What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 147 What Happens When Two Asmodeus Works Together

Asmodeus and Asi finished taking their bath; while also discussing different ways how to deal with people.

"So today is the day; thank you, lord."

Spoke Asmodeus in a happy tone; after all. He's been waiting for this moment for a while now.

"Yap, we will skip class, and go straight towards violence."

Asi replied in a neutral tone. Meanwhile, Asmodeus was getting ready, he had to shape-shift his tuxedo accordingly to this body as he was still getting used to it.

Moments later after some modification; he was finally ready to start the day.

"I must say a tuxedo does look good on you in any form."

"Haha. The white tuxedo has become a uniform for me at this point; these days it's the only thing I wear, as The Demon King of Lust I feel obliged to look the part in the most professional way possible white and pink suites me as such it's the best outfit for my character."

Asmodeus replied with confidence.

"Well then since you're ready for the heat let's get to work today's going to be a very bloody day filled with the vivid amount of heinous and uncharted violence on par with Blood-C, fair warning if you can't stand murdering children then will have to do...

But before Asi can speak anymore Asmodeus replied.

"... No that is not necessary; fuck them kids. You don't have to worry about me studdering. I will have you know my murder game is on point these fades are rated (E) for everyone, the amount of fucks I actually give is smaller than negative numbers. Fuck morals although I want your opinion."

Commented Asmodeus with a wicked smirk on his face.

To which Asi replied with a smirk equally evil.

"Sure ask away."

She commented.

"How long do think it will take for us to break him."

"He is Pendragon so breaking his will to live is going to be hard; albeit with me around he just resetting to be tormented again."

"I see. You are a natural menace Asi and I like it, yes violence is a topic only a fellow Asmodeus can truly understand. Mere words cannot explain how fucking excited I am, because with your method of execution for once, I feel unstoppable and satisfied, how could I not be with your method I can go all out; and although I can't beat Michael you're a genius for describing such an easy alternative on how to in prison him."

"Don't worry about it Asmodeus; you are still young and inexperienced. So a mission like this was indeed above your pay grade but it's not impossible to accomplish. Michael can't be killed but he can be contained because you have the methods to do so. However, the hard part will be to break Ether's will and locate the brave in hiding."

"That's why we shall devote all of our attention to breaking Ether will down to the atomic level; be warned though as Pendragon this task of breaking him beyond repair with his own looping abilities won't be easy. With redoing he has time to plan."

Asia commented; to which Asmodeus replied.

"... Then we don't give him time to plan after killing him he will reset; thankfully we will mark him with that weird ass ability of yours, do you think you can teach me how to use it."

"Well it's not a skill but a technique I learn from the Polykins; so yeah I can teach you, but it took me two years to earn it."

"The Marking technique truly is insane if your claims are true though."

"Well as long as we touch him; he cannot escape us; even if he escapes to another timeline we will just time-jump with him, escape is inevitable, the best part is once marked it can't be undone even if his miracles manipulation kicks in."

Inform Asi as she continues to speak.

"Well, either way; have you finished geared up, it's time to go don't you think?"

"Yeah yeah, but first. To me my sword."

Upon saying those words, Kuromaru who was put to lie beside the room wall flew straight into Asmodeus's hand and wrap around his ring finger turning it into a ring and hiding it perfectly.

Asmodeus then look back at Asi who had her hands folded, he then offer his hands as he said.

"Let's get going; we have a lot of chaos and discord to inflict."

Asi grabbed a hold of his hands, and the two then walk out of the mansion and into the AcadeVillageges streets, as they began to take their time walking the long way to school, as they scope out Saint Michael Academy Village.

It's been five minutes since Asmodeus and Asi left home to get to school, before him were large old buildings that look both ancient and modern in feel.

Carts and carriages flood the streets; just looking at the site one believes that they have time traveled.

Asi looked around unimpressed by the sight and slandering the decoration designs and overall theme of the academy.

"This mid evil them is cringe as fuck; this only works if modernity is low."

"I can agree, I think Michael is just a whack-ass cosplayer, or he has a series fetish for corsets and ball dresses."

Asmodeus commented.

"Agreed; the smell of humans is infuriating. Honestly when are you gonna erase them?"

