What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 75 Welcome Home, Mistress

The rest of the trip passed by uneventfully and the capital city was finally in sight.

Latipac city was already impressive but Crown Capital City was even more impressive.

A magnificent palace sat in the centre of a hill in the middle of the city surrounded by an impressive looking wall.

Outside of the wall were expensive looking mansions and even a few manors dotted here and there, obviously that would be where the rich people lived. That area was also surrounded by another impressive looking wall.

Then right outside of that would be where I assume the common folk live with its sprawling city streets and markets which was also surrounded by another wall of its own.

While Latipac city looked like a pizza, I would say this multi-walled, circular city looked like a doughnut.

"Welcome to Crown Capital City, my little one~" Mother giggled.

It was truly a place worthy to be called the crown of Mahun civilization.

Every building was immaculately built and designed and the streets were also paved with some kind of stone instead of just being flattened dirt.

Dennis did his usual speech where he thanked everyone before the group disbanded and everyone left for their own destinations.

Something unexpected was that when Jack tried to approach us to be our guides again, Melissa had rushed up and smacked him on the head with her staff before Viera appeared to drag him away.

They then wished us a pleasant day before leaving us in a hurry, ignoring their leader's cries of protest.

I then turned towards Mother, expecting her to start explaining everything.

She smiled at me before putting on a wide brimmed hat that appeared out of nowhere, "Follow me, my little one~"

I glanced at Katsuki and she also gave me a look of confusion before we followed behind her.

She was clearly familiar with the place as she moved through the streets with purpose, taking shortcuts through narrow streets and even alleyways until we eventually arrived in some sort of stable.

The entire place was empty except for a single carriage that was as black as night with a pair of horses hitched to it with no coachman in sight.

Mother walked up to it and opened the door, revealing the plush, velvet interior within. Thick curtains also covered the windows which provided absolute privacy for the people inside.

"Ufufufu~ Shall we? My dearest child?"

I don't really think I have a choice anyway so I climbed in before Katsuki followed behind me with Mother entering right after her and closing the door.

"Umm… So… This carriage is Mommy's?" I asked.

"That is correct, my little one~ I suppose you already guessed that we are a rather important family here?"

I nodded, wondering why did we specifically sit inside this carriage for this.

"Ara, ara?! My little one is so smart!! Mama is so proud of you!" She squealed, hugging me to her chest.

Erm… I don't think it's that difficult to figure out though… It's not like you were even trying to hide it Mother… You were just dangling everything in front of me in order to tease me…

Ah, you just wanted an excuse to hug me didn't you? I don't really think you need one though?

She finally released me after awhile but insisted I remained seated on her lap while she cuddled me.

"Mama is, I suppose, occupying a rather important position within the Kingdom itself. Our family is quite old and the influence we possess is also quite substantial, enough to not lose out to any other noble families within this Kingdom."

"Ok… So… Who are we really?"

"Ufufufu~ Who does my little one think Mama is?"

"The… Prime minister?"

"Ara? Mama wouldn't occupy a boring position like that, oh no~ My little one truly is cute~"

Before I could say anything else, a knock came from the front of the carriage and a small window slid open.

Surprisingly, a feminine voice called out, "Madam? We are here."

Eh? Who? And what did she mean by we are here? I didn't even feel the carriage move at all?

"Ara? It seems time does pass by quickly when one is having fun~ No matter, open the door please~"

A second passed and the door to the carriage was opened, revealing that we were no longer inside the stable but in front of a large manor.

Right outside the carriage were several dozens of maids and butlers all lined up in two neat rows to form a road leading from the carriage towards the mansion's entrance. The surprising thing was that they were all of different races too, not just Mahuns.

All of them immediately bowed their heads at the same time, "Welcome home, Madam and Mistress."

Mother giggled and took my hand, leading me to step out of the carriage.

"Welcome to your new home, my little one~"

I was too busy gaping at the building to formulate a response, heck even Katsuki was goggling at it.

