What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 134 Why Won't You Die?! [Part: II]


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.Trivia of the day #75: There exist 4000+ special humans that have awakened to the power of a singularity, however, mana is something that can be used as well, as a result, it is not unique, but it is considered rare, you can say 3/10ths of humanity can utilize such power, and awaken their unique attribute in the field, although those who have access to both a singularity and magic are considered high humans, humans who transcend their race limitation by natural selection, it because of this that Gaia seal off the evolution potential of all humans to save them from themselves.


-- Ryu Manor --

Thud!... Thud!... in the cover of darkness the sight of hundreds of humans could be seen descending from the sky parading down like an almost unnoticeable rain making landfall on the Lioness manor.

Even the sound of their combined landing could be described and compared to the like of rain hitting grass.

This was of course the assassin of the Hassan clan; code name unlimited, who came here to complete the request of an unknown but highly important customer.

His plan was simple, as an augmented human, who also had the aid of advanced technology on his side as well he would use all the cheats he has invested in till now to make this mission smooth.

As a result of possessing all of this power, he was able to rise through the ranks of his family hierarchy in a single week, it was one of the fastest growth rates ever seen in the history of his family, who prioritize usefulness over overwhelming strength.

The plan was simple and easy to follow.

He would first invade the inside of the manor from multiple directions while leaving half of his perfect clones behind to keep visual from the outside in every direction; by doing this he could direct the clones from the inside as well from the outside.

Exchanging information in case more plans need to be made in a last-ditch effort.

This way the shared information from their H.I.V.E-like connection, would allow them to do many various things such as share intel, form different formations, provide back-up, and plan out multiple courses of action perfectly for many different scenarios.

As a single individual; they are weak, but as a colony, they are an unstoppable force of nature, and to break their formation was nigh impossible, that fact was undeniable, so far he has not met anyone who could handle his Omni-directional-full-counter- assault-formation.

That was the name given to this specific formation, which allowed him to gather information, and fight at close, mid, and long-range all at once, while also ignoring defense due to pure numbers, and also leaving him with zero blind spots as well.

However, before he truly engages, he made sure that he was fully prepared, checking his body status.

"Power supply at 73%, mana is fully replenished thanks to the Mana regeneration potion I drank earlier, and the teleportation device I bought from Odin a month back is still active as well, of course, this is in case of emergencies which rarely ever happen."

Moments later he sends a telepathic link to all of his clones, to inform them that the preparations are complete.

"All set, let us go, scatter, and spread everyone."

Spoke Unlimited in a demanding tone as he orders them to move according to the plan, to which all responded positively to his orders.

With the command given to scatter and spread, Mr. Unlimted clones began to initiate their Omni-Directional formation immediately which was game over for most targets in most of the jobs he had done till now.

One hundred would remain outside, and the other one hundred would find a way inside, keeping a low profile.

The original himself was staying low on a tree safe from danger, all he had to do; was sit back and relax, and with his clone scattered in every direction nothing would pass his eyes so his safety was reassured.

This unique magic of his was so overpowered when used correctly.

As result, his specialty was gathering information, kidnapping, and killing.

Especially when it comes to spying on others he was the main man for the job, even now that talent of his was showing, because it didn't take long for him to notice a serious flaw about this place as he said to himself.

'For a C-rank family, this place is rather unsecured, there are no guards on the outside at all, which means they are that confident in their power ha. Hahaha.. how foolish, ignorance can only take one so far you know.'

But at that same time, Unlimited felt something pitch on his nose when he closes his eyes to laugh.

His eyes opened at the foreign sensation, and it didn't take long to notice what it was.

"Ha... isn't this a butterfly?"

Yes before Unlimited was a beautiful red and black monarch butterfly, its wings stretch and flap elegantly as it flies around him, landing on the branches nearby.

However, it didn't end there, because more of the same butterflies began to emerge from the tree he was sitting on, at least a total of five, but when he look none of them stayed there for long because they took off in the sky shortly after, just flying around undisturbed.

"Maybe I disturbed the peace?"

Unlimited said to himself as he rubbed the back of his head.

This scene brought back memories to unlimited as he remember a time in his childhood when he was reading a book about insects, he could recall that at night butterflies sleep in trees our rest under twigs or logs to avoid predators, so he didn't pay it any mind, although he has to admit that in all his life he has never seen a butterfly as beautiful as those.

Then and again they were completely harmless, this place might be Eden but the principal did implant some insects in the academy to make it more lively since it was a request from the insect club and those who had insect base magic or powers.

He also got a detailed report on everyone in the Lioness household, and according to the report not a single one of them had the power to manipulate insects via magic or singularity.

So the chances of them being spies were zero percent, however, what Unlimited wasn't aware of was the fact that a single butterfly spell his downfall.

