While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 53: The secret of refining the internal organs, the five internal organs of the human body

Chapter 53: The secret of refining the internal organs, the five internal organs of the human body

Chapter 53: The secret of refining the internal organs, the five internal organs of the human body

After Su Xing left the training venue, several students on the other side quickly gathered around to see the numbers on the training machine.

"One...ten...hundred...thousand...ten thousand! Damn it, the force of that fierce man's punch just now reached 150,000 kilograms?"

"It can't be so high, right? One hundred and fifty thousand kilograms, this is a number that only most master-level power professionals can blast!"

Could it be that the fierce man just used a power-increasing skill? Thats why he achieved such power?

"You're stupid! The fierce man punched four times in a row just now. The numbers were 151376kg, 149789kg, 155678kg and 157689kg. This kind of person usually does not use skills. It should be someone who has just broken through and comes to the venue to test his strength. !

Thats right, besides, who would use skills when facing a training machine? Isnt this unnecessary?

So, there is another fierce guy in the senior year of our school? He has a punching power of 150,000 kilograms, close to 150 tons! This should only be achieved by a master-level professional, right?

These students were talking a lot, nodding frequently, with envy flashing in their eyes.

Im so envious! Im afraid that the senior just now is ranked in the top ten in terms of strength in the entire senior year, right? But such a fierce person...why have I never seen him before?

Quickly, quickly, take the photo and post it on the school forum, it will definitely set off a storm!

Su Xing was already far away from the training venue at this time, and he didn't know what the students behind him were thinking.

To be cautious, Su Xing walked around the school a few times to make sure no one was following him before returning to the boys' dormitory. Then in a deserted corner, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Blessed Land.

Wait until early the next morning, Su Xing came out of the blessed place and returned to the dormitory.

In this way, no one should be able to discover my identity...

By this time, the effect of the disguise pill had worn off. Su Xing lay in the dormitory and took a sip of Coke, his mind constantly spinning.

When I reached the Great Perfection of the Bone Forging Realm, my strength had already reached more than 200,000 kilograms But why could my strength only reach over 300,000 kilograms when I reached the ninth level of the Fu Refining Realm?

Su Xing had some doubts in his heart. This upgrade from the Great Perfection of the Bone Forging Realm to the Ninth Level of the Fu Refining Realm was definitely a transformation of strength, but it did not add much to Su Xing's strength.

Perhaps the real power of the Fu-Refining Realm lies in other things?

Wake up and think deeply, then enter the blessed land of Lingtian and start performing martial arts.

With each punch and kick, Su Xing used all his strength. There was a sonic boom in the air when the speed of his punches exceeded the speed of sound. If the space in this spiritual field blessed land was not stable and the air contained a large amount of spiritual energy, Su Xing's martial arts performance might have caused a stir. Heaven and earth move.

Su Xing had been practicing martial arts from night to early morning, and then he felt exhausted. He couldn't help but sit down and take a sip of spiritual spring water, and began to regulate his breathing.

Su Xing is sitting cross-legged in the blessed land, and the surrounding spiritual energy is constantly nourishing Su Xing's physical body, allowing Su Xing's physical strength to recover quickly.

I see, the secret of the Fu-Refining Realm is not the strength, but the inner improvement of the body-refining monks!

"The first realm of body refining monks is the body refining realm, also known as the channel connection realm. This realm is to lay a solid foundation and lay the foundation for the body refining path. It mainly nourishes the body, and it also has good effects on combat effectiveness and strength. bonus."

"As for the second realm of body training, it is called the bone forging realm. This realm mainly improves the strength of human bones and physical bodies. As the strength increases, the strength will soar! That's why my previous strength was able to increase to 300,000 kilograms. , this should be the level that can improve the combat effectiveness the most in the early stage! The third state of body refining is the viscera refining state! What is the viscera refining state? It is to strengthen the internal organs, a bit like the internal skills in martial arts novels, to strengthen the internal strength! "

Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

Strengthening my heart can improve my ability to continue fighting, and my strength will be endless. Before, I might have been exhausted after fighting for an hour, but now I will gradually exhaust myself after fighting for three or four hours...

Strengthen the kidneys. The kidneys belong to water and can store essence and receive qi. The essence, qi and spirit of body-training monks are very important, and are critical to maintaining the operation and balance of the entire body.,

Strengthen the liver. The liver is the place where poisons are detoxified. After reaching the state of refining the internal organs, all poisons in the world will not invade. Even poisonous snakes and centipedes will not harm me. Only poisons that can deal with monks can be effective on me."

Strengthening the lungs can make the bodys breath last continuously, and even gain the ability to breathe and exchange underwater.

Strengthen the spleen. The spleen is the hematopoietic organ of the human body. The most important thing for body training monks is to have abundant qi and blood. Only when the spleen is strong can the whole body of qi and blood be perfected, and then the strength can be steadily improved!

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

From this point of view, the Refining Zang Realm is more like a transitional realm that connects the past and the next and restrains oneself...and perhaps it will not be until the fourth realm, the Yuanwu Realm, that there will be a huge transformation in strength!

A flash of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he had his own preliminary understanding of the Zang Refining Realm.

After regaining his strength, I took a bath when I woke up. I washed away the smelly sweat all over my body and felt free and clear again.

As soon as he returned to the real world, Su Xing found that Jin Congxue contacted him.

"My big boss, are you here? My aunt is very busy during this period... Your chamber of commerce is almost established. Do you want to come and hear the plans for the future chamber of commerce? By the way, we have also prepared the equipment for you this week. Already

"Aren't you going to answer me? Good guy, are you enjoying being a shopkeeper? My aunt worked very hard to establish your chamber of commerce, but you don't even come over to see the members?"

Jin Congxue sent several messages in succession, but unfortunately there was no signal when Su Xing was in Lingtian Blessed Land, so he was never able to receive them.

So Su Xing quickly replied:

Auntie, I was wrong. Wherever you are now, I will come to you right away! (Regret.jpg)

Jin Congxue replied in seconds:

I used the money from the Tarot Club to buy the villa that was before Jins Trading Company and used it as my initial residence.

Wait for me for fifteen minutes, Ill be right back!

Su Xing replied quickly, then rushed to the school gate, took a taxi and went to the villa area where he met Jin Congxue before.

Jin Congxue is wearing a light yellow floral dress today, and her waterfall-like black hair is spread out randomly, perhaps because of taking the beauty pill. The whole person looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, with delicate skin and youthful appearance.

In addition to Jin Congxue, there were more than a dozen professional-looking people in the villa.

Most of them are gray-haired old men, and a few are young women who seem to be Jin Congxue's best friends and secretaries.

Jin Congxues eyes lit up when she saw she woke up, and she quickly introduced:

"Su Xing, you are finally here... Let me introduce to you, these are the elders of our Tarot Chamber of Commerce, the appraisal masters Mr. Wang, Mr. Rui, Mr. Liu..."


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