When I Fell Madly in Love With the Heroine, the World Changed.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

-I was bullied in middle school.

I was bullied in junior high school for the silly reason that my parents were not around.

Looking back, I dont really care what the reason was, but it was probably because of my attitude.

When I entered high school, I found someone who was being bullied just like me.

I dont know why.

I thought I was going to be quiet in high school.

No one would look at me.

I dont know why.

Why did my body move on its own?

I dont know.

Was it a sense of justice?

I knew what would happen if someone without power stood up to someone with power.

I knew that the target would turn on me.


Okay, the controls are pretty much the same.

Kenya got into the simulator.

He was sure of it because he had skimmed through the manual.

The operation method of the simulator was almost the same as that of the original world.

Of course, the details were different, but they were trivial.

It feels a little nostalgic, even though it was only a few hours ago.

It has been only four or five hours since I came to this world.

Why did I come to this world, what do they want me to do in this world, what do I have to do?

I dont know.

Today I thought, I was just going to take a look around and avoid any conspicuous behavior.

I still dont know much about this world.

But there was no way I could remain silent after being shown something like that.

I dont know what I will do in this world.

But there is one thing I do know, one thing I want to do.

That is to protect the heroine.

That desire is what got Kenya through that insane quest and brought him into this world.

Then there is no choice but to save her.

The heroine of the game that he fell in love with.

My favorite girlfriend who appeared in front of me, so.

KOG, operated by Kenya, stands up.

Heh! You dont disappoint, I thought you only talk big.. As expected, you at least stood up for me!

Kenya looks at the palm of KOGs hand as he operates it.

Ah, the sensation. Its like a slightly older version, but it moves like a limb

Ive already got a feel for the operation.

Its a KOG from a previous Season in a previous world, but Ive already played it.

Then, both of you get ready.

Three, two, one Fight!


Now lets see how I can give him a good licking!

You sound very confident, but Ive been practicing on this simulator for a months! Theres no way Im going to lose to a second class!

Goode rushes straight to Kenya.

The spectators watching him, Couldnt help but think Kenya is going to be defeted, Seeing him not moving.

Kaguya, too, could only hold her hands together as if in prayer.

I dont know how much you guys have practiced on this simulator, but I can tell when I see movement. Id say a month at best.

January KOG practice they have done in advance.

If they were to take it very seriously, they would be limited to 8 hours a day, or about 240 hours.

Thats enough time to learn how to operate.

Lets start by breaking his right leg so he cant stand up!

Goode swings a huge sword equipped with KOG.

A huge sword-shaped weapon, standard equipment on the KOG, the tip of which glows like a beam.

Kenya still does not move.

Quietly, like the surface of the water, without any shaking at all.

But you know, my playing time


A drop of water falls on the surface of the water and shakes.

Kenya moves, blindingly fast.

However, this is a slow and steady movement technique by moving from 0 to 100 and moving into the KOGs blind spot.

It is the basic technique of the top rangers and top players in the previous world.


Goode loses sight of Kenyas, who disapped from before his eyes.

There are many titles for Kenya.

He is a cripple, an abandoned gamer, a recluse, and a home security guard.

He devoted all of his youth to this game.

He has earned many dishonorable titles, but those titles change their names in this world.

Because of all the time that Kenya spent playing.

The playing time of the strongest player in the world who became the world champion.

My play time is ten thousand and seven thousand hours!

Because it is the time of effort and study that turns into the power to resist.


Goodes KOG is decapitated by a flash from behind under a single blow.

And it explodes under a violent tremor and flash.

Then a message appears, announcing the winner.

The message tells the winner so clearly that there is no way to escape it.

Kenya Mitsurugi WINS!


What? Losing?

No way. What the hell happened?

Alfredo was open mouthed.

I was going to use the handicap system in case of danger, but I didnt expect to be knocked down by a single blow.

Yes, thats not what happened! We made a mistake in the operation! Not now!

Alfredo hurriedly declares in a loud voice that this was not the case.

What the hell! Teachers mistake?

I know, it cant be.

The shouts turned into signs of relief.

Only one girl, the one with silver hair, looked straight at Kenya.

Was that an instructors mistake? It cant be.

Ha ha, what a mistake, teacher! I was surprised. Because theres no way that could have happened!

Then the system is activated again, and the two face each other once more.

Alfred then operates the panel.

Kenyas manipulation technique is dangerous, and he turns the handicap system to maximum.