"As soon as the ultimate ones seize to exist."

"... Well like I said we need to grab Gaia by his balls."

"And grab him we will; after dealing with this school I will gladly leave a message to make my intentions clear, Michael's happiness burning to nothing will be an example to all, I want everyone to know that their not safe, and I want them to feel utter despair, I wonder can Gods feel fear to point they considered themselves mortals again hahaha. I can't wait to experiment."

However just as Asi and Asmodeus almost reach the school gate.

He heard a voice.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

It was a familiar voice, but an annoying one. Asmodeus turned around with an annoyed face, the same for Asi who already want to kill the bitch for even stopping them.

Two of them met the sight of a girl, her hair was pink; hell anyone could tell she recently dyed it, she was wearing a pink eye patch on her left eye, and she has clear skin, and wore a fancy but simple ball dress, in her hand was a fan covering her face.

And beside her, were two guys, twins actually, yes there were two tall and handsome men with identical appearance.

They both had tan skin giving them a caramel look, their hair was white and straight as they reached their necks. The two of them were even wearing full white tuxedos like Asmodeus and had extremely muscular bodies.

"Bastard you took my eye; I hope you're ready for the con...

However before any introductions were made, any threats our said, or any cliche scenario began to take place, Asmodeus stop time.

As he walks up to the three.

"This girl is annoying who is she?"

Asi asked a little irritated, to which Asmodeus replied.


Asi didn't answer, it was a mutual understanding between the two, meanwhile, Asmodeus touch the annoying girl who had a problem with Victor, and the moment he did, a large amount of life force was drained from her, her body soon began to dry up like a prune till the point she turned to ash, as her dress fell to the ground

He then looks at the two generic I will beat you to a pile of shit twin young masters and also touches them as well draining their life force, till eventually they turn to ashes as well, and their clothes drop to the ground.

Asmodeus then saw a homeless dog that seem injured; he walks walked up to the dog that everyone was ignoring and took the life force of all three human beings he had drained and gave it to so. something much worthy of life, an animal.

The dog seems to be a normal hunting dog, they breed a lot in this village as they assist the farmers to cultivate, manage and hunt the artificial animals in this world; that we're created as a food supply for the students, but they are also abused or disregarded if they become useless, in this dogs case he lost two of it hime legs, and due to serious amount of mites on it body mange corrode half of its body, it was also blind as well, and it looks like a horse kick out both of its eyes.

Honestly, why didn't the humans help it, why didn't the humans take it out of its misery at the least?

Truly it was both disappointing and disgusting to see this much animal cruelty, he can't talk as if he is innocent in that regard, but he would rather live amongst clueless animals than humans any day.

So with that said Asmodeus places his hands over the dog's eye and combines shape-shifting, and life-giving and began to reshape the dog's entire body bringing it back to its prime; its legs heal, its eyes came back, and the mange dissipated.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus went several steps further and transformed all the mites into mini eldritch abominations, as he infused demonic and holy aura into their anatomy, while the dog was blessed with evolution capabilities just in case any other harm beyond the mite's protection comes to it.

As the mite now acts as the dog's guardian any harm that comes to the dog would be eaten to the very last cell; while the dog has a lesser form of Asmodeus adaption capabilities.

"There you go, listen well little one, stay away from humans, I made it so you can live amongst the Mystics, it's not the greatest power boost, but now you can live in the wild as all animals should, never be confined by human hands again."

Asi looks at Asmodeus with a neutral look; she and her counterpart also share their love for animals, ironic since she has qualms about erasing nature itself if means the enemy is dead.

She thinks to herself.

"Father I really do miss you."

Meanwhile, Asmodeus think.

"Mother would have done the same."

This was a small act of unnecessary kindness it had no point but it happen regardless; it was done out of kindness for nature subjects, however, every action has an equal reaction, at this time neither Asmodeus nor Asi realize that Asmodeus out of context action, and random act of kindness to something else for once created something that would one day be revered as the (Redacted) (Name should never be said) a beast that represents (Redacted)

With that said Asmodeus looks at Asi and grab her hand once more as he said snapping his finger and resuming time.

"Well then with that done let's bring chaos and discord to Saint Michale Academy and all its inhabitants."


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