What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 95 It's Enrolment Time

Another year had passed and it was finally time for me to attend school!

For my twelfth birthday, I finally got the magic I was looking for!

[Happy birthday!]

[Magic obtained: Iatromancy tier one]

[Iatromancy: You walk the path of a healer, working miracles to save the wounded and dying from death's embrace. To gain proficiency, use your magic to aid your patients from both physical and mental trauma.]

Yep! The power to heal! Now I don't need to worry about all the cramps and aches from my training anymore, this is perfect!

What? You think this is a waste of magic?

You have no idea how great it is to not need to worry about waking up to muscle cramps and aches after a workout session anymore! That also means I don't even need recovery days anymore! Do you see how broken this can be?

Putting that aside, I'm finally going to attend school!

That's right! Now is the time for my school arc!

Well… Technically, classes only start the following week so my school arc only starts then. Today, we were just here to see the principal to enrol me into the school.

"So this is the Lecharouc branch of Aerialla Academy," I mused, looking up at the building in front of me with my hands on my hips.

"It is said that this is the largest branch school out of all the branch schools in Erednay, Mistress," Katsuki informed me helpfully.

I turned to grin at my dearest and cutest maid.

In the past year and a half, Katsuki has put in her all to become the best maid under Mary's tutelage.

Gone was the awkward and bumbling Inugami girl and in her place was a well-mannered and very competent super maid.

I call her that since both Mary and her seemed to have transcended what should have been considered normal and only possible in the realms of fiction.

Naturally, I was very familiar with the trope where maids are able to do anything, but seeing it for myself was most certainly something else.

Like seriously… Just look at her stats…

[Name: Katsuki

Title: Mistress Aster's Personal Maid

Race: Inugami


245 Strength

390 Dexterity

70 Endurance

60 Magic


Assassination (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Cleaning (Tier 2), Gardening (Tier 1), Hunting (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Throwing Proficiency (Tier 1), Sword Proficiency (Tier 1) Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Umbramancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 2), Mana Management (Tier 1)]

Just in case it wasn't obvious, her strength and dexterity were increased by more than ten times in just a year!

Sure, her endurance and magic was not that high but I guess that's what happens when you focus on training on a particular stat instead of trying to be an all rounder like myself.

Not only was she stronger, her maid skills have also reached a point that was comparable to Mary.

While the other servants knew about my preference for sweets and thus always had sweets on hand to give me when they met me, Mary and Katsuki were more familiar with me on a much more intimate level.

Things like what temperature I liked my baths, how hot my tea should be and even exactly how sweet I like my chocolate were things they knew and could prepare for me easily.

Naturally, they also knew my bra sizes, including my future one according to Mother.

Speaking of Mother… She's wearing a very ecstatic expression on her face while standing beside me right now, her face partially covered by a wide brimmed hat.

"Ahhh~ To think there would come a day I get to see my dearest child off to school! Ahhhh~ My little one is too precious!"

Yep, just Mother being herself.

Mother had also been busy tutoring me in the past year and a half. Aside from magic training, she also helped me with my own physical training too.

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family

Race: Meslatar


451 Strength

436 Dexterity

448 Endurance

469 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 1), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1), Iatromancy (Tier 1)]

Yes, the stats increase isn't that great, but it's apparently really hard to raise it after four hundred. I don't even know how long the others needed to train to even get to a thousand in those stats.

Mary did say she's been around for more than five hundred years after all.

Perhaps it would be better if I were to just focus on one stat instead? Meslatars are supposed to be known for their high endurance so maybe I'll focus on that from now on.

On the other hand, my Lumenmany has finally reached tier two! I can fire off more powerful lasers and I can even make light constructs now! Just like my Umbramancy!

At least I can be assured that I can handle E ranked dungeons and quests easily enough. I even completed that E ranked dungeon by myself!

For the completion award, I got a pretty nice steel sword. It's no legendary weapon, but it's definitely a functional weapon without being overly flashy.

I cleared my throat, "Mommy… We're only here to see the principal to settle my enrollment, I'm still not a student yet…"

"Ufufufu~ My little one's enrolment is all but guaranteed~ There is no way the school will not accept you~"

"This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I am from the Nilm Family, right?"

"Ara, ara? My dearest child should have more confidence in yourself~ When the school hears of what my little one can do, they will definitely be begging you to attend the school!"

I got curious about that, "But why? It's not like they have a lack of students right?"

"Ufufufu~ Even though the branch schools are all part of Aerialla Academy, they are also allocated funds according to how well their students do~ Naturally, they would want to have talented students to boost their own reputations to get a larger fund allocation~"

Huh… So they compete internally as well. Good to know.

Mother then led the way into the school grounds, the school itself being located in the first level of the merchant district and occupying a space half the size of our family's estate. No, it's not that they are small, it's our mansion that is too big.

Since Mother had come here before, she had no problems manoeuvring through the academy unguided, our destination being the principal's office.

I got to see how the classrooms looked on the way there and frankly, it looks like how a stereotypical classroom would with multiple individual tables facing towards a podium and what looks like a blackboard behind it.

With any luck, I might even get the table at the back of the class beside the window.

I wonder if they have a student council here as well and if they have even more administrative power than the principal?

Soon enough, we were at the highest floor of the school in front of a double door that had the plaque 'Principal' etched on it.

Mother opened the door and we entered in after her, finding ourselves in what looks like a sitting room of sorts. There was a table with a female Mahun seated behind it to our immediate left and a table that led somewhere else to her right.

I'm going to guess that she's the principal's secretary.

She got up on her feet quickly when she saw us and did a perfect ninety degree bow, "A pleasure to meet the Madam and Mistress of the Nilm Family."

"Good day," Mother greeted. "We have an appointment with principal Dawn."

She nodded quickly and opened the door for us, "Yes, we have been notified, please head right inside."

Mother merely gave her a small nod of acknowledgement before ushering me through the door.

Honestly, I was fully expecting a wizened old man or even some little girl to be the principal of the school. What I most certainly did not expect was to see a middle aged bespectacled lady sitting behind the desk.

Honestly, you could have told me that this woman was actually the secretary and I would have believed you.

I noticed the name "Teresa Dawn" written on the plaque on her table, so I guess Dawn was her family name and she's a noble from around here.

She stood from her chair and walked around her desk to greet us, "Greetings, Lady Nilm and young mistress Nilm. Welcome to the Lehcarouc branch of Aerialla Academy!"

Mother nodded at her greeting, "Greetings, principal Dawn. I hope that there is nothing else that might hinder my dearest child from enrolling in your school this time?"

The principal showed us a rather pained look, "Please forgive us for what happened that year… You have to understand that we had a lot of things happening at that time and we had no choice. This time, I can guarantee that there is nothing stopping young mistress Nilm from enrolling!"

I suppose I should be happy about that bit of news?

"Very well then, please go ahead and enrol my dearest child into the school."

The principal finally turned her attention to me, "Good day young mistress. Could I ask you to just fill in this form as accurately as you can?"

She then handed an enrollment form to me and I gave it a quick look.

Everything was pretty standard like asking me what my name was, my birthday, what subjects I would like to learn and also my proficiency in each of my magic disciplines. There was even a section asking me about my likes and dislikes too.

I decided to be honest about this since lying about my magic wouldn't help me get the education I need.

With the help of my [Screen], I managed to fill it up quickly before handing it back over to her.

She took one look at the completed form and then gave me a weird look.

"Umm… Miss Aster… Is what you've written here true?"

I nodded, wondering what she was going to say next.

She looked to be considering her next actions carefully before finally nodding, "Miss Aster, how would you like to go directly to the main Aerialla Academy right now?"



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