When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 152: Starting Gift Pack (Requesting Monthly Votes!)

Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Starting Gift Pack (Requesting Monthly Votes!)

Upon hearing the voice prompt,

Chen Cang couldn’t help but feel a surge of happiness!

It was truly a double celebration.

It seemed that Wang Yong had passed the assessment.

After spending time together recently, Chen Cang and Wang Yong had grown increasingly harmonious, and Chen Cang was pleased for him for passing the assessment.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang couldn’t help but say to Li Baoshan, “Wang Yong passed!”

Li Baoshan was taken aback, “How did you know?”

Chen Cang, “I guessed…”

Li Baoshan rolled his eyes, “Right, how’s the teaching of that minimally invasive small incision technique going? Have they learned it?”

At the mention of this, Chen Cang couldn’t help but get annoyed-the group was too incompetent, weren’t they?

Not a single one had learned it!

Chen Cang shook his head in disappointment, “I don’t know, perhaps everyone hasn’t tried it yet, it’ll be fine once they have the opportunity to try!”

Li Baoshan nodded and left.

Finally, Chen Cang had the time to explore what the mentor-disciple system was all about!

[Ding! Mentor-Disciple System activated!]

[Current disciple: Wang Yong, level: lvi5; details…]

[Mentor-Disciple Bond: Battle experience bonus, when both mentor and disciple participate in surgery together, a 20% clinical experience bonus is obtained.]

[Graduation Gift Pack: Every time Wang Yong increases by 5 levels, you will receive a Graduation Gift Pack.]

After seeing this, Chen Cang couldn’t help but feel joyful.

The Mentor-Disciple Bond is a good thing, speeding up leveling.

As for the Graduation Gift Pack, Chen Cang still felt he should look forward to it -who knows, what if there’s something good inside, like… a divine artifact?

Upon opening Wang Yong’s details, Chen Cang looked through them for a while, finding them fairly standard. After all, he was just a level 15 resident doctor, with mostly intermediate skills and one advanced skill: skin suturing. This must be due to spending a lot of time with Li Baoshan, responsible for closing the abdomen after surgery, thus developing good suturing skills.

There were also two rewards, one was level +1, and the other was skill special training.

This time, Chen Cang played it safe; special training couldn’t be used carelessly, considering it could possibly reach a perfect level of operation. If wasted, who knows how much he might regret it.

The other reward, level +1, was currently unattainable; he must wait until reaching level 20 and completing the class change task to claim it.

To be honest, Xu Wenbin felt some regret when leaving the emergency department!

Chen Cang differed greatly from the image he had in mind.

How could such a young emergency doctor support the improvement of a new surgical technique? Perhaps he learned it somewhere?

At this thought, Xu Wenbin sighed. How many geniuses could there be? To improve a new surgical technique was not just hard for Xu Wenbin himself, but even for their Provincial People’s Surgery Director and Vice President Liu Siqi, it would be difficult.

And this was for one of the most common surgeries.

In fact, the more common a surgery is, the harder it is to improve the technique, because its development has already reached a mature stage, making progress increasingly difficult!

But that young man Wang Yong had great potential, whether in learning ability or surgical skills, he should experience a strong enhancement.

Hopefully, when he sees him next time, he will have reached a new level!

With this in mind, Xu Wenbin couldn’t help but shake his head, feeling he was too greedy. In the ER of the Provincial Second Hospital, only Director Li Baoshan was a figure of note; he hadn’t heard much about the others.

At noon, the hospital’s official website announced the list of names for this assessment.

All internal medicine staff in the emergency department passed the assessment, and Wang Yong from emergency surgery also passed smoothly; for the emergency department, this was certainly a joyous occasion.

Since everyone lived and worked closely day in and day out, forming a bond, the unanimous passing of their assessments led Baoshan to strike his wallet decisively, deciding to treat everyone to a meal!

This was quite rare in normal circumstances as Director Li was not the type who enjoyed bustling events, but he must have been happy!

With a smile, Li Baoshan said, “After work tonight, those from internal and surgical who aren’t on duty, let’s all go together. This is a happy event for our emergency department and it’s worth celebrating!

Upon hearing this, the crowd began to cheer.

A good mood accompanies good news, and Li Baoshan, also smiling, said, “These young comrades have successfully become contracted staff, thanks to everyone’s hard work and help. Today, in fact, I am holding an appreciation banquet for you all, and today you should really thank your teaching doctors.” Wang Yong managed a forced smile, “Director, my teacher won’t be able to make it!”

Everyone was momentarily stunned, “Isn’t Li Director your teacher, Xiao Wang?”

Wang Yong grinned sheepishly, “My current teacher is Chen Cang! Teacher Chen.”

As soon as Wang Yong finished speaking, the room erupted into a roar of laughter.

“Wow! Little Chen has become a teacher now. Judging by Xiao Wang’s attitude, it seems he’s been taught well!” Shi Na teased.

Qin Yue also joked, “Wang Yong, you need to be selective in what you learn, ? don’t pick up any bad habits, following the bad won’t lead to anything good!” Old Chen simply assumed an air of unaffected wisdom, “This is all thanks to my good teaching!”

Chen Cang was quite popular in surgery; after all, except for Yuan Fan, Chen Cang had almost made a complete round of gaining everyone’s favor. Laughing, Wang Yong said, “So Director, how about rescheduling for another day, maybe on a weekend or something, when we won’t need to rearrange a lot of shifts.”

The others nodded in agreement, as weekdays were, after all, busier.

Li Baoshan immediately agreed, “That can be arranged. Xiao Wang, why don’t you take responsibility for this? You’re often involved in and hosting various events.”

Wang Yong nodded; he frequently played host to the department’s recreational activities, which he was quite adept at.

“Let’s do it on Saturday then. There are more people off on Saturday. We’ll release the exact location and time in the group, and everyone can arrange their shifts themselves,” Wang Yong added.

Yuan Fan was suddenly taken aback; he was on duty Saturday night!

With that thought, Yuan Fan awkwardly smiled, “Wang Yong, I’ve got the night shift on Saturday! You see…”

Wang Yong, thinking Yuan Fan was reluctant to go, gave a smile, “Alright, no worries, Yuan Fan. You stay on your shift; work is important after all!”

Yuan Fan was taken aback!

Is that what I meant?

I was trying to say I’m on duty, could you swap it?

What do you mean ‘no worries’?

Chen Cang can change his shift, but it’s ‘no worries’ about me?

Fuming, Yuan Fan glared venomously at Chen Cang.

[Ding! Yuan Fan’s favorability -10!]

Unperturbed, Chen Cang was accustomed to this…

But would this guy really kill me?

With that thought, Chen Cang figured that whenever he saw Yuan Fan in the future, he’d better be wearing his white coat; just in case something happened, an additional +3 defense might come in handy…

That night, as Chen Gang’s shift progressed past six, the people thinned out. Yuan Fan and Chen Cang were alone in the room, and Chen Cang felt a slight chill.

He wasn’t sure if it was the weather cooling down or if he was underdressed. Around seven, a steady trickle of patients began arriving at the emergency room, and Chen Cang suddenly became busy.

It seemed that nighttime was when the emergency department truly came to life!


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