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Chapter 18 A Fate Worse Than Death


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"Awaken... Asmodeus."


[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]


Necroma said with a shocked face, as she was split in half by the sword of Erection, perfectly cleaves along with her great throne.



The sound of the structure could be heard coming down as it fell to the ground, and the entire boss room suddenly shake as hundreds of thousands of bones came tumbling down, as it floods the entire room.

The remaining goblins left alive were bombarded by bones of all sizes, but the greater shock came when they all saw the reason why the thrones of bones came falling along with their queen, before them was a giant sword that was all too familiar to them.

It penetrated the wall ahead, as it release a heat that was too much for them to bare, but what made this all the more intimidating to the eye, was that same sword, a man standing proudly on it could, and naked at that, his eye glows a menacing pink, as his feet were on the beating heart of the sword which was the hilt.

The beast had much fury In his eyes, so much so, that all the goblins there did not dear to approach it, as a step to the behemoths was akin to forfeiting their lives.





The loud beat of the sword's heart could be heard as a mighty beast roaring to the heavens, it could be heard all over, in every section of the dungeon, as if to send a warning and to set an example to all, but of course, what made this sight even more terrifying for the mast majority here was when the monster that causes this horrific event turns his eyes towards all the goblins.

His eyes brought forth a fear like no other, as he said with a cold tone while giving each one of them a death glare.

"All of your here are a hindrance, please die."

And like that, the colossal sword that cleaves the Queen in two suddenly began to move which causes even further shaking, as giant rocks and debris began to fall and scattered, every goblin inside had a concerned look on their face because the giant sword, was levitating in the air, and a moment later what happened next was death.

Because In an instant it began to swing to the side, which caused thousands of goblins to be sliced in two, the heads flew, blood spurted, and their upper half was either separated or completely dismantled.

In that instance, all I could hear at the time were the screams of panic and pain of the remaining goblins that were still alive, along with bodies and bones being flown away due to shock waves of the strike.

From there what came before me for killing more than half of the remaining goblins was as followed.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

"Tsk~ After killing so many goblins I have only been promoted to four levels, truly this must be a joke right, but then and again I have been leveling up like crazy simply because of my ×2 multiplier, so the Exp count must truly be getting lower and lower, so I should be glad I even got four promotion, instead of two."

"However the job wasn't even finished yet, this cocky goblin bitch is still alright despite me sacrificing 34,000 HP, to make Asmodeus this big... agh sigh well whatever, my health is back to normal since I level up."

I said as I walk down my sword blade completely defying the laws of gravity, I proceed to search for the body, and it didn't take long because I sense an immense aura coming from the rubble of bones and dismember goblins.


Right after a hand appeared from the sea of bones, then a head, and upper body, as a naked Necroma could be seen digging her way back up, as the left side of her body could be seen slowly regenerating, but her face had a horrific expression on it.

She had no arm, her skull was partially showing, and the bones and flesh were slowly regrowing to heal the severed half, but one thing was for sure.

She had no artifacts on to aid her, much less protect her even the resurrection crystal was destroyed when Asmodeus awaken, as of this moment her last line of life was achieved through the sacrifice of her 1-ups, then and again, that is why I got rid of the must of them.

She manages to dig herself from pits of bones and corpses while limping and staggering, but she stops in her tracks when I said.

"And where do think you are going?"

When my voice rang out, she stop in her tracks with a face screaming "Oh fuck!" I could also see cold seeds forming out of fear on her back and upper legs, while her hair stand up in fright, but she turn around to face me.

Her lips are trembling, while her limbs were limping, however, her eyes were the most beautiful yet, they went from arrogant to cocky, to worry and concerned.

But there was just one problem, her eyes still had hope present in them, despite the situation she is in at this moment, and honestly speaking we don't need that, if she isn't broken, if she isn't begging, if she isn't praying for her life, then this battle is not over, no it was far from over.

