What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 140 The Tower Of Trials

(A/N): Hello everyone Kira here, so currently speaking where halfway finished with the advent of volume three, and as such, I personally have a couple of minor announcements.

So volume four is being written right now as we speak by Retro, seeing that a great part of volume four is where our collaboration will begin to initiate characters from their universe.

The first thing I want to clarify is the improvement of the writing quality as a whole, although not perfect it should be better compared to before. I personally believe that using the excuse of not speaking English as your first language should not be legitimately excused for a person's horrible grammar. And with all honesty, English isn't my first language, because to be brutally honest with you all; my mother speaks English and I learn it from her, crazy enough my mother's first language isn't even English either, nor is the country that I hail from is an English speaking country.

However thankfully my good friend Retro's English speaking skills is better than mine, ironically enough English isn't their first language either.

But two heads are better than one, that much is obvious; so expect better writing to some extent, and if you guys need visually accurate images of Asmodeus, Gaia, Nero, and the gang, I have their art posted on chapter 72, so please refer to that if you want a better reading experience.

Apart from that, this is all that I have to share so please enjoy this chapter.

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The sound of the cool night breeze could be heard swaying from the north and blowing straight into the face of Asmodeus.

This of course made him open his eyes in the steer of the stupor, it went even wider than before especially seeing the surrounding area he was currently in.

Before Asmodeus was an endless tapestry of stars, glimmering its lucid light all over the night sky, it was a sight he was all too familiar with.

This beautiful sight was indeed one he has seen so many times before. And one he sees every time he goes to sleep.

At the very glance of its beauty, his brain registered only two words that escapes his mouth.

"My Dreamworld."

Yes, this entire place is Asmodeus' dreamscape, in here Asmodeus was God, and no one in this world could be better than him, even if a dream walker; a type of Divine beast closer to that of a biblical accurate angel came in here to pick a fight, their soul would casually be euro-stepped upon by Asmodeus mere thoughts alone, the very scenario is the definition of a noob basketball player going against an NBA superstar.

Their very existence to manipulate dreams meant nothing. As this place was the Demon Kings of Lust Domain.

As such Asmodeus is simply defined as God in the dreams of man.

Meanwhile, however; Asmodeus began to look around as he traverse the forest filled with much greenery, and exoteric plant life; all of which is unheard of in the world of the waking.

Even the Gibbous moon tonight was radiating a pink light upon Asmodeus's magnificent figure. It was as if the lunar lamp of this world that was deeply immersed; and thickly wrapped in the stellar blanket of this space-filled night was acknowledging the arrival of its master and creator Asmodeus.

"Where is Lilith; I know she brought me here, but I'm not seeing her anywhere, maybe I should summon her to me instead."

But just as Asmodeus was about to do that, the reality of the dreamscape began to warp drastically, as the world began to break like glass causing Asmodeus to fall, however, he sense that it was just being reconstructed.

And the only person he gave Admin rights to in this place was Lilith so of course, she was responsible for such deconstruction & reconstruction.

Moments later, however. Asmodeus soon began to feel cold sand beneath his feet, which was strange seeing that he came here in his classical white tuxedo form; that he has grown rather attached.


Asmodeus shouted; continuing his statement as he walked along the cold desert sand

"Well isn't this one of the most random things to find in a terrain like this?."

Announce Asmodeus in genuine shock. Yes, how could he not be shocked at the sight of the large structure before him?

In front of Asmodeus is a large tower, and not just any normal-looking tower either, no this tower was one that stretches to at least seven thousand meters high to the point you can't even see the top if you look up with your all.

The share size of it alone put even the depth of the sea to shame by more than two times, it is horrendously large, and the material it was made out of was a weird black alloy, one which he has never seen or heard of before.

