What The Luck!?

Chapter 17 - 17. Fortune

Asher parted ways with the two who went off in opposite directions. With their second class done they had one left. Art had chosen his chemistry class in an effort to learn more about the metal he could control. His desire to gain this knowledge seemed to outweigh his fried brain after philosophy.

Jane was running off to her sewing class. She wanted to learn as fast as possible how to make her own mask that could be easily put on and off when she needed it. She had spent most of the night awake filling a journal with ideas, zippers, Velcro, buttons, all were possible but there were too many options. She needed to try them all out and find the best. She also relished the idea that she would be able to make her entire hero suit when she graduated. There would be no expensive cost of hiring a designer and she may even be able to take a few orders herself and make some extra money!

Asher had forgotten he had randomly circled a class until now, 'what did I get myself in to?' he couldn't help but wonder as he reached room 777. He pushed the door open and found a smokey incense filled room. "You who ventures through the fog of uncertainty shall find the truth within the crystal clear waters." An old raspy female voice called out these words. However Asher could not see clearly through all the incense smoke. The scent was strong with sage and other various herbs. This was like walking in to an herbalist's shop.

"Madam Weaver you need to put these all out, if any new student shows up they will think the room is on fire!" A second more smooth and sweet girl's voice cut through the room and the smoke seemed to be pulled out somehow.

The minutes past revealing a tall skinny girl with large eyes and folded brown wings on her back. She had a long brown braid running down her shoulder from the top of her head. She seemed to lock on to Asher the second the incense smoke started to clear, he felt he was being looked upon by a bird of prey. "See if I hadn't opened the window and cleared out your smog I would never have found our new student!" She yelled toward an extremely aged looking old woman sitting in front of a large desk covered in a ton of different items.

There were collections of white and blue crystals on each corner. The black and gold star patterned covering lay over the entirety of the large desk. In the dead center was a crystal ball sitting upon a silver metal ring. The light being let in through the window was reflecting off of it causing small rainbow circles to shone in to the walls. There was a line of incense burners all set up slowly trailing of the aromatic white smoke that had just blinded Asher.

The old woman sitting at the desk was wrapped in a purple felt hood, her face was wrinkled beyond that of anyone else's Asher had ever seen, 'is this woman a living raisin?' Asher could not shake this one thought from his mind. She wore many gold or gem rings on her bands that made it look like she could never bend a finger. She did not open her eyes the entire time even though she seemed to know exactly where Asher was.

"Such a conflicting aura you have about you child, you pull in gold and put out black. I can feel fate twist around your very being." She could see his aura, it was as vibrant as a golden sun but all that was around him was the dark negative energy.

"If you spout ominous words like that he'll drop the fortune telling and astrology class today before we even give a lesson. My name is Lin and I am the one and only student here. This is madame Weaver, she is the teacher here." Lin looked at Asher, her eyes still looking at him as if she could see through him.

"Yes, I'm Asher Ronan. I kinda ended up choosing this class and well here I am." He had somehow managed to choose a class with only one student, 'So what now? Should I leave or stay? If I'm the second student will the class be easier?' Asher was contemplating whether to leave or stay. If the class was so small that there was only one student then maybe it was not a good class. But if it only had one student then he could get the best attention from the teacher to learn more and faster.

"Child you are indeed in the right place. I am an expert on things like luck and jinxes. You can feel free to be yourself here, I can counter any unfortunate event that may surround you." These words were again confusing to him, but Lin felt the same way. 'How does she know about my super power? I haven't said anything about it yet?' The thought stuck in the front of his mind.

"What do you mean by any unfortunate events? Is something bad going to happen madame?" Lin started to lean against a chair while wondering what in the world the madame Weaver was talking about.

"Lin dear if you lean on that chair your butt will be sore all day tomorrow." Lin looked at her like she had gone crazy, but as she started to put her weight on the chair a single leg fell off the chair and Lin stumbled back. But with the warning she easily caught herself and stood steady again. The chair tipped down on to its side.

"I will never know how you can figure all this out with your aura sight, My eyes are as developed as an owls and I can even see in the dark but I can't see a hint of this aura you always go on about." Lin had been through these things time and time again. "Madam once saw me eating my lunch and told me to throw out my sandwich, naturally I didn't listen and the next day I was sick with food poisoning. I try to listen to her with these things but they make no sense." Lin hung her head down lost to the meaning of aura.

"Oh, dear, you don't see aura, you feel it with your soul and your mind's eye interprets it. If you use your eyes to try and see aura you are better off staring in to the sun. It is a pointless act." This seemed like a well rehearsed skit between the two.

"So, I was wondering. What is this class all about?" Asher finally cut in to their little skit with his questioning wondering what was actually going to learn during this class. He had no idea so far other than the fact that somehow his new teacher could see aura and that the one and only classmate was able to use her super powered mutations to see things like an owl.

"Well we look toward the ways of the spiritual world of course! The way fate changes, how the future just falls in to place, in your case I would say we look at the luck and unluckiness of the world around us." madam Weaver held a sneaky smile like she was seeing something more than what she let on. " There are truths hidden in stars and a light in every darkness., We just need to open our true eyes and accept what they are." She opened her eyes just for a small second showing only white. She had no pupils and was completely blind. Yet she was able to see this aura and act accordingly.

Asher was a little unnerved by this but he had become intrigued by what she said about luck. 'Does she knew something about my power lucky jinx? Can she help me to understand how it works?' Asher wanted to outright ask but if he did he had the feeling that he would be left with more questions than answers.

"So since we have a new student who didn't run away yet is it time for a real aura reading?"Lin turned to Asher, "Whenever we get a new student that looks like they will stick around Madame uses her aura reading power to give them a reading. It usually makes little to no sense but sometimes the students that seek her out had major breakthroughs in their life. The top of the class used to have a huge problem with his memory but somehow fixed it after hearing his aura reading. Then our top martial arts student was losing a bunch of matches but after hearing his aura reading he trained for three days and created a new technique to confuse opponents." Lin again left out a sight. This was another aspect she just didn't understand in the least when it came to auras.


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