What to Do If I Become the Villain’s Daughter

Chapter 39

In the time it took to finish a meal, photos of Huo Xiaozheng and Huo Ning dining in the cafeteria had swept through the company forum.0

In the photos, Huo Xiaozheng wore a black formal suit with a sleek slicked-back hairstyle. His angular face looked handsome yet somewhat cold.0

He sat with a stern expression, his brows furrowed as he gazed at the little dumpling across from him.0

The little girl with two pigtails was using both hands to eat, nearly burying her entire face in the bowl. Only her big eyes remained visible, sneaking glances at the man opposite her.0

It was as if she was saying, 'As long as you don't stop me, I won't stop eating.'0

The scene was incredibly heartwarming.0

Some hardcore shippers got increasingly excited as they looked at the photos. Coincidentally, they noticed people online still attacking Huo Ning for being manipulative. Using their peace and love lotus avatar, they launched into a tirade:0

"Were you born on the Tianshan Mountains? Is Snow Lotus your father or your mother? Is that why you were born so pure and saintly?"0

"I hope you encounter the same situation, and then use your psychic powers to reform the bad guys. In your next life, you can come back to save all living beings."0

"Well then, thank you very much, Amitabha Buddha, mwah mwah!"0

"When the Ghost Festival comes, bring me a message. I'll definitely take a bath, burn some incense, and respectfully erect a memorial arch for you."0

"May your spirit in heaven rest in peace, and may the light of the Holy Mother shine upon millions of homes!"0

The barrage of insults left the target dazed and trembling as they retreated from the battle.0

Meanwhile, the actual subjects of the photos were still engaged in their own battle at the dining table.0

"Enough, you can't eat anymore," Huo Xiaozheng said helplessly as he blocked her chopsticks.0

Huo Ning righteously declared, "I'm not full yet."0

Although this was Huo Xiaozheng's first time raising a child, he remembered that Huo Yueze didn't seem to eat this much when he was young.0

He started to waver.0

But looking at the table, he saw that six small bowls were almost empty, with only a bit of rice left at the bottom of her bowl.0

Huo Xiaozheng's rationality won out in the end.0

He stood up and, reaching across the table, gently patted Huo Ning's belly. Her little tummy was round and protruding.0

"You're full," Huo Xiaozheng concluded definitively.0

Huo Ning, either shocked by Huo Xiaozheng's action or defeated by the established fact, looked longingly at the remaining dishes. She reluctantly put down her chopsticks and said, "Okay, I'm full."0

Just a little more craving, she silently added in her heart.0

Huo Xiaozheng took out a wet wipe and cleaned her mouth and hands, then bent down to pick her up.0

Seeing her slightly downcast mood, Huo Xiaozheng said with amusement, "If you like it, we can come to the cafeteria to eat often in the future."0

This cheered Huo Ning up a bit.0

Back in the office, Huo Xiaozheng let Huo Ning play by herself. She habitually picked up the plush rabbit from the sofa, intending to hug it.0

Huo Xiaozheng quickly intercepted, grabbing the rabbit by its ears and tossing it into the trash can. "This one's dirty. I've had someone get you a new one."0

Saying this, he walked to his desk, opened a drawer, and took out a new, identical rabbit to give her.0

Huo Ning was a bit confused. "Can't we just wash it if it's dirty?"0

Remembering the image of Huo Siyuan sitting on it, Huo Xiaozheng's tone cooled. "It can be washed, but it's got poop on it. It won't come clean."0

Huo Ning shuddered in disgust. She took the new rabbit and no longer looked at her old love in the trash can, instead curling up in the bean bag chair.0

Huo Xiaozheng called for Yin Su.0

"How about the coach I asked you to contact earlier?"0

Yin Su replied, "I've already contacted them. Shall we start today?"0

Huo Xiaozheng glanced at Huo Ning, who was engrossed in a cartoon. He nodded, "Have them come over. Is everything prepared for Ning Ning?"0

"It's all ready, in the rest room."0

Huo Xiaozheng nodded, "Go ahead then."0

Shortly after Yin Su left, Xi Chuan came in.0

"Mr. Huo, the protest has been suspended."0

"Mm, the protest leader said that the factory's defect rate wasn't actually that high. It was Huo Siyuan who secretly had someone switch out the goods, so the test results were wrong," Xi Chuan reported. "Huo Siyuan has already found a scapegoat, so the investigation into this matter is basically concluded."0

Huo Xiaozheng tapped his fingers on the desk. "Very good. You should know how to handle this. As for Huo Siyuan..."0

Xi Chuan said, "He asked me for a personnel transfer form, hoping to finalize the date as soon as possible."0

Huo Xiaozheng smiled cruelly, "Personnel transfer form? That doesn't exist. Urge him to pack up quickly and go reunite with his family."0

Xi Chuan wasn't surprised at all. In his heart, he gave a big thumbs up.0

Indeed, raising a daughter doesn't mean becoming a saint. In fact, for the sake of his daughter, things seemed to be escalating.0

Huo Siyuan himself was still unaware of this dire news.0

He had his subordinates intimidate and threaten the protest leader, who, in anger, spilled out all the truth he knew.0

What Huo Siyuan didn't know was that the person responsible for the intimidation was actually Huo Xiaozheng's mole.0

What he saw was merely a play acted out by the mole and the protest leader.0

And Huo Siyuan was just a medium in this play.0

The curtain had fallen, and everyone returned to their positions.0

Huo Xiaozheng promoted the protest leader to become the factory's top executive, and all the employees who participated in the protest, as long as they were capable, were given long-term contracts.0

Only Huo Siyuan was still immersed in the sweet dream of reaping benefits from his little scheme.0

With Huo Corporation's swift measures and Huo Jing's fearless lawyer's letter, the online buzz about Huo Ning gradually subsided.0

Now, all that was left was...0

"Knock knock..."0

The sound of knocking pulled Huo Xiaozheng back from his thoughts. "Come in."0

It was Yin Su.0

"The coach has arrived."0

Huo Xiaozheng nodded and walked over to Huo Ning.0

"Ning Ning."0

Huo Ning paused her cartoon and looked up. "Hmm?"0

"Let's go."0

Huo Ning followed Huo Xiaozheng to the other end of the office, puzzled.0

Opening the large door revealed a spacious swimming pool, its blue water gently rippling.0

Huo Ning's big eyes widened in surprise. "What a big swimming pool!"0

A female coach approached them. "Hello, I'm Lin Yutong."0

Huo Xiaozheng nodded.0

He crouched down and said to Huo Ning, "Starting today, Coach Lin will teach you how to swim."0

Huo Ning was confused. "Why do I need to learn how to swim?"0

Huo Xiaozheng replied gently, "To let you try various sports. If you don't like it, we can switch to something else. Tennis, dance, golf - there are many options for you to choose from."0

Huo Ning still looked bewildered, but Huo Xiaozheng didn't seem to be joking. "It's so sudden, isn't it?"0

Huo Xiaozheng was momentarily taken aback. "Do you not want to learn?"0

Huo Ning wasn't against the idea. In her previous life, she had been a landlubber with average athletic ability.0

Learning to swim should be quite interesting, she thought.0

With this in mind, she shook her head and honestly said, "I want to learn, but I'm afraid of water."0

Huo Xiaozheng breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't be afraid. I'll be here with you."0

Hearing this, Huo Ning felt a little more at ease.0

Seeing this, Lin Yutong took Huo Ning to change into her swimsuit.0

At this moment, with Huo Ning not around, Huo Xiaozheng pulled up his memo app and added a note under 'Eats too much too fast, needs attention': Afraid of water, needs accompaniment.0


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