So out of curiosity, Asmodeus began to use his 'Eyes of Truth' on the large structure before him, and like all other things. The 'Eyes of Truth' stripped the large building of its information down to different sectors and simply its initial meaning and purpose entirely and instantaneously at that. And what Asmodeus saw did not just shock him, no it made him speechless to the point words couldn't form.

|The Tower of Trial|

❖ The Tower of Trials: was originally the home to the first Demon King of Lust, Evangella, it was said that Eva had a habit to test humans, and other races in her boredom, as such, she made a large tower with her divine authority, the tower had a total of six hundred-sixty-sixty-six floors.

|The Floors|

❖ Each floor on its own contains an entire world with various scenarios and complex puzzles, the tower of trials, embodies adventure, new experiences, enlightenment, torture & despair, immaturity & growth, and mystery & misery. To conquer it means that one is worthy of a wish from the Demon King herself.

|What Does The Tower Of Trials Do|

❖ However, what made this tower one of the greatest lost divine treasures in the age of the Gods is the fact that it still maintains a fraction of "Evas will" even after her death. Meaning that Demon King Eva's authority of imagination & manifestation is still active here.

|What Does This Means|

❖ It appears in the dream to those who are worthy, to those who are desperate, to those who have strong desires, and to those who desire change, and the greatest thing yet is the fact that any who conquers it except the Demon King of Lust, can take back any treasure they find within it as their own in the real world.

|In Conclusion|

❖ This tower is only accessible to the Demon King of Lust, however, it is an extremely powerful stat-dependent reality breaker weapon, as such, it has three strict stat-dependent conditions that are needed before any form of entry is granted, One. The Demon King Charmastic Super Stats must exceed Semi Divine State and have over 50+ (SP) invested in CHM. Two. The Demon King of Lust must have high endurance and stamina as the backlash of reality manifestation is costly sometimes even leading up to death, seeing any item that manifests into reality needs equivalent energy and willpower to exit this place with its taker 3. The said Demon King level has to be over 60+| Please be reminded only challengers can take the treasure from this world, and not the Demon King himself.

Asmodeus was silent, the mere fact that something like this existed inside his dreamscape was initially terrifying and also equally interesting, his hands slowly touch it as his finger caressed its exterior getting a good feel of it, but at that same, a male robotic voice rang in the head of Asmodeus, one foreign and unknown to home him, but yet awfully familiar.

[V.CXG3 Successfully connected]

"Wait I have been here before, no this is Lilith all over again?"

[Host initial compatibility 100%]

[Host current bloodline is split into 3 variables, total demonic blood detected (68%) >> Total divine blood detected (30%) >> Unknown Variable (A) Highly dangerous hidden bloodline (2%): 100% nameless bloodline]

[Error >> Recalibrating >> Adapting >> Succesful... The Citadel Main System will now reboot to sort the host's initial existence factor]

[Reboot will start in T-minus_5 Seconds]


The world began to shake once more, and as the entire dream world began to glitch like crazy, numbers began to eat away at the world as if this was some kind of vivid VR game that was about to crash, and you the host still trapped in it.


Reality began to distort, and time began to feel non-existence, even so, Asmodeus didn't know how this was possible as the feeling just became natural to him, and yet he began to feel drowsy since this was his dream world.








.... [System reboot has been successful host has been promoted to the Administrator of the world of ___ [please insert name]]

Asmodeus could not hear anything but he felt the intention of the tower system, it wanted him to name this world, so he went along with it, and decide to name the world.


[Confirmed. The World of OneiRo has been successfully created, here lies the dream, here is where desires are born, this place is the 321st initial recreation of Demon king Eva's Towers of Trial & also the final resting place of the blood; it is where the bloodline of the 3000+ lustful monarchs all originated from... greeting Demon King Asmodeus Morningstar my name is Somnus, please enjoy your stay in the land of eternal sleep, all dream are possible, all desires known, in here the wish of the heart and it wants can be visualized to perfection according to your will, as this world is your Citadel, just as Ophis 'Realm of negativity' is hers]

At this very moment, Asmodeus didn't know what was happening, or what the hell was going on, however, his consciousness was returning to him, and when it did, images of a dark room came into light.

His five senses were played with, and even coming back to his original sense of freedom felt horrendously mind-boggling, giving him a slight headache.

"... Ha. Where am I?"

"Hahaha... hu...nd .... ahah."

His ears were ringing quite loudly, and his vision was still very much blurry, as a large figure was standing in front of him, he couldn't make it out quite clearly but he know it was there. However, he blinked once and suddenly got close, very close, despite him just quickly blinking.

