What It's Like Being a Vampire

Chapter 283: I’ll Send You Off

Chapter 283: Chapter 283: I’ll Send You Off

Translator: 549690339

Despite the “big bird” being alive, and the drone being “inanimate”, when it comes to flexibility and maneuverability in the air, the latter is superior to the former.

However, even though the “big bird” couldn’t directly strike the drone, it could interfere with the drone’s flight by manipulating the air currents with its powerful wings. If the drone continued to evade without any countermeasures, it would just be a matter of time before the bird got a hold of it.

Xiang Kun initially thought that these “Divine Technology” drones were equipped with common weapons like “anesthetic guns” or “nets” for handling wild animals. What he didn’t expect, though, was the first card they played was ultra-sonic waves…

This is a common bird-repelling device. For drones that need to stay in the air for a long time, it proves to be quite handy.

Average people can’t hear ultrasonic waves, but Xiang Kun, being no ordinary man, clearly heard the four drones each emitting ultrasonic noise towards the “big bird” to shoo it away.

If used against ordinary birds, it would indeed have an effect. Specific ultrasonic waves can even cause significant physiological impacts on birds. But against the gigantic “mutated big bird”, these ultrasonic waves just caused it to get infuriated.

The “mutated big bird” let out a long, piercing shriek. The cry didn’t sound like a bird at all, it resembled the noise of an F1 race car zooming past at high speed.

The sound carried far, Xiang Kun suspected that most of the areas in the Wushu Mountain Scenic Area could hear it.

However, even if people heard it, they would hardly identify it as a bird’s cry.

Before long, a massive flock of various birds swarmed in from all directions. Their number far exceeded the group of birds that Xiang Kun had attracted earlier with his “mental deterrence”.

Xiang Kun quickly deduced that this “mutated big bird” possessed an ability similar to his own mass intimidation power. It seemed like mutated bird, such as the giant owl he had encountered earlier, all shared this ability.

Of course, the “big bird”‘s ability was far stronger than the owl’s.

All types of birds flocked in and aimed at the four drones, completely ignoring the ultra-sonic waves they were emitting.

Apparently, compared to the disturbance and harm caused by the ultra-sonic waves, the intimidation power of the “mutated big bird” had a greater influence.

If individual birds were to collide with the drone, they might be dodged. However, when a whole flock of birds all charged at once, there was absolutely no chance for it to evade.

The “mutated big bird” took advantage of the moment when the drones were entangled in the swarm to swoop down. It nabbed one of the drones with its claws and pecked at it ferociously with its beak. The drone soon break into pieces, sparking and falling from the sky.

Xiang Kun was amazed while onlooking. The “big bird”‘s claws and beak obviously had undergone considerable enhancement.

The remaining three drones quickly ascended in an attempt to widen the distance from the “big bird”.

A few of the birds, that were fast enough to approach them, seemed to be shocked by electricity. They sparked and fell from the sky.

A few kilometers away, in a parking lot at the foot of Wushu Mountain, chaos reigned inside two vans.

They were just discussing if the “big bird” was in some form of hibernated state, hence its stillness and lowered body temperature.

But in the blink of an eye, the “big bird” had gone berserk to this extent.

The technicians in charge of the drones only had time to activate self-preservation mode on the four drones. It was also the evasion ability of the drones themselves that kept them from being instantly destroyed by the “big bird”.

“What the hell is going on?? What the hell is happening?!” Zhou Rui exclaimed, somewhat panicked, while viewing the shaking footage sent back by one of the drones under the “big bird”‘s attack.

Zhou Rui and Ye Chong, who were just analyzing the “big bird,” were both in the van at the time. Both were somewhat dumbfounded facing this sudden situation.

However, it must be said that the footage captured by the night vision goggles, showing the transition from complete stillness to sudden movement as the “big bird” took flight from among the woods, was indeed incredibly shocking. It was as if a sleeping beast suddenly woke up, stirring up a hurricane.

Especially, they were able to see the bird rapidly closing in on the target drone through its camera feed. This first-person view allowed them to directly feel its ferocity and power.

The howling of the “large bird” didn’t necessitate the listening devices on their drones; they could hear it directly from their location.

