What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 89: It's alright (Extra!)

Chapter 89: It's alright (Extra!)




Because Nanzhu didnt let Li Jin in, he could only stand outside the hall and chat with Xinger.

Li Jin didnt see any differences, so whether he knew her well or not, he grabbed Xinger and talked to her.

From the Jiangnan region where he lived as a child, to how he followed his fathers promotion to Yinjing, to how he was valued by his cousin

Xinger was not interested in listening to Li Jin talk about all this nonsense. Last night in the eldest princess room, she saw the mans shoes, and was quite shaken. So when Li Jin and He Yunxiao came over today, she paid special attention to the shoes they were wearing.

As expected, the shoes from last night were exactly the same as the ones He Yunxiao was wearing today.

He Yunxiao is the man who secretly dated the eldest princess Nanzhu.

As Nanzhus maid, Xinger knew that the Empress Dowager intended to have Nanzhu marry He Yunxiao. Although the marriage had not been formally arranged, it was estimated that it was not far off.

Therefore, it is true that it is not polite for He Yunxiao to come to see Meng Qingrou secretly, but that is also a good story. It would only be talked about with great amusement.

Now, when Xinger looked at the attitude of Princess Nanzhu, she was a bit uncertain about the marriage.

As Meng Qingrous long-time good sister, she was not sure about other things, but she knew Meng Qingrous character. She was soft on the outside but tough on the inside, so if she was bullied in any way, once it touched her inner hardness, she would be shaken to the point where her mouth would be numb, her organs would tremble, her mouth would be sweet, and blood would gush out.

Xinger, do you know the game Chess?

When it came to playing chess, one of the few things Li Jin was good at, and he was very excited.

The Precious Game of Chess, Ive already worked out a way to unravel it! All it takes is for me to play this, and

Li Jin pretended to have a copy of the stump game right in front of him and gestured it to Xinger one by one.

On the other hand, Xinger had her hands on her cheeks, thinking about Princess Nanzhu.

After a while, He Yunxiao, who was so high-spirited when he entered the palace, finally walked out of Linxuan Palace.

However, his steps were slow, his shoulders were slumped, his gaze was vacant and dull, and he looked like a sun-wilted cucumber.

When Li Jin saw He Yunxiao come out, he immediately said joyfully, Brother He, is it a done deal!


A hoarse, low voice issued from He Yunxiaos dry, cracked lips.

Li Jin scratched his head, Ive helped you like this, why isnt this done?

Theres no more ..

Xinger looked at He Yunxiao in this state and was somewhat uncomfortable with her heart.

She originally disliked He Yunxiao quite a bit, apart from He Yunxiaos own bad reputation. Sneaking in to see the eldest princess in the middle of the night was in itself disrespectful to the eldest princess reputation.

But now, seeing He Yunxiao in this depressed state, she was suddenly able to understand him.

Xinger knew Nanzhus situation; no background, no power, unappreciated, and suffering from a strange poison. The only advantages she had were the name of an eldest princess and a pretty face.

In this world, it is easy to find a gentleman who will marry Nanzhu. It is not difficult to find one who will marry her and treat her well. But to find a man who could marry her, treat her well, like her, and be willing to lose his soul for her, was extremely difficult.

Xinger is older than Meng Qingruo, and she has seen and heard a lot about what goes on in the palace.

Which of the concubines did not try their best to please, His Majesty?

The one who dared to displease His Majestys face was kept for a short time, while those who were not favored were simply thrown out and fed to the dogs.

Young Master He, the Princess is like this. When she gets angry, she wont show any mercy to anyone. Dont take it to heart.

In Xingers words, although she was telling He Yunxiao not to give up on Meng Qingrou, in reality, she couldnt wait for He Yunxiao to take Meng Qingrou to his hearts content. The little girl had suffered a lot since she was young, and it would be best if she had someone to love her and no longer have to suffer in the future.

He Yunxiao looked at Xinger and squeezed out a forced smile.

You should go in and see her. Watch her well and dont let anything happen to her. Please do your best, and I will reward you with whatever you want in the future.

Xinger looked at He Yunxiaos expression and listened to his words, and was very happy for Nanzhu.

It was nice.

He was already like this himself, and he was still thinking about our Eldest Princess.

Xinger understands.

Xinger replied, and then summoned other palace maids to serve He Yunxiao and Li Jin, while she went to Linxuan Palace, Nanzhus room, to look for her.

After Meng Qingrou had admonished He Yunxiao, she sat quietly on a chair in her bedchamber.

Xinger opened the door a small crack and slipped into the room, quickly closing the door behind her.

Eldest Princess?


Xinger didnt ask the silly question, Are you all right? The last time her mother had died, it was Xinger who had been with her through it. She had a lot of experience.

Nanzhu usually looked like she could be bullied by anyone, but in reality, this soft and fragile girl was stronger than most people.

The Eldest Princess is not too happy today.

Meng Qingrou sat quietly in her chair, making no extra movements whatsoever.

A little.

Can you talk to Xinger about it?

Meng Qing Rou looked up at the older girl, who was also like a housekeeper, a sister, and an elder.

She looked down and said, Ive been tricked.

Xinger said softly, How did you get tricked?

Meng Qingrou tilted her face to one side, First he said he was Xiao Yun and tricked me into marrying him, and now he says hes He Yunxiao.

Then Qingrou, what did you say back to him?

Im not marrying anyone, and I wont allow him to come back.

Good. He lied to us, so he should be told to get lost.

After Xinger finished speaking, she looked at Meng Qingrous face, which had not improved in the slightest, and understood in her heart.

When a young couple quarrels, you follow and fan the flames. If you go along with one partys wishes and scold the other, the party will be happy, which means she doesnt care anymore, or doesnt care that much. If the other party is unhappy and even complains about your scolding, it means she still cares.

Your Highness, you are the princess and he is a vassal, he has just lied to you, it is not right to simply scold him like this. Ill go to the Princess Meng sentence him to death for deceiving princess!

Xinger got up and pretended to go out.

When Meng Qingrou saw her like this, she really couldnt sit still.

Jumping off her chair, she ran frantically over to stop Xinger.

Xinger! Dont you go!

She couldnt think of anything else and hurriedly put in a good word for He Yunxiao.

He knows he has a bad reputation, he changed his name at the time because he was afraid I would resist! Later, he never told me because he was playing around. In fact, he confessed yesterday, I didnt believe him, so I cant blame him!

Xinger burst out laughing and said, Your Highness, dont you understand the causes and consequences yourself?

Meng Qingrou froze in place.

Without realizing it, two lines of tears slipped down her cheeks.

She still did not cry, standing frozen, just shedding tears. They kept flowing and flowing, as if there was no end to them.

Xinger hugged the girl gently. Gently hugging and patting her back rhythmically with her hand.

Qingrou Its fine, just cry a little and you will be fine.

It was only at this point that Meng Qingrou finally whimpered out.

Xinger. I, I had .. woo .. already planned to .. go beg my sister and mother .. only to have him lie to me .. Why did you lie to me .. obviously trust him so much ..

Dont forgive him so easily this time.

Hmmm ..

Make him suffer a little!

Mmmm ..


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