What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 92

Chapter 92




He Yunxiao was all at ease after hiding the martial arts novels that Fan Ziruo could not read.

He Yunxiao knew how observant Fan Ziruo was.

He had brought so many books himself, and there were only a few, that he didnt give her, very easily drawing her suspicion. If there was suspicion, there would be distrust, and if there was distrust, there would be a loss of favourability.

Favorability is life!

Or the little lives of two people.

Now, the books are hidden and lives are saved.


Those three martial arts novels that Fan Ziruo couldnt read had quite a lot to offer in terms of action descriptions, very vivid and graphic and alive. It was too bad to throw them away. He Yunxiao was going to finish his studies at Fan House at noon, and in the break between meals at home, sneak in to walk under the fruit tree and dig out the novels again to take home with him.

In Qi, books were still a luxury item, and even if you didnt read them, it was still a good deal to wipe your ass, so you couldnt waste them.

He Yunxiao made his way lightly to the study of the Fan House, where, not surprisingly, Fan Ziruo was already seated at the table waiting for him.

He Yunxiao knocked politely on the door and politely entered the room.

Good morning, Ziruo.

Fan Ziruo rose from his chair and saluted He Yunxiao politely, Good morning, Young Master He.

He Yunxiao sat down at his desk and took out his book, just like before.

As Fan Ziruo watched him busy, he said absently, Did you remember what you wanted to say to me when you left last night?

He Yunxiao paused for a moment as he took out the book, carefully recalling what he wanted to say at that time. He found that his head was empty, and he could not think of anything.

Subconsciously, he tried to make something up, but then he suddenly thought of Nanzhus wife.

Nanzhus is angry now.

He Yunxiao dismissed his thoughts and said with a sincere smile, Im sorry, I still cant remember.

Although Fan Ziruo wanted to know what He Yunxiao was trying to say at that time, she was understanding and sensible, so naturally she would not take such trivial matters to heart.

She nodded her head, said Its alright, and then stopped dwelling on it.

He Yunxiao piled up the martial arts books and novels he had collected from the He House study on the table, thinking of a reason to give them to Fan Ziruo. but before he could think of one, Fan Ziruo gave him something to read.

A pile of manuscript paper.

Young Master, I wrote this new one last night.

Fan Ziruo offered the manuscript paper to He Yunxiao with both hands, her eyes dodging a little, her cheeks slightly red and slightly shy.

Seeing her like this, He Yunxiao recalled that when they split up yesterday, she had indeed said that she wanted to rewrite a new novel. Looking at the thick stack of manuscript paper again, He Yunxiao was secretly surprised.

This fan girls power of action was really high, writing as she said, and how much she had written.

He Yunxiaos character, has always been one of repaying a drop of water with a spring, so since Fan Ziruo handed him the novel with both hands, there was no reason for him not to take it with both hands.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands clean, then respectfully took Fan Zeweis manuscript paper with both hands.

Respecting someones hobby is the best way to increase your favorability.

[Fan Ziruos Favorability Level Changed From 66 to 68]

It was Ziruo who asked Young Master to read it, you didnt have to do that.

When Fan Ziruo saw how much He Yunxiao valued it, although she was happy in her heart, she still spoke out to persuade him.

He Yunxiao asked, Did you just write this last night?


So, Im the first one to read it?


He Yunxiao had an odd feeling. He bullied Fan Ziruo into knowing less, so he asked tentatively, Then Ill take Ziruos first time?

Of course, Fan Ziruo thought that He Yunxiao was talking about a novel, so she nodded seriously and said, Yes. Young Master take it.

Looking at Fan Ziruos dignified and beautiful appearance, and hearing her say such words.

He Yunxiao was a little excited. In every sense imaginable.


Hard to top

How much favorability is 68 up soon soon

Nuclear powered plowing

Thoughts almost reached the point where he couldnt pass the review. He Yunxiao had to hastily calm his mind and hold the new novel Fan Ziruo gave him, reading it word by word.

First, he read the opening two hundred words, well, it was a story about a female martial artist who wanted to kill a male martial artist.

He Yunxiao held the manuscript and stole a glance at Fan Ziruo.

Why did she always want to kill men?