The ensuing bird flocks from all directions also made them realize what the movement of the bird flocks they had discovered earlier had meant — it seemed that this “large bird” was similar to a “bird king”, capable of summoning other different birds at will.

After one of the drones was destroyed by the “large bird”, the remaining drones quickly escaped from the flock of birds and moved out of the threatening range of the “big bird”.

After the distance widened, Mijoe and his team could still watch the “large bird” in the distance through the camera on the drone, although the view was not as clear as before due to the increased distance.

However, after the drones were driven away – at least in the “large bird’s” perception that the drones had left – it suddenly exhibited a behavior that completely confounded Mijoe, Fang Pingfang and the others.

The “large bird” suddenly swooped to the ground, and began to dig it with its massive, incredibly sharp and hard claws.

The “large bird” seemed to have gone berserk, digging the ground extremely quickly and deeply. However, it did not focus on one spot for long. After a while, it would change locations and continue digging.

Because the drones were too far away, they couldn’t clearly see the area in the valley where the “large bird” landed due to obstruction from surrounding mountains.

However, there were two recording devices in that area that they had set up in the afternoon, which clearly captured the scene of it furiously clawing the ground.

But as for the “large bird’s” behavior, Mijoe and the others in the vehicle were completely perplexed, and couldn’t guess what it was doing at all.

Why did it suddenly go mad to attack the drones and then start incessantly digging the ground?

“The muscle and bone structure of this bird is abnormal…” Fang Pingfang steered the communications equipment in the vehicle as she recalled the observation she made when she saw the “large bird” spread its wings. “Is ‘Mr. Liang’ online?”

“I’ve always been here. I’m controlling the drones now. You guys keep an eye on the target’s behavior.” Mr. Liang’s voice sounded.

Hearing Mr. Liang’s instructions, a thought struck Fang Pingfang — it seemed as if Mr. Liang knew what the bird was doing. However, he didn’t intend to tell them and instead deliberately wanted them to discover it on their own?

Meanwhile, on a certain hill where Xiang Kun, who was also watching the “large bird” frantically digging the ground, seemed to guess what it was doing.

According to previous analysis, it seemed to be looking for the “mutant ant”. Initially, it planned to wait patiently unlike the “mutant ant”, and see who reached the blood-drinking period first. But after sensing the “harassment” from the several drones, it knew it couldn’t wait any longer and began digging, forcefully trying to force the “mutant ant” out?

But if that’s the case, how did it know for sure that the “mutant ant” was under the ground in this area?

If he could get closer to that area, Xiang Kun felt that he might be able to try tracking by scent.

Xiang Kun observed that the “large bird” was digging much deeper than it appeared to be on the surface. It did not remove all the dirt like a bulldozer. Instead, it would dig open a part and then use its long, sharp claws to stir deep into the ground. In this way, any creatures hiding below would be disturbed by it.

Watching its claws digging the ground, it was as easy as using a shovel to stir thick porridge. Considering how easily it destroyed one of the drones earlier, one could imagine how sharp and hard its claws must be.

Xiang Kun could still faintly hear the sound of drone operation. He knew that despite the increased distance, the remaining three drones hadn’t withdrawn. Instead, they were continuing to remotely monitor the situation.

There were also recording devices operating not far from the “large bird”. Naturally, the people from Divine Technology could still observe the situation of the “large bird”.

What would be their take on this?

Xiang Kun originally thought that after a frenzied act of digging around aimlessly, the “large bird” would eventually fly away helplessly, giving up on this hunting trip.

Contrary to his expectation, the “large bird” had only been digging for about twenty minutes when, after excavating another spot, a blue dot appeared from under the ground in Xiang Kun’s Infrared thermographic vision mode. The blue dot then quickly darted upwards, only to be swatted to the ground by a powerful flap of the bird’s wing and then pinned by its giant claw.

But to Xiang Kun’s astonishment, when he quickly switched his vision mode from Infrared thermographic to low-light night vision, he didn’t see anything under the bird’s claw, as if the blue dot he saw earlier in the Infrared thermographic vision mode was non-existent.