This way, if he is hit by one blow, he will lose all of his HP.

On the other hand, even if he does hit 100 or even 200 times, Goode will not lose.

It is somewhat blatant, but it cant be helped. What in the world is that guy Kenya.I havnt heard his name at all.

Yo, all right! We are ready, then, shall we? Begin again!

For the time being, this is a relief.

Alfreds face, which he had thought so, immediately turned pale.

What the Is this? What the is this?

What the hell is going on!

Goode exclaims.

What those who saw the battle felt in that battle was overwhelming devastation.

The difference in skills was so great that not even a single counterattack was allowed.

Where are you! Where are you! Coward!

Good shouts over the communication from inside KOG.

Cowardice? You call a difference in power cowardice? In your country.

You maxed out your handicap on this one But the handicap system only compensates for damage. It doesnt matter if you dont get hit

Its like a different plane.

Goodes KOG is Cut-n-Slashed up by swords from all sides and showered with bullets by fast-moving Kenya.

Its amazing.

Kaguyas voice leaks out when she sees the this sight.

A power that does that and lives up to his confidence.

I honestly thought, wow, he moves as if he can see the future.

KAGUYA is not familiar with KOG, but she knows it when she sees it.

She knew that the ultimate movement was something so beyond the norm..

Intense sparks, bullets and slashes.

But all of them were fired from all side.

Good was overrunby a full five minutes or so.

Oh, forgive me already. ugh.

Even though it is a simulator, the explosions, flashes and violent vibrations continue in a storm of slashing and shooting.

Goode was mentally & physically exhausted after being subjected to this brutalism for what seemed like an endless period of time.

And the violent shaking made him nauseous.

Goodes HP was hardly reduced by the handicap system.

But finally the time had come.

He finally lost all of his HP after receiving all of the more than 100s of attacks.

And what is displayed on the screen?

Kenya Mitsurugi WINS!

A message announcing the winner.


The Japanese people sprang up.

For once, there was no excuse.

The winner was clear as water for all to see.

I never thought that Second class would win or is he trully a Second class? Without special training this is the Holy Knight class, or even more

Alfred is more surprised than frustrated.

But he has to admit it.

The winner is a second class and the loser is a first class.

The winner is Japanese and the loser is asgar Citizen.

History was created in this battle for the first time.

The two men come out of the simulator.


Kaguya runs up to Kenya.

Many Japanese, including Kaguya, ran up to Kenya and applauded.

That was amazing! Kenya Youre amazing!

Hes our hope!

That was so cool!

Kenya is being praised by the Japanese.

Kaguya steps forward to express his gratitude.

Thank you, kenya-kun.

Kaguya thanks Kenya.

Then, as a reward, Kiss


Im just kidding. Then you can call me Kenya. Also, please allow me to call you Kaguya.

Fufu, I wont Okay, Ill see you later. Thank you, Kenya!

The girl who had been crying earlier smiled at me with a big smile.

That alone was worth all the trouble I had gone through.

And the other one?


Ugh, Thats disgusting!

Goode just threw up!

Goodes nausea was at its limit due to the violent shaking.

He threw up his breakfast in a heap and was carried away.

Alfredo, seeing the scene, exhaled a sigh and declared.

Looks like hes the winner, so whos going to avenge him?

Silence envelops the room.

I know Alfred is not here either.

But this cannot be shown.

We have to decide the ranking order today.

If this is not done, the second class will be ranked first in this class.

Such a thing has never happened in the history of the empire, nor should it.

However, no one raised his hand.

The asgardians who were watched the battle did not make eye contact with Alfred.

Because they have realized their defeat.

They dont want to admit it, but they know that the second class, Kenya is better than them in terms of Operating KOG.

So no one raises their voice.

Except one.

Step forward, Ill be your opponent.

One slowly walked in front of the simulator.

Kenya hears the voice and smirks.

He is smiling because the familiar voice is directed at him.

Yes, of course, of course.

Kenya agrees.

He is a man who buys the fights he is sold, and he has fought anyone who has come at him with all his might.

And this time, the challenger was.

It was Kenya Mitsurugi wasnt it?

Those words made Kenya recall hers first response in the classroom.

I said I wasnt interested in you, but Ill correct it.

Silver hair fluttering, icy cold eyes.

She looks as if she has no interest in anyone but herself.

Her icy blue eyes that seem to suck you in.

I am very interested in you.

It was indeed Kenyas reflection.


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