What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 57 She Looks Cute In Uniform

After our bath, Mother taught Katsuki how to dress me and I wore the new dress that Mother had bought for me.

Apparently last night she was already done enchanting it so it was ready for me to wear.

Since I mentioned that I wanted to learn enchanting myself, Mother only helped me place a simple defensive and repairing enchantment on the dress so that I could further enchant it myself in the future.

Surprisingly, the bodice was not as restrictive as I thought it would be, though I'm not sure if it was due to my [Fashion Forward] boon, the fact that it was enchanted or it was just designed that way.

Once I was properly attired, we took Katsuki to the same boutique I got the dress from and the same assistant was there to receive us.

Unlike yesterday though, Mother already told me ahead of time that since Katsuki was my maid, I would need to be the one taking charge like how she did for me, though she did say money was not an issue I needed to worry about.

Thus, I was the one leading the way into the shop today.

The assistant seemed to understand the arrangement since she greeted me instead of Mother, "Good day, Miss Aster, are you looking for more clothes again?"

I shook my head, "No, I am looking for some clothes for my new maid. Could you show me your maid uniforms please?"

"Certainly, please follow me and I will show you the designs we have. Miss Aster can pick one you like and we can prepare a few sets for her use."

Our small group was brought to the same alcove and I sat down with Mother while Katsuki stood by my side.

The assistant then returned after a short while, wheeling in another clothes rack with several different maid uniform designs on it.

I was almost sure an Off-Worlder had designed them with how similar they were to the designs of our original world.

There's the standard Victorian style, a French one, a Japanese one, a Chinese one and even… An armoured maid uniform? Heck, there's even a camo maid uniform too.

Yeah… Something tells me an Off-Worlder definitely designed these.

"Do you see any that you like, Katsuki?" I asked, deciding that she should make the choice since she would be the one wearing it.

"I will take any that Mistress fancies the most."

Ugh… I should have known she would say something like that… I'm not that good with fashion you know… But it's ok, I was prepared!

"Katsuki, this is your first test from me. You will be wearing this uniform while you're serving me so you need to pick the most suitable one that you believe will aid you in your duties."

She gasped, "Understood, Mistress! I will not disappoint you!"

Random bullshit go! Don't underestimate the bullshitting power of an author! I can make something out of nothing at all!

Katsuki then started inspecting each of the uniforms carefully while a few servants came by and served us tea.

As though they had prepared ahead of time… They even had a plate of macarons for me!

I immediately started munching on them, enjoying the sublime taste I had with every bite.

Another plate of macarons was brought in front of me the moment I finished it.


Ohmygosh this is the best shop ever!! I'm totally coming here every time I need clothes now!! Nom nom nom!!

I wasn't sure how much time passed but I knew I went through about four plates of macarons before Katsuki returned to me.

"Mistress, I think this one would be the best for me."

I looked up while my cheeks were still stuffed full of macarons to see what outfit she picked.

It seems like she had picked the one that had the Victorian design as the base but the hems of the dress and apron had frills added to them. The skirt itself was long enough to reach the ankles and the sleeves goes down to the wrists as well. What's more, there was even a large ribbon added to the back of the dress too.

It's like those standard maid uniforms you might find in an anime that was both classy and cute at the same time.

All in all, it looked really stylish which got me curious as to why she would choose a dress like that? I'd thought she would pick one with more practicality.

"Could I know why you chose this, Katsuki?"

"Yes, the long skirt would be able to conceal any weapons I choose to hide under it as well as those strapped to my legs, the same idea goes for the sleeves as well. The ribbon can also function as a rope when untied and the frills would serve as a distraction in a close combat fight. With its design, I would also be able to follow Mistress to any formal events should the need arise as well. The voluminous skirt could also be used as a hiding spot of Mistress in times of emergency as well."

Ah… It seems like she really did think this through… Although really? Letting me hide under her skirt? Umm… Ok, I guess that could be something that might happen… Like hiding from solicitors or something, I don't know…

"Unnn… Very well then, we will take this one. Prepare several sets of it for daily use and one set for her to change into right away."

Though I spoke like that… I was dirt broke, so Mother would still be the one footing the bill for this.

Hey, I only started working as a Mercenary yesterday… Give me a break…

Katsuki was thus shown the way to the changing rooms and she came back wearing one of the maid uniforms.

It was only then that I realised how Katsuki really looked.

All this while she didn't care much about her appearance and even after the bath, she only wore a simple shirt over herself while her own hair was pretty much still covering most of her face.

But the servants in the dressing room must have cleaned her up as her waist length hair was combed back to make space for the headdress that went with the uniform, allowing her whole face to finally be revealed.

I only just realised she had striking red eyes that adorned her cute, feminine face. The uniform accentuated her lithe figure which I was quite sure would definitely fill out when she grows older.

Somehow, I can picture her as both the 'rebel girl' and the 'graceful beauty' at the same time.

"Is it to your liking, Mistress?"

"You look really cute, Katsuki," I praised her.

"Ara, ara? It seems my dearest child is turning out to be a lady killer already! Do let me know if Mama is going to have any grandchildren soon!" Mother added unnecessarily.

"Mother!!" I groaned.

"Ufufufu~ Mama is fine with any partners my little one chooses~ It's fine if you would like to have a harem too!"

Mother is really having fun huh… Look, Katsuki is blushing up to her ears already…

The assistant returned again, "Thank you for your patronage, Miss Aster, your total would come to one medium gold coin."

Upon hearing that, Katsuki's face paled.

I don't blame her, what she just bought was half of her value as a slave after all.

Mother didn't even hesitate and simply fished out the coin from between her bosoms like it's some pocket dimension before handing it over to the assistant.

Katsuki was still frozen in surprise.

I quickly stood up from my seat to try and divert her attention, "Alright, I think we're done now, Mommy, should we go back home now?"

"Ara? And here Mama thought you would go and pick up another quest from the Guild to commemorate the two of you officially becoming Mistress and maid?"

Ugh… It's true that I want to do that but not right now… I don't exactly want to show up at that Guild so soon with a maid following me which would no doubt draw attention. I still remember how we got ambushed by those Mercenaries…

Not to mention the fact that Katsuki seems a little traumatised by how much money was exchanged in front of her right now.

Mother finally noticed the state of Katsuki, "Ara ara? It seems like she needs more training as a proper maid, my little one."

"Well… I don't suppose there's a maid academy somewhere, is there?" I asked rhetorically.

"Ufufu~ Actually there just so happens to be one~"

"Wait, really?!"

"Indeed there is, but it is located in Crown Capital City, I'm afraid. They do teach one on how to properly serve their masters and also how to protect them~ Is little Katsuki interested?"

My Inugami maid perked up her ears, "Umm… If I go there… Would I be able to serve Mistress better?"

"Ufufufu~ Of course!"

"Then I wish to go!"

Ahh… I'm guessing she's worried that I'll abandon her like her parents if I found her to be useless. The weight of wearing something so valuable must have broken her a little… I apologise, Katsuki… But Mother has also destroyed my sense of money too…

Mother turned to me, "How about it, my little one? Shall we move to the capital early for little Katsuki's education?"

I blinked at her, "What about the garden and the cockatrices, Mother?"

"Ufufufu~ I can go back there after a few more days to check up on them, no need to worry about it!"

"Unn… In that case… I suppose we can go. There's a Guild branch there too right?"

"Ufufu~ Naturally~"

"Then let's go!"

Thus, our next destination was the capital city of the Lehcarouc Kingdom.


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