What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 556 Sacrifice Dungeon

Chapter 556 Sacrifice Dungeon

?When I first left the cell that I had woken up in, I realised that the left side of the corridor led me to a dead end so I started going right.

There were other cells along the way but all of them were either empty or locked shut.

I tried knocking on some of these doors and even attempted breaking them but nothing happened so I just gave up and continued walking down the path towards the right.

It has been a straight path with no curves or turns so far and I could feel that Eins was somewhere to my left, so I was hoping that I would come across a corner or something that would start leading me towards her direction.

Unfortunately, I have yet to see something even resembling a turn despite already walking for what felt like half an hour.

Just how long does this corridor go?

And I think I've already passed by at least a hundred cells already… Just how big is this-- wait a minute…

I dug through my bag and pulled out a random Mana Crystal before I dropped it on the ground.

I made a mental note of where it fell before I started walking forward again.

No less than a minute later, I found the same Mana Crystal on the ground.

Fucking hell, I knew it.

This is annoying… I'm basically walking in the same exact place over and over again…

How do I break out of here though? The walls are indestructible and I don't see anything that I could make use of here…

Hmm… Maybe let's start by mapping out how big of a space this was first.

I started digging through my pack and dropping random stuff along the floor as I walked, keeping an eye out for the Mana Crystal that I first dropped.

About a hundred steps later, I found the Mana Crystal on the ground again.

Odd… That's not very far so if this was some kind of loop, I should be able to see myself unless there's something that's causing me to return back here.

Wait a minute… When I turned to the left, I found a dead end, didn't I? Could that be the way out?

I turned around and started walking the other way instead.

Sure enough, I found myself face to face with a wall pretty quickly instead of being looped around to the other side. This might mean that the way out could be found from here.

When I first came across this dead end, I simply thought that it was just a simple dead end so I did not bother spending time to inspect this area thoroughly.

Now I was scanning the entire area with my [Screened], hoping that I might find a clue or at least something that might hint a way out of here.

Unfortunately, nothing came up in my search so I decided to try the brute force method instead.

I widened my stance in front of the wall and cocked back my fist.

For good measure, I buffed myself with [Strength], [Body Current] and even [Lightning Clad] before I punched at the wall in front of me.

The wall shook but nothing happened, there wasn't even a scratch on it.

Hmm… I guess that means this wall was indestructible?

Actually… This is the perfect opportunity for me to try something…

"Zwei, Drei."

Two of my Shadow Guards appeared and bowed in greeting, right before they both went ahead to use the same buffs on me.

Oh… Oh fuck…

Ok… You know the feeling where you're already full and then you continue to eat until you feel stuffed to the point of being uncomfortable? That was the feeling I was getting right now.

I guess it has something to do with your body not being able to contain the sudden increase in power or whatever.

That's something new I guess.

Ok… It's getting really uncomfortable now and it feels like I'm about to barf so let's just get this over with…

I punched the wall with the added buffs and the ground shook violently.

I wasn't really expecting much but… Hey… There's a crack in the wall.

Ughh… Bleeuurghh…

Ok… I need to take a break…

But that doesn't mean this needs to stop.

In fact, this is also the perfect opportunity to test something else.

"Vier, Funf…"

Two more of my Shadow Guards appeared, doing the customary greeting before they buffed Zwei.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel sick?" I asked.

Zwei shook her head, "Master, we are merely beings made from your will and shadow. Since we do not have the need to eat nor do we have a digestive system in the first place, we would not have the feeling of such physical discomforts. Although if we are enhanced too much, I believe we would quite literally explode from it."

Ok… Good to know.

Zwei then turned her attention to the wall and began punching it without my input, expanding the crack in the wall.

While I let Vier and Funf continue maintaining their buffs, I directed Drei to go pick up all the stuff that I had dropped just now.

Hey, I already admitted before, I'm a hoarder.

Zwei continued punching the wall and the crack started stretching towards the edges until it formed a spider web of cracks.

Then, with a final earsplitting crash, the wall finally collapsed in an explosion of dust, leaving a giant hole in its wake.

Just in time too, since Drei returned and deposited all the things I had dropped back into my Pack of Folding.

I let the four of them return to my shadow while I stepped through the hole in the wall, finding myself in another room.

One thing that stood out was the altar in the centre and I immediately recognised it as the altar depicted in the carvings I had seen in the corridor.

Since the carvings were carved into the stone, the only colour it had was grey so it was a little unexpected for me to see that the altar was actually made of gold.

Also… It was smaller than I thought.

The surface of the altar was only big enough for a child to lay on, or… I suppose a Rejmar to lay on…

Naturally, I already had my suspicions about this place. That magic circle could have been a trap to teleport us down to this floor as some kind of sacrifice and it's linked to the crystal thing in the final carving.

What exactly the crystal was supposed to do was anyone's guess but it definitely can't be good.

I tried to use [Screened] on the altar.

[Altar of Sacrifice - Beings sacrificed on the altar can have their resentment and pain crystalised and harvested.]

Alright… It's as I guessed I suppose.

Now the question was… Who teleported us here? Was it the Dungeon? Or was it someone else making use of the Dungeon?


I poked the altar with a finger.

Nothing happened.

Ok, guess touching it doesn't do anything.

I looked around the hall that I was standing in and I realised there were four passages leading towards four different directions and out of this hall.

The wall we had just busted in was diagonally to the bottom right of the altar if seen from above, which made me wonder if the other walls on the other diagonal sides also contained jail cells?

I suppose it doesn't hurt to try so I called up Zwei, Drei and Vier to start punching at another wall opposite of the one we came out from.

With the spells fully layered on her, Zwei punched at the wall, shaking the entire altar hall with a resounding boom.

Unfortunately, even though she used her full strength without holding back, there was no crack in the wall this time.

I had her try it a few more times, including on the other walls as well, but all of them returned the same result.

How interesting.

I then tried to find where Eins was again and found her direction to be pointing towards one of the tunnels leading away from the altar room.

Since there was nothing for me here, I decided that it might be a better idea to look for the others first.

Just as I stepped towards the tunnel to leave the altar room however, a scream came echoing from the tunnel opposite the one I was just about to enter.

I stopped and turned around, narrowing my eyes to try and see if I could find the source of the scream but nothing was there.

Great… Now I'm a little torn…

A scream meant that there could quite possibly be someone down that direction and maybe that's where the others were to. Do I go in the direction of where I believe Eins was or do I follow the scream?

In the end, I decided that investigating the scream was a better choice.

Eins would be fine on her own especially since she couldn't get out from there on her own either so I can go back and get her later.

Plus… This might sound a bit mean but it doesn't really matter if she dies since I can just summon another one and Eins will be reborn.

Right, let's go see what that scream was about then.


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