She didnt have that kind of tendency, did she?

If she did, the system would have written it in her character.

Fan Ziruo had been waiting nervously for He Yunxiao to give her a review of her manuscript, and felt a little uneasy after seeing He Yunxiao sneak a glance at her instead of reading the novel.

You can say anything if you have any questions, Young Master.

Caught by Fan Ziruo peeking, He Yunxiao hurriedly withdrew his gaze.

Hmm. Its alright for now, Ill read some more.

What the hell!

What the hell was this written about?

It starts with two people fighting, without any explanation of time, background, motive, or characters!

What the hell am I supposed to say about this?

Probably because yesterdays martial arts practice was effective. Fan Ziruo did describe the fight with a little more subtlety.

Thats the only good thing about it.

He Yunxiao continued to read on patiently. After all, it was a friends novel, so he had to read it and give a review. If this were an online novel, I would have rewarded her with a big exit key. Not even a trace of the reading would be left behind.

He Yunxiao patiently read, but the more he read, the more impatient he became. In short, the back plot was still these two people fighting.

Because there is no explanation of time, place, characters, or motive, this fight plot, although the writing is drawn full and descriptive, just doesnt have any sense of vicariousness at all. The two people in the novel have no emotional resonance with the reader, which can already be said to be a great failure.

The good thing is that Fan Ziruos writing is still very beautiful, and the words are like the person, which somewhat sweeps away the dissatisfaction in He Yunxiaos heart.

After reading one page, He Yunxiao turned over the manuscript paper to read the next page and found that there was nothing left

Why did you give me such a thick stack of manuscript paper when there was only one page

He Yunxiao realized something quite serious.

Ziruo, how long did it take you to write this page of the novel?

Two hours.

He Yunxiao:

Four hours to write over a thousand words, this

He Yunxiao immediately stopped his thoughts of online writing, and he secretly calculated that this speed, among authors who wrote physical books, was actually quite fast.

In fact, He Yunxiao had always known about Fan Ziruos shortcomings.

To put it bluntly, it was that she couldnt tell a story.

She doesnt give the reader the information needed in the story. The plot has no ups and downs, and a whole lot of other problems. To sum it up simply, she could not tell a story.

But when he thought of the hard-earned 68 favorable levels that Fan Ziruo had now, the words of criticism that came out of He Yunxiaos mouth could not be uttered.

He Yunxiao knew that she wouldnt understand some things unless he said them out loud. But the price of telling the truth was the 68 favorable levels that had been obtained after so much effort!

He Yunxiao hesitated.

He thought that he could just tell her lies to coax her, and after he had reached 80 favorable levels, he would tell her the truth

But this idea was immediately rejected by He Yunxiao himself.

I dont know why I want to play this trick again. Think about how Nanzhu is gone!

Young Master. Looking at He Yunxiao hesitating there, Fan Ziruo could more or less guess some of it.

Young Master, Ziruo knows.

He Yunxiao was surprised, What do you know?

My novel, its not well written.

He Yunxiao wasnt going to go down the old road of lying to girls; with Nanzhus education. He already knew completely that it was wrong.

Putting down the manuscript paper in his hand, He Yunxiao asked, Do you know, what is not well written?

Fan Ziruos hands tangled with each other on the table, but her face smiled as she said, Looking at Young Master, you want to say something but you cant. If there was only a little flaw, Young Master probably wouldnt hesitate like this. So, my novel is, most likely, bad everywhere.

He Yunxiao sighed inwardly.

It had to be said that Ziruo was still too smart.

This was indeed He Yunxiaos thought, but he had now changed his mind.

He Yunxiao reached out, grabbing Fan Ziruos tangled little hand on the table, his piercing gaze looking straight into her eyes.

Ziruo, I just want you to tell me one thing, are you happy when you write your novel?

Of course she didnt want He Yunxiao to hold her hand, but the way He Yunxiao looked at her now was like the warmth of the winter sun, warm and powerful, which made her forget to move altogether.

Faced with He Yunxiaos question, she subconsciously replied, Um, Im happy.

Ziruo, believe me. Dont bother about what other people think, as long as you can be happy, then your novel is the best!

[Fan Ziruos Favorability Level Changed From 68 to 73]


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