What The Luck!?

Chapter 339 - 339. Finally!

"Two people per cabin. Please two people per cabin!" The staff members were working hard trying to get the line of people under control. The park had already spread the rumor that after dark a special event would happen due to the arcades' mystery prize being won. The group walked up and found that some already recognized them. 

"I can't believe so many people were taking our video while we got the mystery prize." Sammy felt that they had been taken advantage of this way but she knew that it would have happened anyways because that was just the world they lived in.

"They could have used the security camera as their publicity of guests didn't use their own phones to take videos. If the guests didn't the park would have." Louis was sure that the park was going to rake in a ton of business and had managed to keep a great deal of guests there longer because of this rumor. 

"Oh! You're the group that won the prize. Please follow me. You are allowed to skip the line this evening as a special privilege." The staff member recognized them instantly and started to direct them forward. Before any of them knew what was going on they were being pushed in to the cabins on the Ferris wheel in pairs. 

Asher managed to get in to the same pair as Jane and was in the middle of the group. The staff members pointed out the slots for the coin that was well hidden at a quick glance but obvious if you knew they were there by the seats. 

"Just remember. When you are close to the top be sure to drop the coin in and the prize will activate." These words from the staff member were a bit worrisome since the group still had no clue what the prize was but not a single one of them argued since they were on the Ferris wheel quickly and they wanted to get away from the large number of people that were waiting near the Ferris wheel to see what would happen.

"So...the Ferris wheel moves really slowly…" Jane was not sure what to say now that she and Asher had been placed together alone and not in a terrifying haunted house. 

"Yeah, they need to let people on. I bet it will take a while to get to the top and finally know what this thing is for." Asher was a little on edge since the two were alone but he knew that Jane was making an effort to break the tension. "Do you have any ideas?" 

After bringing her hand to her chin, Jane thought hard about it and seemed to come up with nothing other than arbitrary guesses. "The Ferris wheel speeds up? The lights in the park flick off and they become a light show? Maybe a special song plays?" These guesses were just rattled off but Asher and Jane both felt that they were completely off base. 

"Nothing feels right but I think we are missing the most obvious answer…" Asher wanted to know for sure but he guessed that it was left as a mystery because it would be much better than anything else that they could have won.

"I can say one thing. I am glad that we all came here today. It has been a really nice break from everything. I feel like we would burn out without this." Jane leaned in to Asher a little as she relaxed. 

"I don't think it would have been this much fun without everyone..but I can't say I haven't wanted to be alone with you." The courage that Asher had summoned was coming out of nowhere and making his heart beat with more adrenaline than he had in the haunted house. He was remembering Art's encouragement to just get out there and tell Jane how he felt. 

"I-I erm, really?" The sudden compliment was throwing Jane off since she had been a little nervous anyway. The fact that Asher had also changed the subject like this was also hitting her a little harder. 

After looking away and gulping down a deep breath of air Asher spoke again, "Yes. it would have been dull and grey without you here. You make being anywhere so much better. Just being around you makes me happy. It's just one reason why I really like you." The following silence was enough t make Asher begin to replay the worst possible things in his mind. 

His thoughts ran around in circles where Jane would tell him never to speak to her again. Or she would call her parents to immediately pick her up and never speak to him again. Or even worse flat out start to laugh at him and record herself telling him that she would never let someone like him touch her. 

Yet, when these words and the worst possible situations didn't happen, Asher looked back at Jane to find she was red faced and struggling to reply. He had completely taken her words from her and she could just sit there a mumble incoherently for a moment. "I like you too. More than anyone. You encourage me when I need it and you will stand in front of me even if I don't need you to protect me because you care." 

The two were stunned that they had actually just said what they felt for the first time so plainly. They had always danced around the subject or let others interrupt them. The girls had been pushing Jane to admit to Asher how she felt and Art had been pushing Asher. The only reason they had not said anything was their own fear and worries. 

Unknown to them time passed while they just looked at each other. There were no more words needed. They had found out that their worries were unfounded and that they had really felt the same things. There was so much they could say, yet it felt too small while they gazed at each other with a small smile growing on their faces. 

The view on the glass windows had changed and the pair realized they were looking out at the lights of the park from close to the top. Asher brought the coin up between them, "Should we do it together?"

"Is there any other way?" Jane grabbed Ashers' hand and they dropped the coin in the slot. They didn't let each other's hand free even as the Ferris wheel stopped and the park lights began to slowly go out. 

This shocked them since it was close to one of their guesses until they noticed that the tops of the rides and buildings still had small lights and multiple staff members were moving around in the shadows. "What could they be doing?" Jane squeezed Asgers' hand while wondering out loud. 

"There's a light over there. It looks like, fire?" The question didn't hang in the air too long. The pair watched as something flew from the building emitting bright lights. Before they could open their mouths to speak a small burst of light lit up the sky. The resounding boom that followed made them lean back. They were at the perfect height and place to see the fireworks in all their glory. 

The pair was unable to say anything more and more trails of light rose through the sky and began to burst in to a wondrous display of light and sparkling colors. There was nothing to say as they leaned in to each other and watched for what seemed like lifetimes. The crowd below was stunned just the same even as the fireworks show steadily came to an end and the park lights returned to bring them out of the darkness. 

Jane and Asher could still not say a word when they reached the bottom and tried to find their friends. "Umm, it says that everyone will meet at the entrance. Cara sent a message to the group because it is too crowded." Jane was checking just in case while Asher was trying to look around. The only person he saw was Jackson making a path for Sammy to follow behind. The only reason Asher saw Jackson was because he was much taller than the other people around and that the path was perfect for them to follow too. 

"Then hold on because I'm going to get you to the entrance!" Asher pulled Jane with them while the two used their footwork to dodge and duck through the crowd. Their laughter filled the air as the crowd was still cheering for the fireworks show. 

"Best mystery prize ever!" Laura was the first they heard as they neared the entrance to the park. She was raving about it to Louis who had been with her in the same cabin. Louis on the other hand was silent and smiling like a fool because he had been too happy with the prize. 

"I don't know how we managed to be the last two to make it here. But after all that excitement, I would say it is time to head home." Asher offered to let everyone sleep over at their house since he and Cara could easily set up places to sleep in the living room. After calls home, while they walked to the train there were no parents that told them no. The group raved about the fireworks show the entire trip back to Cara and Ashers' home. No one made a single comment about Jane and Asher holding hands the entire way.. It was normal afterall. 


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