What to Do If I Become the Villain’s Daughter

Chapter 43

With Huo Xiaozheng's orders, the staff immediately sprang into action.

The hairstylist skillfully styled her hair into a princess cut, while the stylist took out the purple dress, ironed it again, and waited to help her change into it.

By the time Huo Ning was fully dressed and made up, an hour had passed.

During this time, Huo Xiaozheng watched for a while before returning to his study to handle business matters.

The Steward was left to oversee everything.

Watching Huo Ning transform from an adorable little dumpling into a dark little princess, the Steward felt nothing but pride, with a touch of "our little girl is growing up" sentiment.

In the mirror, Huo Ning's obedient long black hair had been transformed into a princess cut, adorned with diamond hair accessories on both sides.

She wore a purple U-neck long dress made of a special material that shimmered and sparkled under the lights.

Concerned about the temperature, the stylist paired it with a thick beige coat for warmth.

Huo Ning smiled, and the girl in the mirror smiled back.

Huo Xiaozheng happened to catch this moment and gave her a thumbs up, mouthing "You look beautiful."

Huo Ning turned around with a radiant smile and ran a few steps to Huo Xiaozheng's side.

Huo Xiaozheng had changed into a gray suit, tailored perfectly, exuding an elegant air.

"You look very nice," he repeated.

Receiving the compliment, Huo Ning's smile widened, her eyes crinkling with joy.

Huo Xiaozheng raised his hand, glancing at the watch on his wrist. "It's getting late, we should get going."

He crouched down, picked up Huo Ning, and headed downstairs.

Huo Ning, in high spirits, couldn't help but chatter, "Daddy, why do you always like to carry me?"

After all, she could walk by herself.

Huo Xiaozheng's steps faltered as he imagined his 6'3" frame, hunched over, holding hands with a 3'3" little bean sprout - a scene both humbling and unseemly.

He casually replied, "Because you're still small. As you grow day by day, the time I can carry you will gradually decrease."

Huo Ning stared into his eyes, feeling something was off but unable to put her finger on it.

Huo Xiaozheng subtly averted his gaze.


It was the New Year's holiday period, and as they passed through the city center, the crowds were large, causing their car to be stuck in traffic for a while.

Huo Ning remained calm about this, even finding time to draw during the traffic jam.

She drew the crowds, the trees, and the cars.

When she got tired, she would lean against Huo Xiaozheng and rest for a bit.

By the time they reached the Huo Family Ancestral Home, the clock showed 6 PM.

Many cars were parked at the entrance, but Huo Ning, having just woken up, was still groggy and didn't pay much attention.

She nestled on Huo Xiaozheng's shoulder, her coat shielding her from the cold wind outside.

Upon entering the house, the rush of warm air made her drowsy.

Seeing how sleepy she was, Zheng Jinxiu gave Huo Xiaozheng a look, signaling him to take her to rest.

"Sister! You're finally here!" Huo Yueze's sudden loud voice interrupted everyone's careful silence.

It also chased away Huo Ning's drowsiness.

She patted Huo Xiaozheng's shoulder, and he put her down. Worried she might still be disoriented, he simply crouched down, his hands protectively at her sides.

"Hello, Brother Yueze!"

Huo Yueze rushed over, but came to an abrupt halt under Huo Xiaozheng's icy gaze.

"Wow, sister, you've changed your hairstyle. It's so pretty!" Huo Yueze's eyes sparkled with admiration.

Huo Yueze was wearing a white formal suit today, his curly hair styled with hair gel.

"Brother, your hair looks so cool," Huo Ning said. It had a Korean drama second male lead vibe.

Huo Yueze smiled shyly.

"Is this Ning Ning?" An elderly woman in her sixties approached. "What a pretty little face, she looks just like Xiaozheng, as if cut from the same mold."

Zheng Jinxiu chimed in, "You're here at last, we've been waiting for you to start the banquet. Ning Ning, this is Grandmother Xu, say hello to her."

Huo Ning obediently greeted her.

Looking around, she finally realized that the usually spacious living room was now filled with many people.

It had been transformed into a banquet hall, with Old Master Huo at the center, everyone exchanging greetings and smiling warmly.

"Daddy, are all these Grandpa and Grandma's good friends? There are so many..."

Huo Xiaozheng, charmed by her wide-eyed wonder, patiently explained, "There are also Daddy's friends, and friends of uncles, aunts, and other relatives."

Seeing that she was now awake, Zheng Jinxiu called over the Steward and whispered a few words.

Suddenly, the lights in the hall went out, leaving only one chandelier lit.

Old Master Huo, supporting himself with a cane in one hand, walked up to Huo Ning.

"Come, Ning Ning, let Grandpa introduce you to everyone."

Huo Ning looked uncertainly towards Huo Xiaozheng.

Huo Xiaozheng patted her head. "Go on, I'll be right behind you."

Only then did Huo Ning feel reassured, placing her hand in Old Master Huo's palm, allowing him to lead her to the center of the hall.

The crowd gradually gathered around Old Master Huo.

"Everyone here today is a relative or friend of the Huo Family. Over the years, we've been grateful for your care and support."

"Today is New Year's Day. On this joyous occasion, I'd like to introduce my granddaughter, who is also the daughter of my youngest son, Huo Xiaozheng."

"Her name is Huo Guining."

The name "Huo Guining" was pronounced with solemn gravity.

"In the future, I hope you will all look after her as well."

Those present had, to varying degrees, seen the previous news reports.

As such, upon hearing these words, they understood Old Master Huo's good intentions.

By introducing the little girl to everyone in this circle, anyone who might think of doing something unsavory to her in the future would have to think twice.

The crowd understood, and as Old Master Huo finished speaking, applause thundered through the room.

Huo Ning was still a bit dazed.

So, this was a family introduction banquet?

Was this why Huo Xiaozheng had Yin Su take her shopping for the past two days?

Before Huo Ning could fully process this, the stream of gifts being presented interrupted her thoughts.

"The young miss looks so intelligent, very much like Old Master Huo in his younger days!"

Hearing this, Old Master Huo beamed, his eyes crinkling with joy. He modestly replied, "Oh, not at all, not at all, haha."

Huo Ning, or rather, from today onwards, Huo Guining, accepted the gifts from the elders, bowing slightly in thanks.

Her graceful manners drew more admiration from those around her.

Huo Guining thought to herself, being a child is really nice. It's the age where even a simple thank you is praiseworthy.

It seemed that this family introduction banquet had been in preparation for some time, which explained why everyone had brought gifts on New Year's Day.

At this moment, as Huo Guining repeatedly went through the process of receiving gifts, greeting people, and expressing thanks, she felt a warmth in her heart.

For the first time, she felt that she wasn't just an outsider in this story.

After the banquet began, Huo Guining, under Old Master Huo's guidance, toasted some respected elders with juice.

Old Master Huo, mindful of her weak constitution and seeing that she had eaten enough, soon signaled for Huo Xiaozheng to take her to rest.

Seeing that his sister was finally free, Huo Yueze seized the opportunity: "Sister, let's go set off fireworks!"

Seeing her interest, Huo Xiaozheng took her to a room to change into warmer clothes before letting her go play.

"Be careful, and don't run too far."

Huo Yueze agreed repeatedly, then took Huo Guining's hand as they happily ran towards the garden.

In the corridor of the banquet hall, an inconspicuous man intently watched the two figures, throwing his cigarette butt to the ground and viciously stamping it out.


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