However, when he switched back to thermographic mode, the blue dot was still there, under the foot of the “large bird”, struggling and writhing. At the same time, Xiang Kun keenly captured a faint, strange lament, seemingly coming from under the claw of the bird.

Xiang Kun immediately understood that this was the creature, suspected to be a mutated ant, which he had discovered on the top of Wushu Mountain — it could become invisible! Perhaps it was capable of refracting light, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. No wonder it dared to live on the crowded top of Wushu Mountain without being discovered by people early on.

But clearly, that “big bird” didn’t solely rely on its vision to sense its target. Once the “mutant ant” was “dug” out from the ground, it had nowhere to escape.

It was unexpected that this “big bird” was lucky enough to dig directly to it.

From the situation that was briefly displayed just now, the mobility of this “mutant ant” was completely overshadowed by that “big bird”. Normally, it would have been GG after one encounter, but the fact it could struggle for so long meant there must be other means. However, it seemed like it didn’t have any tricks left now.

After capturing the “mutant ant”, the “big bird” let out a weird scream. It was akin to the roaring of a lousy diesel engine at full throttle, and then it flapped its wings and took flight. Its claws were “holding” that large mutant ant and it flew up into the night sky.

When it reached halfway up in the sky, it vigorously flapped its wings at a high frequency for a few times, striking the air, and causing a series of loud noises. Its speed kept on increasing, flying towards the far-off place at a speed that exceeded ordinary flying animals.

The three unmanned drones from another direction also chased after it but they were originally far, and their speed was being outpaced. They would soon be left behind completely. If Divine Technology did not have any other positioning means, simply relying on drones to chase, they probably couldn’t catch up.

However, judging from the conversations Xiang Kun had overheard between Mr. Liang and Mijoe, Fang Pingfang, he instinctively believed that Mr. Liang and Divine Technology must have other means.

Perhaps, they would let that “big bird” feel that it had lost its trackers and was safe, “swallow” that “mutant ant” and when it entered the hibernation period, they would suddenly arrive and effortlessly capture it alive.

Or perhaps, during the “big bird”‘s blood-drinking period, they would interfere with it, preventing it from “swallowing” the “mutant ant”, until the urge to drink blood wore it down, and then they could capture the two mutant creatures at a smaller cost.

Xiang Kun removed his gaze from the sky and once again swept it over the valley that was wrecked by the “big bird”, carefully remembering some details.

Although Divine Technology’s somewhat passive approach in dealing with mutant creatures left him confused. Not being able to see more measures from Divine Technology left him a bit disappointed.

But being able to observe the behavior pattern of this “mutant big bird” from the sidelines, and witnessing its process of capturing another mutant creature, still brought Xiang Kun quite a bit of gain.

This was his first time being able to observe another “mutant creature” other than himself for so long.

From the behavior of that “mutant big bird”, the changes in body structure, strength, and intensity could be deduced, from which the process of his mutation, evolution, its possible living environment, the number of blood-drinking mutations, and whether it has “swallowed” other mutant creatures and their characteristics etc. could be further speculated.

Xiang Kun secretly felt that his choice to guide and strengthen the evolution of his sensory abilities was indeed correct. If it weren’t for such strong visual abilities, he wouldn’t have had this opportunity to observe.

It was almost five in the morning and Xiang Kun didn’t linger any longer. As for the subsequent investigation into Divine Technology, he could only wait and inspect it via “Super Sensory State” or other methods.

He needed to figure out Mijoe’s detailed feedback on various human speech and voices under the “Super Sensory State”, and find a fast language translation “code” for it. In this way, the “black circle graffiti” that Mijoe carried in a soft leather notebook, would be like a super bug he planted, allowing him to know what Mijoe heard in various “human language”.

Xiang Kun ventured towards the forest but he hadn’t walked far when he suddenly felt something and looked up into the still dark night sky.

Under the infrared vision mode, Xiang Kun saw a blue spot circling above his head – had the “mutant big bird” returned?

There were no traces of drones found in the surroundings. It seemed that the three drones were temporarily thrown off.

But shouldn’t it be rushing to find a place to drink blood and sleep now? Was there something it left behind here?

Only when the “big bird” lowered its height and suddenly began to swoop down towards him did Xiang Kun realize:

The “big bird” was coming at him.

