What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 23: Your name is Li Jin

Chapter 23: Your name is Li Jin

As He Yunxiao said to the coachman, Go back! Someone is trying to steal my wife from me! After that, the coachman was shocked.

The coachman: Young master! When did you get married? How come Ive never heard of it?

Hearing the horseman say this, He Yunxiao also realized that this place was not modern, and that some jokes were not allowed.

He explained, I have a girl in mind, but I havent married her yet, so Im just calling for fun, so dont spread the word.

The coachman was puzzled, Young master, why do I feel that you are a bit different from the usual today? You dont seem to be too energetic today.

Hearing this, He Yunxiao immediately learned from the original masters arrogance and slapped the muffler on the head.

What a waste of words! I told you to go back quickly!

When the coachman heard this, he laughed and whipped up his hand, heading for the Spring Breeze Mansion as if he were flying.

He Yunxiao was also helpless. It wasnt really his own intention to act arrogantly. Sometimes, he was still quite good-tempered as a modern man. It was just that the impression of the original owner was too deep, and treating people kindly would make people think that he was harboring ulterior motives.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Spring Breeze Mansion, He Yunxiao couldnt wait for the carriage to stop, so he directly jumped down with his light weight and landed at the entrance.

By now, it was a time when the martial arts competition was over and the flower-falling session had not yet begun.

As soon as He Yunxiao entered, the whole room immediately erupted.

He Yunxiao is here!

Crap, he really dares to come!

Isnt he afraid of Li Gongzis?

He Yunxiao narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

The entire hall was now visible before his eyes. That official second generation, Li Jin, was sitting next to Chu Fan, mingling with the same second generation, Shen Kuan, and the speaker, Yang Qi.

On the other hand, Yang Zhe, the Commander of the Imperial Army, who had only just arrived, was at a table by himself, and instead of ordering a lot of wine and food to be set on the table like the others, there was only a pot of tea.

While everyone was looking at He Yunxiao in amazement, Yang Zhe was the only one who was indifferent, as if this farce had nothing to do with him. He didnt even look at fools like Shen Kuan, Li Jin, and He Yunxiao, as if he didnt give a damn about them.

In the midst of the worlds noise, he was the only one who was relaxed and quiet, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand as he watched from afar the small door out where the girls would come.

This Yang Zhe can really play hard to get!

He Yunxiao thought silently in his heart.

If Yang Zhe was a master of both literature and martial arts, he was a high-end pretender, but Li Jin was very simple.

When Li Jin saw that He Yunxiao had dared to show up, he slapped the table and stood up on the spot!

And after getting up, he first glanced at Yang Zhe to see if he was paying attention to him and found that he wasnt, then he loudly and angrily rebuked He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao! You have no respect for the law!

He Yunxiao glanced at Li Jin, who was yelling at him, and was very puzzled.

Although I am usually of bad character, I have no enmity with this Li Jin. Today he specifically came here looking for me. This kid isnt deliberately looking for a fight, is he?

According to He Yunxiaos nature, this deliberate picking of fights must not be tolerated.

But when He Yunxiao saw Yang Zhe, a new thought came to his mind.

Li Jin was a living treasure in the novels. A man who listened to the wind and the rain, and had no opinion. This person is irrelevant. On the contrary, Yang Zhe, who is hitting my wife, needs to be watched! (Notes: wind and the rain- Believe anything as he heard> A Naive.)

In contrast to Li Jins loud and angry rebuke, it was He Yunxiaos gentle voice.

He ignored Li Jins scolding and walked straight to Yang Zhes table, smiled warmly, and said courteously, Gentlemen, Ive taken a fancy to your table, I wonder if I could give it a go.

The two diners looked at He Yunxiao with a horrified expression.

They could not believe that such a kind smile could be shown by He Yunxiao, who had done nothing but evil.

No way!

There must be a trick!


Without even answering, the two of them ran out in a flash.

He Yunxiao continued to look calm, sitting at the table, and said: The two of them had a short notice, so they didnt have time to pay for the drinks. Shopkeeper, quickly remove all the food and wine from this table. Just serve me a pot of good tea.

After all this fuss, even Yang Zhe, who was not concerned about the dude, turned his head to look at He Yunxiao.

As far as he could remember, this, He Yunxiao was even worse than Li Jin. Not only did he not have an inch of growth, but he was also causing trouble everywhere.

However, Yang Zhe just took one look at him and dismissed it.

In Yang Zhes eyes, He Yunxiaos father, He Yuanhao, was the lord of his generation and deserved to be seen as such. As for He Yunxiao, he was not even the son of a tiger, but a piece of shit.

On the other side, Li Jin, who was so aggressive, was also confused by He Yunxiaos actions.

Youre a dude who doesnt do anything good, how come youve taken up Yang Zhes act?

Li Jin took a look at Yang Zhe and made up his mind: I have to show Yang Zhe what I am capable of! Today, Im going to help the righteous!

