What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 515 Boss Strategy Meeting

Chapter 515 Boss Strategy Meeting

I managed to rope in Selene and the others to join our venture.

Mary had returned to Mother's side while we had a 'strategy meeting' to discuss how we could get Mary's bell from her.

I say 'strategy meeting' because… Well…

An Amrap and a Wrunch were currently standing by my sides arguing with each other…

"Sister Odeta, it's alright to leave Aeter to us, we are her group members after all so we are the ones best suited to take care of her," Groelle smirked, tightening the hand on my shoulder slightly.

Odeta furrowed her brow at her and tightened her grip on my other shoulder as well, "Oh but as Sister Aster's sister, I should be the one to take care of Sister Aster because I know her better!"

Nearby, a Meslatar and an Inugami were also butting heads with each other.

Selene fiddled with her fingers nervously, "I'm… I'm the leader of Aster's group, that's why it's normal for me to serve her!"

Katsuki shook her head lightly, "You are not supposed to serve her as the group leader during this training. But since I am her personal maid, she is first and foremost my Mistress before anything else. Thus, it is normal for me to serve my Mistress insteadof you."

Seated at the table next to us was a Trasif and a Siren stuck in a heated debate.

"It may look like a minor role but playing a support role allows you to see more," Seraphine argued.

Delmare's tail swayed slightly, "But knowing that you are at the front protecting her makes you feel better!"

Yeah… I'm not sure what they are arguing about…

And then there's the Rejmar and the Mahun having their own discussion at the side.

"Nah, it's better to just go for it first or else you risk losing it later when you want it the most," Gwen insisted with a straight face.

Tiara obviously did not agree with her, "If you do it too quickly, you might come off as too strong and scare them away. You need to cultivate the feelings first."

Mmhmm… I have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

And if you were wondering what Lisa was doing… She's currently kneeling in between my legs and rubbing her cheek on my thigh while trying her best not to drool on me.

"Ehehehe~ Aster's thighs are so soft~ Squish, squish~"

Yep… This isn't a strategy meeting anymore… At this point we might as well just make some tea and just have a tea time chat amongst ourselves.

I cleared my throat, "Erm… Should we talk about how we should get Mary's bell from her?"

Odeta thumped her chest, "Don't worry, Sister Aster! I'll get it for you!"

Groelle immediately spoke up, "No, no. I'll be the one to get it for you, Aster!"

That quickly devolved into all of them telling me that they would obtain the bell for me without any concrete plans.

I managed to refrain from sighing and suggested, "Shouldn't we discuss how we should work together to defeat Mary instead?"

Lisa giggled from between my legs, "Ehehehe~ How about we go somewhere and Aster can show us how she can make us scream instead?"

I chopped her head with my hand, ignoring the squeal coming from the Infrid.

Thankfully, Katsuki spoke up for me, "What does Mistress have in mind?"

I gestured to us, "I believe the main reason why we were so easily beaten the last time was because Mary had separated all of us and forced us to fight her on our own. She's also not using her full strength so I believe she definitely has some limits placed on her so if we can fight her on one united front, we can stand a chance."

Delmare poked her index fingers together, "Umm… But if she were to do what she did again… I think it would be a little difficult for us to stay together even if we wanted to…"

Seraphine sniffed, "Then all we need is to be better, right?"

Lisa sat upright and surprisingly, it wasn't to say something lewd.

"I actually believe the real reason we suffered was because Aster got separated and could not support us! If we can keep Mary from separating Aster from us, we would definitely stand a chance!"

Err… I mean… While that may be part of the reason… I'm not sure if I could have saved everyone from being wiped if Mary was not there to stop me.

Sure, I could have saved one or two but definitely not all of you…

But despite that, it seems like I was the only one who thought that way since everyone was nodding along like Lisa had stated a fact. Even the four maids who were not there also nodded along.

Katsuki looked at the others seriously, "In that case, we should discuss how we should protect Mistress from Mary."

All of them then huddled together and started their own strategy meeting centred around protecting me.

Err… ok… At least they are actually talking about it I guess… But what about me?

I sat there in an awkward silence for a while before I decided to let them have that meeting on their own while I went out to look around the village.

Maybe I can find something we missed the first time that might help us with this task.

Despite being here for a few days, I realised that I have yet to actually explore the place yet and this was the perfect chance to do so.

Right now, most of the trainee maids had left to search for Sebastian leaving only the local Magridars around.

A number of them nodded politely as I passed by while a few of them actually bowed to me despite the fact that I was wearing the maid uniform right now.

I had also encountered a few other trainee maids and when I asked what they were doing, most of them said that they were preparing supplies before heading into the forest to hunt Sebastian.

They remarked that most of the newbies were not aware that they would most probably spend several days hunting the Wrunch and would most definitely be forced to either waste time to forage or turn back and return here once it got dark.

When I asked if they knew about looking for Mary instead, all of them said that it's a known 'secret' to all of them but it was also an impossible task for them.

In Sebastian's case, all they had to do was to track him down and catch him to take the bell from him.

In Mary's case, you actually need to either somehow steal it from her, convince her to part with it, or defeat her to take it from her.

Everyone here knew that the chances of them taking it from Mary was astronomically low so they would rather take their chances with Sebastian instead.

And here I thought I was smart for figuring out where Mary was.

Continuing my little tour, I realised that the village was also not as simple as I thought.

They actually had quite a number of public facilities aside from the hot springs like a training area, a mess hall, a meeting hall and even a small theatre.

Of course, all of them were made for Magridar sizes which was quite interesting to see from my point of view how big everything was.

Thora found me wandering around and knelt down to speak to me.

"Hello Aster. Do you need a guide?"

I guess she must have realised I was exploring the village and wanted to offer her help.

I was about to tell her that I did not need any but a question suddenly popped in my head that I just had to ask her.

"I don't need a guide but could I ask something?"

"Of course, Aster. What is it?"

"There's no male Magridars in this village, right?"

"That is correct, Aster."

"Are there any futas?"

The Magridar in front of me grinned, "Yes there is, Aster. There is no risk of our village dying out from problems related to procreation."

Ah… Was I that obvious? Maybe the other new trainees have also asked them this question before and they were already used to answering them.

Thora stretched out her palm towards me, "There's no need to hold back Aster, I do not mind serving as you guide around this village. If it makes you feel better, you can see this as a way for me to know you better. I feel inadequate for not even knowing anything about our Young Mistress "

"But… The training?" I asked, looking in the direction that my team members were still engaged in a serious discussion.

She chuckled, "Fufu, I highly doubt your teammates would be able to formulate a plan to defeat Head Maid Mary today, Aster, and I am in no way disparaging their abilities of course."

Ugh… As much as I hate to admit it, I can't deny that either.

Sensing that I was still a little hesitant, Thora continued, "I can show you some nice spots outside the village as well, Aster. Especially places that a couple or even a few lovers could go to for some fun without being interrupted."

Yeah, you know what? Let's go.


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