The laughter of a familiar voice could be heard, as four pairs of pink eyes could be seen glowing in the distance, hidden by the veil of shadows beyond the reach of the limited flare of the room torches.

His eyes were on the figure; not wanting to look away from it, as he felt very weak in the body, and to look away at the unknown variable was not a wise idea, but even so, the figure sank back into the darkness, and what followed was the creepy sound of layered laughter that was morbidly caressing the back of his mind.

"Ahaha... d...r...g... what's the matter... hahaha... reality shifting go... you daze... how cute."

"Who... are you?"

Asmodeus shouted with all his vigor, but no reply was given, this voice was familiar but different so how.

Another five minutes went by, and right after, Asmodeus's senses came back to a hundred percent, and when they did, he was finally able to see the surrounding.

"Wh-what the hell is this?"

Before Asmodeus was a giant throne room, and in front of him was a giant stone table rectangular in shape, so far there were only five chairs; that was also crafted in the mysterious black alloy he came across earlier when he touch this tower.

However, the table itself was large to the point that over twenty people could easily sit around it. At the center of that table was the outside world being projected by a mysterious glowing pentagon circle; behaving similarly to that of a hologram.

The hologram was magical in nature, and so far it had recorded all the battles that Asmodeus, Nero, Lilu, Rize, Necroma, and Gorgo had done since his reign as a Demon King, everyone's point of view was being shown here.

But it didn't stop there no, all the butterflies he summoned with his Lumen physiology that he send to traverse the world Pov was being shown, even his past as Damien was being shown, Nero's past, Lilu's past, everything was being shown in these holograms.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus himself was sitting on a large throne crafted from the same black alloy, it was also showing signs of being alive as many weird black tentacles with spherically shaped bodies floated around it, their purpose unknown.

Surprised by the surrounding area Asmodeus got up in order to look up around him, but at that very moment four slender red hands forcefully but also gently push him back down to sit down on his throne, which was followed by a large black snake tail that began to wrap around him, and his throne, trapping him, as a pair of hands cover his eyes.

And the same familiar, but unfamiliar whispered in his ears.

"Guess who?"

At that moment, the familiarity became obvious.

"Lilith... no but how? The scent it's yours, but the voice, and the texture of your skin are different, why is this?"

"Correct you are husband... look up and I will tell you."

With those words said the pair of hands were removed from my eyes, and I look up, and that was when I came in contact with Lilith's face once more, she had her signature princess drills this time however it was black instead of blond, her face looks way more beautiful than before, as her skin color was of a brighter and hotter red.

Her body was hot, very hot, and I mean that literally, although different she gave a mature look, and her breast size also increased, although she increase in size even taller than me. She was around Nero Demon mode height if I had to base it on her head and upper body size.

She had two pairs of demonic and menacingly looking eyes, that were shining and glowing a furious pink as if on fire. Including a series of ancient tattoos that were also glowing a menacing pink.

All in all, this was Lilith, but her appearance seem less human, and more demon-like, even now I could feel her claws sinking deep into my flesh as if they were an owl's talons.

But at that moment, Lilith look me in the eyes and said.

"I come bearings gifts, and lots of it husband, I did promise you I have a way to deal with Michael right, Anastasia is it at work, and I can't fall behind that emotional thing? Well apart from that this place is my weapon against him, you alone won't be enough, but one of Eva's weapons can, and thankfully we have one seal in the first Monarch's dream world."

Lilith said with a smile on her face to which I replied.

"By the way, what's up with that form?"

"Oh this, well I'm also a Succubus its only natural that I came to serve you in more presentable form. Demons are ugly creatures you know, this is just my partial form, as my true form is a giant snake with distorted features, you also have on as well, the same logic applies for Lilu, the same for Nero, and the same for Ophis, higher rank demons suppress their true forms by keep their Demonic aura suppress hence the reason for our humanoid appearances, you are mostly human because you are restraining yourself at all times keeping all your Demonic aura seal inside yourself to a great degree."

"... True... form?"

To Be Continued.

Next Time: Between Lilith & Anastasia's schemes [R-18]


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