What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 14: Qiu Wuji’s Pride

Chapter 14: Qiu Wuji’s Pride

Chu Ge knew that she would be driven crazy by this thing, yet he still threw it directly at her to see. Of course, there was a hint of revenge and perverse pleasure in it. Does he really look like a pushover or a lickspittle?

Speaking of it, it was quite comfortable to open up about these things and clarify his relationship with her.

It’s true that he’s interested, but it doesn’t mean he’s a bootlicker. No matter what, they’ve made their situation clear and can deal with it accordingly. He’s not stupid enough to be tortured by her and then still keep her, only to be beaten again for no reason.

If you want to die, go ahead and try it. If you have the guts to kill me, let’s see if your world still exists.

Chu Ge happily went to write, feeling that his thoughts were much smoother.

Outside, Qiu Wuji’s hands holding the phone were trembling. Her values were seriously shaken, almost as much as discovering that her world was created by someone else.

Those young girls walking around in sleeveless tops and shorts on the streets, that’s fine, even the demon women from the devil’s sect are not exempt from this.

Bed scenes on television are also acceptable, as there is no real action and the picture below the neck is still covered.

But this?

This ‘clothing’ blocked three places, and everything else was exposed. And the girl on the screen was even twisting and turning to show it to others, as if afraid they wouldn’t be able to see it clearly!

Qiu Wuji’s world also had “internal protection” such as bustiers, chest binders, and midriff covers, among others, based on the perverse interests of a certain ‘creator god’. However, they were not exposed to others to see!

Based on Chu Ge’s tone, this was perfectly normal!

What kind of world is this? No wonder he, a grown man, could write such things. Apparently he has seen it all before?

He wouldn’t want to see me dress like that and show it to him, right?

Qiu Wuji’s eyes showed a hint of murderous intent, but it quickly dissipated. After all, Chu Ge had said in advance, “Some things may make you feel embarrassed or angry, but that’s normal.”

Who in the world would think that this is normal?!


Qiu Wuji looked at Chu Ge’s back as he typed and sighed softly.

He was right… was she too entitled?

Based on his communal living arrangements and simple indoor furnishings, as well as his hard work in writing to make a living, it was obvious that he was not well-off, and maybe even struggled to support himself. And now he had to shoulder the burden of taking care of someone else…

At least in Qiu Wuji’s values, staying at an inn required payment, and eating food also required payment. How could she just enjoy Chu Ge’s things without any guilt?

Qiu Wuji thought for a moment and finally walked into the room, and said while standing behind Chu Ge, “I will pay for my food and lodging.”

Chu Ge was absorbed in writing the novel and didn’t even turn his head as he said, “I noticed you changed your clothes. Did you use a storage ring or brought them out with your spiritual power? If it’s the latter, be careful when you move things around. Don’t mess with any treasure. Maybe you can bring some ordinary gold or silver to exchange for money. Don’t bring too much and keep a low profile.”

Qiu Wuji was silent for a moment, “I didn’t bring anything out with my spiritual power… I might not be able to bring anything out. Both my clothes and sword are illusions.”

Chu Ge turned around in surprise, “Then how will you pay for food and lodging? Are you going to deceive people with an illusionary gold coin or find a job?”

Qiu Wuji’s face was stern, “Robbery…”

“Don’t. It’s illegal in this world… Oh, actually it’s illegal in your world too, but you are above the law there. Here, you would only be worth 500,000 yuan.”

Qiu Wuji: “…”

Chu Ge rubbed his chin, “Why don’t you try live-streaming your sword skills? It’s sure to be a hit.”

“Live streaming?”

“Yeah, like street performance, but with a different medium. People can watch it from home, like watching TV, but it’s in real-time.”

Qiu Wuji’s face was expressionless, “Why don’t you just write I was hit in the head by a hammer?”

Chu Ge stiffened.

That’s right. The Qiu Wuji he created in his writing was so proud and arrogant, how could she possibly perform for others to watch?

Besides, she couldn’t find a legitimate job, and without even an ID card, how could she find work? Even for live streaming, she needed an ID card. To write novels on Qidian, she also needed an ID card and a bank card…

After thinking it over, could she only resort to robbery?

As a top-notch cultivator of her generation, she didn’t even know how to make money in a modern city.

Chu Ge hesitated for a moment, “Actually, you can write online novels like me. If you don’t mind, you can use my ID and bank card. The income will go directly into my account, but I don’t know if you’re willing to.”

“ID…is it like a guide or a sect token?”

“That’s right. Just like in your sect, without a token, people can’t move an inch. They have to swipe the token to use various mountain gate transmission arrays, even getting daily tasks from the miscellaneous hall requires this thing. Without it, you know the consequences better than I do. It’s the same for us. You don’t need it now, but once you have to interact with the outside world, you can’t do anything without it.”

“What if I steal one?”

“Can you steal a sect token just like that?”

Qiu Wuji was silent for a moment, “If I learn to write like you and the money goes into your account, it doesn’t matter… I don’t need money. I just wanted to cover your food and lodging expenses, which is the right thing to do. But the problem is…”

She paused for a moment, “Does writing mean you will have money?”

Chu Ge was once again frozen in place.

Does writing mean you will have money?

Zhang Qiren’s empty house…

Nakedly mocking.

Even he himself didn’t know when he would suddenly have to leave this line of work and find a job in a factory. Qiu Wuji was a cultivation genius, but that didn’t mean she was a storytelling genius. On the contrary, she had a traditional and strict way of thinking and was disdainful of lies. People like her were not particularly good at making up stories.

Unless he added it on her character settings, oh, Qiu Wuji is actually quite good at making up stories.

It’s a weird thought.

Qiu Wuji seemed to guess what he was thinking and said lightly, “I don’t need you to impose abilities on me… I can break through the boundaries of the world you created, and I don’t believe there is no way for me to make a living, it’s just a matter of time.”

Chu Ge nodded, “Yeah, I believe that… Let’s look for it slowly, I will help you.”

Qiu Wuji looked at him for a while, and suddenly asked, “You are so enthusiastic about helping me find a way to make money, is it to support yourself?”

Chu Ge said calmly, “That’s one of them. I won’t deny that I’m not well-off enough to support another person. There are two more, do you want to hear them?”

“Please speak.”

“Second is that I want you to know that I’m not obliged to serve you for free. Unless you go back to the world in the book, if you want to stay in this world permanently, you have to put in your own effort. That’s the second reason.”

Qiu Wuji asked, “What about the third one?”

“The third…  the true Qiu Wuji who can live independently in this world is the one who has truly left the existence of the book.” Chu Ge took a deep breath, “I have said before, this is the way I seek. Maybe you think I’m just saying something nice, but this is the truth.”

Qiu Wuji looked at him intently, and suddenly smiled.

Chu Ge’s heart jumped involuntarily.

He couldn’t remember if he had ever seen her smile before. Maybe there had been a cold smile or a smirk?

This seemed to be the first time she had smiled, like ice melting and snow thawing, flowers blooming, and the whole room filled with fragrance, truly bright and not like the human world.

Qiu Wuji said softly, “Take me to buy a set of clothes suitable in this world… count it as me borrowing from you.”

Chu Ge looked at her smile and knew that it had actually aroused Qiu Wuji’s pride in “conquering the problem of life” and “integrating into this world.”

Why couldn’t she live independently in this world and had to hide?

Why does she have to rely on others for food and shelter?

The ‘creator god’ believed that she had to leave the book and integrate into this world to be a real person, that was his path. Is that so difficult? Of course, she can do it.

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