He got up to fight with He Yunxiao in close quarters, but Yang Qi, who was sitting at the side, saw that the situation was not right, and hastened to tell Li Jin: Brother Li! When you argue with him later, make sure you stick to your argument that it is not polite and decent for you to rub the shoulders of an artiste. Dont let He Yunxiao lead you astray.

Li Jin patted his chest and promised, Dont worry, I have it in my heart!

Li Jin went over.

Yang Qi, who was originally full of confidence, didnt have much hope for Li Jin at this point, seeing He Yunxiaos calm and cool look.

I thought that He Yunxiao would be furious and have an argument with Li Jin. but I didnt expect that He Yunxiao would not get angry at all, and this look was very different from the rumored conceited and arrogant look.

Unlike Yang Qi, Tie Weiqi was looking at the issue from a different perspective.

Among the people present, he was second only to Chu Fan and Yang Zhe in terms of martial arts skills, so he knew more about martial arts.

Just less than an hour ago, He Yunxiao was still beaten by Chu Fan and could not get up on the ground, while an hour later, this guy was already moving with no problems. This was a bit terrifying.

Although it could not be ruled out that He-Yunxiao had taken a spiritual elixir, the fact that he could take a spiritual elixir was a side indication that the He family was financially strong.

What was more likely was that this He Yunxiao had deliberately been knocked over by Chu Fan, and he still had residual strength when he fought against Chu Fan at that time. In that case, it would explain why he had recovered so quickly.

Tie Weiqi took a deep look at He Yunxiao, then Chu Fan, and the famous Yang Zhe, who had long been known in Yinjing. There were several high and powerful young men in the room, none of whom, apart from Li Jin, were easy to deal with.

Li Jin was unaware of his current situation, and when he came to He Yunxiao, he opened his mouth to question, He Yunxiao, do you know what a big mistake you have made?

He Yunxiao followed Yang Zhes example and took a sip of his tea.

In response to Li Jins questioning, He Yunxiao was in no hurry.

He only watched him slowly put down his cup of tea before speaking, I wonder what brother Li is talking about?

Li Jin said, Naturally, it is about you rubbing the shoulders of the art girl. As the first son of a marquis, instead of setting an example, you are trampling on etiquette, condescending to your peers and disregarding the dignity of our peers

The first time I heard Li Jin say this, He Yunxiao understood what this Li Jin was here for. He was rubbing Sister Jiangs shoulders and trampling on their etiquette? Is that a joke?

With these words, Li Jin glanced at Yang Zhe and saw that he was still not paying attention, so he could not help but remind him.

Yang Zhe! Commander Yang ..

Yang Zhe glared at Li Jin, What is it?

Li Jin: Im going to start supporting the righteous path!

Yang Zhe snorted coldly and said, Youre a punk. Youre being led by He Yunxiaos nose, what kind of righteousness is that?

But fortunately, he didnt have any hope for Li Jin from the beginning, so he said, Help yourself.

Okay! Li Jin said with renewed vigor, He Yunxiao! You know youre wrong!

He Yunxiao was still calm, Whats wrong with me?

Li Jins determination to uphold the righteous way (in front of Yang Zhe) and he immediately retorted, You were rubbing the dancers shoulders!

He Yunxiao was so relaxed that he took a sip of tea: How can there be any dancers?

At that moment, Du and Jiang, who had finished their make-up, emerged from the backstage and were ready to announce the start of the next round of the Flower Drop.

When Li Jin saw Jiang Wuyou coming, he was overjoyed and pointed at her, Thats her, Jiang Wuyou!

He Yunxiao said with amusement, Shes not a dancer.

Li Jin was furious: If shes not a dancer, then what is she, she danced for the Empress Dowagers birthday last year! Are you trying to deny it? Im telling you, Yang Qi, Shen Kuan and well saw it!

He Yunxiao smiled teasingly, Brother Li misunderstood, I didnt say she couldnt dance, what I meant was that she was no longer a dancer, but my Mistress.

The whole audience was shocked at these words!

Even Yang Qi was startled.

He Yunxiao was so clever! If Jiang Wuyou was really He Yunxiaos mistress, then the shoulder rubbing was not really a breach of etiquette.

Jiang Wuyou and Du Yinyun, who had just come out, were frozen on the spot. They had not yet understood what was going on.

But Li Jin didnt care about that. He was really quick to react in supporting righteousness.

Youre talking nonsense! You say she is your Mistress and she is? Is Du Yinyun also your Mistress?

This time, He Yunxiao teasingly looked at Yang Zhe, who had remained unconcerned, and said, Coincidentally, Du Huaqui is also my Mistress.


Without waiting for Li Jin to retort, Yang Zhe sent a bolt of internal force to split the table under him to pieces!

Yang Zhe finally couldnt stand by, and stared at He Yunxiao threateningly, He Yunxiao, you can eat your food, but you cant talk nonsense!

Naturally, He Yunxiao was not afraid of Yang Zhe. He now had Chu Xiaoxiao to cover him, and apart from Chu Fan, he had feared no one.

Your peak ninth grade martial arts?

Can you defeat Chu Xiaoxiao?

He Yunxiao elegantly sipped his tea, Brother Yang, youre in a hurry.

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