And since her attack completely destroyed and vaporized my clothes, then I didn't have any armor as well, well not like my clothes were protecting me anyways, but I still manage to get out of it at the last second, since my mana runs out, and I did feel a portion of that blast if I didn't level up two times in a row without a doubt I would be dead.

So I'm a little angry but somehow excited, maybe even aroused at the thought of death, but her cockiness is what turns me off.

Make me a slave she says.

Turn me into her pet she announces.

Give you the honor of being my vessel she blabbered.

The audacity, the arrogance, the balls.

Who the fuck does she think she is, who gives her the right to say such a thing before me, how dare she a mere goblin, an insignificant toy, a stupid slave, a fucking mongrel say such things to me, the world chosen.

Should I kill her, should I destroy her, should I completely break her to the point her sanity itself cannot be repaired by any conventional means?

I am the demon king of Lust Asmodeus, I submit to no one but the world, and I live to correct all things that disturb the balance, and yet this woman actually had the gall to say, be honored damn I love war, I love violence, I love carnage, but she actually manages to piss me off.

I see no wonder why she did it, she just like them, no difference, no difference at all, well I will correct that now, I will show her hell like no other.

When I'm finished you will be licking my feet, just like how you use your husband for your selfish desire, I shall use you for my desires as well.

And with that said, I walk up to her, as she looks at me, and said.

"Don't... think you have won... just as Yet."

She said still trying to maintain a noble arrogance and did a cocky smile, to which I respond with a happy smile, which was followed by a powerful bitch slap to the face as I used my tail to send her flying.

"Ugh.. Aug."


I send her flying into a wall, which made a giant crater due to the sheer force of my attack, she tried to respond to me and she send a fire lance in my direction, however, I just tank it, and surprisingly this one was really weak it was as if she had used up all her mana, well I wouldn't be surprised, that magic she used earlier I believed it was called.

<<Omega Dawn: Primos>>

If I am corrected it is super tier magic, I don't know what the magic ranks of spells are, but one thing is for sure, that attack of her has enough power to kill me fifty times over, I was lucky my mana manage to hold out, till the end, and the poison of that was flowing in the remaining goblins that were cut but not killed finally off them which caused me to level up, and reset my HP.

But as I thought this, my eyes went back to her as she said, while breathing heavily

"Why won't my wounds heal quickly, what the hell did you do to me?"

"Agh-- yes, so it has finally begun~~ you must be confused right, well I don't blame you, but to answer your stupid question your wounds won't heal fast, no! as a matter of fact, it is a miracle your even healing, the poison in your body should completely break down all living cells in the body, but yet here you are, still healing despite being brutally wounded by Kuromaru divine poison."

I answered with a wicked smile on my face which frighten her as she said.


"Yes, my lifelong partner Kuromaru, my beloved sword, Asmodeus, is a divine sword blessed by the world itself, it has the attribute of poison, for what this poison is called well let's just call it the Vassilana poison, after all, my so-called sister was like a fucking poison I didn't need in my life, now tell me does it hurt, can you feel it, your entire body should be feeling like its being cast on fire."



I said to her, but right after I said that she began to vomit blood, as one of her eyeballs drop out of her right sockets, and her skin began to melt, while her bones started to deteriorate.

Her screams become prominent and also music to my ears.


Tears of blood began to fall from her eyes, and shortly after her limbs started to explode like a mushy paste, and the poison was so toxic, that her blood was melting on the floor, and her teeth fall out of her mouth, while her tongue began to swell, her lower jaw started to fall off her face, revealing her melted throat.

Her screams soon began to become more prominent till they vanish, her bones started to evaporate into a pool, and since the supporting structure of her body was now gone she slump down like a slime.

Truly whatever beauty she had left, was now gone, and the best part is.

"Oh by the way this poison was created to make the enemy suffer for as long as I like, so as long as I don't want you to die, then it won't kill you, you shall forever stay like this, so tell me, queen of goblins, what says you now."

"And another plus for me, despite this form your voice never goes, so I can hear your screams all I want it is truly beautiful, although I will grant you salvation if you say my name."


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