What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 116: Xing'er is always dropping gods

Chapter 116: Xing'er is always dropping gods




He Yunxiao was practicing outside the courtyard walls of Linxuan Palace when it became dark before he knew it.

Although it was dark, He Yunxiao had no intention of leaving.

It was already dusk when he arrived at the end of classes at the academy, so even though it was dark today, he had only waited outside Nanzhus house for an hour.

Not to mention one hour, even if it was one day, two days, three days, ten days, as long as Nanzhu could forgive him, He Yunxiao was also willing to wait.

Not only was he willing to wait, but he was also willing to wait with a sense of joy and hope.

Now, although he was also waiting, it was boring as well. Because he didnt know the end of the wait. If no one went out every day at night in Linxuan Palace, so no one noticed him, would he just wait futilely day after day?

After just a moments thought, He Yunxiao dismissed such thoughts.

Coaxing his wife and being sneaky?

Is this what a qualified LSP should do? (Notes: someone lustful and shameless) I can change all my bad habits, but this is the only thing that will always remain in my heart!

Its not that He Yunxiao hadnt thought of using the enhanced version of Qi Boost received from Sister Du to gamble at some special places and get Sister Jiangs redemption money directly. But he was a good young man with a righteous character, and he vowed to never gamble or drugs! How could he knowingly break the law?

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind. He Yunxiao continued to practice in silence in the darkness of the night.

As he practiced, he suddenly heard footsteps approaching.

It was coming from the direction of the Linxuan Palace!

A woman!

He Yunxiao immediately stopped practicing, stood up from the ground, dusted himself off, and stood respectfully.

No matter who was coming, as long as they came from Linxuan Palace, to He Yunxiao, now, they were all important figures and had to be treated with respect.

The woman slowly approached with a lantern, and when He Yunxiao looked at her by the light of the lantern, she was an old acquaintance.


In order not to startle the unprepared Xinger with his sudden appearance, He Yunxiao held back his excitement and called out softly, Xinger! Xinger, look this way.

Even with He Yunxiaos deliberately low voice, Xinger was startled by the fact that the Linxuan Palace was supposed to be deserted at night.


Its me, He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao said respectfully and politely.

It was as if the roles had switched between them, with the palace maid Xinger becoming the first daughter of a noble Marquis and He Yunxiao becoming a servant of the palace.

With a lantern in one hand and a food box in the other, Xinger was surprised and suspicious to see He Yunxiao, saying, Young Master He, what are you doing here?

He Yunxiao hurriedly said, I Nanzhu I she forbade me to go in.

Xinger remembered what Meng Qingrou had said to her, and it seemed that Her Highness the Eldest Princess had indeed said that He Yunxiao was not allowed to come here again.

Looking at He Yunxiaos sincere and honest appearance, Xinger didnt know what to say.

Young Master He, Her Highness told you not to go in, so you wont go in?

He Yunxiao nodded vigorously, Thats only natural.

Xinger asked again, Suppose Her Highness sees you, doesnt like it and tells you to leave, what will you do?

He Yunxiao tentatively said, Then Ill go?

Xinger sighed helplessly, Sigh.

She was now really a bit suspicious that the shoes she saw that night were not He Yunxiaos after all.

How could that bold man who dared to go to the palace, to the princess bedchamber, to meet her in private, become such a fearful and honest man now?

Xinger said, Young Master He, let me ask you one thing, is it okay?

He Yunxiao hurriedly said, Miss Xinger, please ask me anything, I will tell you everything.

Xinger said, That night, I found a mans shoe hidden behind the curtain in the Princesss bedroom. Was this man Young Master. He?

He Yunxiao admitted frankly, It was me.

Young Master used to dare to break into the Princesss bedchamber at night, but why do you not even dare to enter the courtyard now?

Im afraid of making Nanzhu angry.

Her Highness wont get angry easily.

But Ive already made her angry.

Xinger said breathlessly, Its really

Seeing that Xingers expression was not right, He Yunxiao hastily pulled out the rouge jewelery he had bought and stuffed it into Xingers hand.

Please help me, Miss.

Xinger was surprised, Young Master, youre

He Yunxiao hurriedly said curtly, If its not enough for you, girl, I still have more here.

Xinger suddenly became furious. Not caring what status He Yunxiao was in, or how valuable the jewelery was, she threw them all to the ground!

What kind of person does your Young Master think Xinger is? Do you want to betray your master for a few stinking pennies?

He Yunxiao was stunned and suddenly cheered up.


This time, it was the furious Xinger who looked confused.

He cant be crazy, right?

I dropped his stuff and he actually called this action good?

Xinger asked tentatively, Young Master He, you are not crazy, are you?

He Yunxiao said happily, Xinger, youre good person! With you by Nanzhus side, Im relieved.

Xinger was frozen.

She remembered yesterday, when He Yunxiao was questioned by Her Highness until he lost his spirit, and remembered that at that time, He Yunxiao had also asked her to comfort Her Highness at the first instance, regardless of his own condition.

Xinger suddenly understood why He Yunxiao, who dared to break into the palace at night and the Linxuan Palace at night, had turned into, what he was now, a fearful and honest man. When she thought about it, it was because he cared.

So much so that he cares about her. So much so that he is afraid of hurting her because of it.

Xingers feelings at this moment were complicated. She could really understand He Yunxiaos feelings, but if this went on, with the timid attitude, the person who should really understand the Princess Meng Qingrou would not understand.

Xinger said, Listen to me, Young Master He, you have to be brave. Understand? Her Highness, she is not that fragile.

He Yunxiao said, I understand! If anyone wants to do harm to Nanzhu, they will have to step over me first.

Xinger: The hell you understand.

Xinger wanted to say: youre going to tease her. But thats something that shouldnt come out of a girls mouth, let alone telling someone to go tease their own master. If anyone knew about it, they would be taken to the pigsty.

Xinger said politely, Young Master, brave doesnt mean brave, it means thick-skinned, do you understand?

He Yunxiao was somewhat enlightened. After all, he was someone who had once been thick-skinned.

Miss Xinger, you are asking me to be more proactive with her, right? But its not that I dont want to take the initiative, I cant even enter the courtyard door now. Theres no chance to take the initiative even if I want to.

Xinger thought for a moment and held up the food box she was carrying in her hand to He Yunxiao.

Young Master, do you know what this is?

He Yunxiao had noticed it long ago, but it was dark at night and he hadnt paid much attention to it when he was talking to Xinger earlier. It was only when Xinger held it up and put it under the lamp that he could see it clearly. This food box was the same food box that Nanzhu had brought him to solve the Soul Devouring Pill soup.

He smiled and said, This is what Nanzhu used to bring me the medicine.

Xinger said, This afternoon, Her Highness gathered two prescriptions for medicine. There is a copy inside this food box and another copy in the palace.

He Yunxiao was very moved.

Nanzhu was truly a good wife with a beautiful heart. Even when she had a quarrel and no favorability, she still cares about me.

Then, He Yunxiao saw that Xinger took the antidote for the Soul Devouring Pill, out of the food box, in front of him.

With a shake of her small hand and a tilt of the small bowl, the steaming antidote was all poured onto the floor.


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