It found out that the one who secretly threw stones at it wasn’t the drones, but Xiang Kun?

But that’s impossible!

It didn’t notice at that time, it was less likely to find out afterward.

Because it sensed Xiang Kun, the “mutant creature”?

But if it could detect, it should have detected him earlier, not now. Could it be that it just happened to shake off those three drones after a roundabout route, looped back to change directions, and then “coincidentally” spotted Xiang Kun on the ground, and detected that Xiang Kun was a “mutant creature”?

What a coincidence?

Watching the “big bird” dive straight towards him from the high altitude, Xiang Kun was not flustered. His hands drooping by his sides, he stayed calm, reflecting on why the “big bird” had suddenly locked onto and attacked him, he pondered if he had made any mistakes earlier.

Though there were tall trees not far away, providing cover, he made no attempt to dodge or hide but merely stared up at the “big bird,” making eye contact.

His left hand held the remaining small cobblestone, and on the back of his right hand, the two beads with which he had established “super sensory contact” seemed to be “warming up” as they journeyed across his skin.

It’s true, this “big bird” holds impressive strength and physical vitality. In terms of sheer physical force, given its diving advantage, Xiang Kun may appear weaker, his body unable to resist the claws that could effortlessly rend a drone.

However, fights aren’t just about raw strength or physical vitality. Xiang Kun didn’t need to confront it head-on.

A dive from the sky indicates a higher weight and speed, which implies more force and destruction. But it also means more potential energy and inertia.

Xiang Kun was confident in the super dynamic visual ability he had evolved. He could easily dodge the “big bird’s” strike just before it hit him, his plan being quite straightforward; it grasped a “mutant ant” in its left claw, so a swift dodge to its left side would suffice.

Then he would stick close to its feathers and drag it to the ground, restricting its flight and disabling its talons and beak from attacking.

Direct, physical strikes might not inflict any actual harm on the “big bird.” As such, Xiang Kun would shove the two beads that he established “super sensory contact” with directly into its nostrils.

Perhaps it was Kun’s composure that alarmed the “big bird,” or it was instinctually primed for danger; however, when it was about five or six meters above the ground, it halted its dive, spread its wings, and swooped upwards, leaving behind a gust of wind above Xiang Kun’s head as it disappeared into the dark night sky ahead of the break of day.

Xiang Kun squinted, shook his head with some regret. This bird of prey didn’t have a sense of “face,” it retreated when it was cowardly; it felt no burdens.

Reflecting on the process of observing while hiding last night, Xiang Kun was still convinced that during that time, he was not detected by that “mutated big bird.” Or else, the “big bird” wouldn’t have reacted aimlessly. If it reacted, he should have noticed it.

So, what on earth happened after this “big bird” flew away?

Xiang Kun drove back to the town and still bought breakfast before returning to the hotel, just like the previous few days.

However, as soon as he entered the hotel lobby, he spotted Xia Libing sitting on the corner sofa.

“You… are you off to the station?” Xiang Kun originally intended to ask, “Why are you up so early,” but he noticed the backpack beside her, and recalled that she had mentioned booking an early train ticket home last night. She hoped to arrive back in Citong City in time for work in the morning.

Xia Libing looked at him and nodded, “I’ve already checked out of the room. Didn’t you return to the hotel last night?”

Xiang Kun replied, “I finished late last night. It was getting really late; I thought my return might wake Zi Cheng, so I decided to come back in the morning instead. Are you still waiting here because you’ve already called a cab?”

“I didn’t call a cab.” Xia Libing looked at him.

“Then I’ll give you a ride,” Xiang Kun said, handing her the breakfast. “Take a portion. I’ll deliver the rest upstairs, then come back down.”

After bringing the breakfast upstairs, calling Zi Cheng out of his bed to take his share, Xiang Kun returned to the lobby. He called Xia Libing, who was already munching on a hot bun, to get in the car.

As soon as he started the car, Xiang Kun noticed Xia Libing casting her gaze at the odometer.

He instantly realized: she was checking the mileage.

“Old Xia, were you waiting in the lobby for me to offer you a ride?”

Recommend a hilarious strategy novel “Devilish Cultivation Style.”


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