If there was one rule in nature that must be abided by, then always take into consideration to never touch any animals that are colorful or beautiful as they are poisonous.

Meanwhile, however, one of his clones got back to him and inform him of the situation inside.

"Original I got visual on the boy."

"Do you think you can grab him?"

Unlimited ask as he wanted to get this mission done with to get the promised amount to prepare himself for his next body modification surgery.

Although the clones answered him with slightly bad news as his clones inform him as such.

"It's possible but also tricky seeing the parent's room isn't far from his room, then and again he is still awake as well."

"And what about the parents?"

Unlimited ask as he wanted to keep on Mr. and Ms.Lioness although the answer he got throw him off a little as the clone on the other side informed him of such.

"Fuckin sir."


"...' x199

"I see, well let us wait it out, I'm sure they will tire themselves out eventually; and fall asleep due to satisfaction and exhaustion, and it won't be long till the boy fall asleep as well, they still have school to attend tomorrow too you know."

"Roger that." x200

From there Unlimited and his clones began to wait it out.

[45 minutes later]

"Status report on the parents please?"

"Still fucking sir."

"Well, a knight does have strong stamina so it can't be helped, they live every day as their last, I will contact you guys in two hours even the great viscount can't go that long in bed."

[2 hours later]

"The boy is fast asleep sir."

One of the clones inform Unlimted, to which he smile and said.

"That's good, we can make our move soon, and also what about the viscount?"

"... Ah. Well, he is currently wheelbarrowing sir."

"..." x200

"So there where one of those all-night couples, just great, and the servants."

"Bed sir, knock out cold from a hard day's work I presume."

However, at the same Ryu began to hear hard moans via the ears of multiple of his clones.

"Ugh... AGHHAHAHA... AGHHHH... Yesss... Oh, gwad-- Darling harder."

"Honestly do they forget that they have kids right next to their rooms, on god some of the clones can hear them even down the hall, going down the stairs, Jesus, what are they Sex Demons?"

"I don't know sir, maybe just a loving couple, from the information given the Viscount is rarely home."

The Closeat clone said, till eventually another clone informed the original.

"Wait I think they stop, both of them are getting off the bed."

"Thank god it looks like we can mo...

But before he could confirm his report, the two seem to have just stopped to switch positions, which made the clone sigh in embarrassment, as he embarrassedly said.

"My bad sir, X mark the spot, false alarm."

"..." × 200

"Fuck it just gets the kid, I'm sure those two won't even realize we invade the pla...


However, at that very moment, yet another distraction came, but this time around it wasn't his clone's annoying and explicit reports, no this time the distraction came in the form of a striking pain that caused him to grab his head in agony, and his eyes began to bleed it was so painful that it made him fall from the trees and scream.

"AUGAHUAAUHAUAAAYAAAA!.... wHat tHe...TTheHeLl iS tHis?!"

"Sir the viscount and his wife suddenly disap... ahk.


"We are being attacked."

"What the hell is going on everyone is just dying in the manor sir, we need backup... SLICEE."

At that moment Unlimited began to cut off his telepathic link with the collective because, he was feeling all their distress, pain, and agony.

This was one of the consequences of using his magic, after doing this it means he gave his clones the go-ahead to make independent action toward the enemy.

However, as he sat there, holding his head he said in sudden fear.

"What the hell happen, I lost contact with 86 clones in that short moment, when did they notice, wasn't the viscount fucking, there was no way they could know of my arrival, the mission isn't even a day old yet, how does information leak so quickly, no it isn't impossible."

Shit, I need to do something quickly.

Unlimited said as he began to run towards the manor however he soon fell to his ass when he witness one of the most gruesome and traumatizing sights before him.

All one hundred of his clones on the outside were perfectly skewered up the ass and through their mouths in an instant and less than five seconds at that.

But the creepiest thing was the fact that they maintain a praying position, it was done in such a fashion, and it look like they were begging for forgiveness to atone for their sins, the crazy thing, however, was the fact that the massacre was in a pentagram shape.

The only reason he know all of this was because his information terminal was sending immediate info about the surroundings to his brain.

At the Revelation, a sudden face of worry was emerge from his face.

He froze at the sight before him, as he said.


And due to the sudden shock and confusion, he was feeling, he was completely unaware of the person behind him and at that very moment, someone snuck up behind him, and grab his right ass cheeks tightly, and said in a sadistic tone whispering in his ears.

"You got a nice ass on you boy, I think you can take a bigger wood than your other wannabees over there right, so why don't you make an apologetic offering to the king by probing with regret."

At this moment, Unlimited had sweat pouring down his head, he had a fearful expression plastered all over his face and his entire body tensed up.

To Be Continued.

Next Time: Why Won't You Die?! [Part: III]


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