot. Being a spirit, she is more susceptible to having it strained even more from excess movements."

As he spoke, relief quickly replaced much of what I felt. Though anxiety was still there, lurking in the corner of my mind.

"Kharon, can you help me clean her up? I don't want to leave her lying here like this." I wiped away more tears as I stood up and took off the damaged clothing. Ever so gently, peeling it back from her body. The sickening sound reached my ears as I winced and stripped away. A spark of rage lit in my chest and burned gently like a candle. I'll have my vengeance.. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But I'll make them pay.

Once we were finished, I laid a blanket over Alessia and fixed her hair slightly, and closed her eyes. Since it only felt right. My tears had long since dried up, and now I was just so tired. "Kharon, thank you." I pulled a chair over and sat down next to Alessia.

"Of course, Mistress. Would you like me to fetch Nyx for you?" He gave me a slight bow. His words seemed quieter than usual.

"Please. Would you also fetch me the Palatines as well? I will not leave Alessia here by herself, and I'll feel better with them close by." I sat down on the chair that I positioned close by the bed and leaned over to lay my head down close to her. Already, I was feeling the familiar pangs of heartache and depression tugging at me.

Kharon stood, regarding me with eyes that I still couldn't read. "I will be back momentarily." He bowed once more before he vanished in a display of muted gray light leaving me in the room with just Alessia.

"Oh, Alessia, why did you have to be so stupid?" I reached up and grabbed her hand and interlaced my fingers with hers, and layed there. However, in the blink of an eye, I passed out, at least until I felt a presence slam into me.

"Mother!" Nyx's voice chased away a portion of the depression that I felt in that moment.

"Nyx." My words came out as a slight purr as my heart jumped in happiness. Though weariness still crushed me, I fought it, just so I could see her. I pulled my hand away from Alessia and wrapped my arms around Nyx, and held her close.

"What's wrong with Ms. Alessia?" She asked as she pulled away from me. Her emerald eyes pulled away from me and affixed themselves to Alessia.

"She is just resting for now. She will be awake soon, okay?" I gazed at her small face and mindlessly ran my fingers through her silk-like hair.

"Mother, it isn't fair." She pulled her eyes away from Alessia's sleeping form and back towards me. "Why can't I help?"

"Because you are my daughter, and I refuse to let anything happen to you." I pulled her closer to me as I spoke. She was my little girl. She may be my familiar, but above that, she was a fragment of my soul. I will take care of her, no matter what.

"But mother, I can take care of myself! I'm a dragon." She pulled away slightly and puffed her cheeks at me.

"That may be so, but everyone out there right now is far stronger than you. You would only get hurt. Even worse, you could be killed, and that is something that I won't allow." After today's incidents, I realized that a few people here were my anchors. They kept me centered and gave me a purpose. If they were taken from me, then I honestly wouldn't know what to do.

"But mother." She huffed again and crossed her arms.

"No buts. The only way I would allow it is you can fight both of the palatines and win. Only then will I let you." It seemed like a fair trade. The palatines were the best mob that I had. They were potent and, above all else, deadly. So it would give her a chance to learn how to fight correctly on top of her schooling. Besides, it would buy me a few years to think of another excuse.

In her eyes, it was a victory, no matter how small. Though I don't think it clicked with her how daunting and impossible the task would be. But, if I knew anything about her, it's that she is going to get what she wants one way or another. "Deal." She jumped off of my lap and quickly scrambled across the room and onto Alessia's bed.

I shifted back into the position that I was in before she arrived and interlaced my fingers with hers once more. Oh, my sweet Alessia. "Mother, will you be here tomorrow?" Nyx's voice rang in my ear like the sweetest of bells.

"Yeah. I have a few small things to take care of, but outside of that, I will be here." I gently ran my thumb against Alessia's hand. Hoping and praying that she would be okay.

"Good. Can we spend some time together tomorrow, then?"

"Of course." My words became a whisper as darkness crept in from the edges of my vision.

"Okay." There was a glimmer of hope in her words that I tried to latch onto, but I couldn't stay awake any longer, and a few heartbeats later, I felt darkness take me gently into its arms.

"Mistress." Kharon's words pierced the darkness and pulled me from my slumber. My eyes were bleary, and my neck ached from sleeping in an awkward position. My body still hurt, but it wasn't as bad as before.

I sat up and wiped away the tiredness from my eyes, and glanced over towards my two girls. Nyx was curled up next to Alessia and was fast asleep. Alessia was still out cold, which sent slight pangs of heartache through me. "Yes, Kharon?" I whispered to not wake Nyx.

"Redrick is here now. He's waiting for you in the meeting room."

Ah, fuck. I feel like shit, and I probably looked it too. I glanced down at my cloak and saw that it was covered in dry blood and looked tattered. I pulled it off with a grimace and threw it to the side. Thankfully, my underclothes were still in good condition and looked professional enough for a meeting with him. "Good. Let's walk and talk. I also want the briefing as well." I stood up and dusted off my shirt, and quickly ran my fingers through my hair.

"Are you not going to bring your mask?" Kharon walked into the room, bent over, and reached out. Its surface was covered in dried blood and dirt, and honestly, it was unpresentable.

"I have neither the drive nor the will to make another, nor do I wish to leave the stronghold. So this will do for now. Besides, it's just Redrick." I shrugged as I stood up and walked over to him. Let's get this meeting over with.


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