Obviously, I have never lived in a mansion before so this place looked like the epitome of luxury to me.

The fact that I could see the palace that should belong to the Royal Family just a short distance away meant that we were in the noble part of the district as expected.

Mother merely chuckled and pulled me along, walking past the rows of servants who still maintained their posture.

The interior of the mansion was just as extravagant, the centrepiece being a giant, ornate staircase that led the way up onto the second floor.

Gathered inside here was another team of servants who also bowed their heads the moment we entered.

"Welcome home, Madam and Mistress," They greeted in unison.

Mother giggled and spun around to face me with a grin plastered on her face, "This is the Nilm's Family home and also the Nilm's Royal Servant Academy~ It is here where servants can come and learn how to be the most perfect servant for their masters!"

I blinked a few times at Mother.

"The maid school Mommy said… Is this?"

"Ufufufu~ That's right~ As of today, little Katsuki shall be enrolled in our school! Mary~"

A maid with especially striking silver hair with a braid tied across the back of her head appeared before us. Her appearance could only be described as immaculate with her prim and proper maid outfit and the way she carried herself with an air of dignity.

I also did not fail to notice that her maid outfit had a boob window which showed off her cleavage. She's at least a G cup or more, which was still smaller than what I would eventually grow into.

Judging by her long tapered ears, she was most definitely a Trasif, or this World's version of elves.

"Madam," She curtsied perfectly.

"Ufufufu~ Mary here is our head maid, my little one," Mother explained.

"Hello," I greeted her, still recovering from my surprise at our current situation.

She curtsied once more, "Mistress, it is an honour to finally meet you. All of us in this household have been eagerly awaiting your arrival. If there is anything you require, please let me know."

I nodded to show I understood.

Mother giggled at our interaction before adding in, "Also, she will guide little Katsuki in her studies to be a maid worthy of my child too~"

Katsuki quickly bowed, "I… I will be in your care! Miss Mary!"

"Ufufufu~ It looks like little Katsuki is eager to learn too! Could you take it from here, Mary?"

"Understood Madam."

Mother then left me with Mary who brought us up the stairs, walking past the rows of servants who still kept their heads bowed.

I decided to strike up a conversation with her, "So… Erm… Mary? How long have you been working here?"

"A long time, Mistress. I had been serving the Madam even before you were born."

"Oh… Mother said our family holds a lot of influence… How so?"

"The servants trained here are capable of fulfilling any role within a household including being bodyguards. It is to the extent that being able to have a maid that is trained here is a sign of status for the nobles."

"But Mother speaks as though the other nobles should be scared of us?"

She turned back and smiled at me, "The servants trained here are loyal to the Nilm family first and their employers second, Mistress. There was once when a noble thought he owned the maids he hired from us and wanted to use them to betray Madam. Needless to say, they turned on him pretty quickly and he was brought to ruin not long after."

Ah… So we're also tying nooses around their necks when they hire servants from us… Though I don't understand why Viera, Melissa and Sabrina would react that strongly when they knew who we were.

Perhaps they were afraid of our positions? Or was it because they were afraid that Katsuki was also a trained maid from here and would cut them down easily?

And what is the Royal family's opinion on us?

Oh well, too much information right now, let's just take this step by step.

We were eventually brought to a room that was almost as big as the house back at Dragon Sanctuary. Heck, this place could be a home of its own, aside from the fact that there was no kitchen and bath inside here.

"This shall be your room, Mistress. Madam's room is right next to yours. Please take your time to settle in while I bring Katsuki to register her as one of our maids. Madam will come by later."

"I see. I will see you then, Katsuki," I nodded.

"I will not fail you, Mistress! I will become a maid worthy of serving you!" Katsuki assured me.

Mary curtsied again and the two of them left my room.

I looked around to see all this grandeur that I was entirely not used to.

Still… I never expected this was the truth behind Mother…


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