What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 508 We Have Maid Recruiters

Chapter 508 We Have Maid Recruiters

It was back to training hard again.

We were roused even before the sky was lit and told to gather outside our tent. What made it worse was the fact that it was snowing as well.

Then it was a morning run through the snow again and because of the snow, it made it doubly hard since the layer of snow never got thinner.

On the third lap, I could already see several of the servants visibly exhausted, yet all of them continued to run despite that.

Odeta was in the lead, more because she was blowing through the snow with pure strength alone. She kind of reminded me of those trains with the snowplough at the front with how she was blasting through the snow.

Followed closely behind her was Katsuki, my Inugami maid managing to run on top of the snow without sinking into it.

Though I was also winded, I continued to endure and keep my pace.

The reason for that was because of a certain person continuously cheering for me while riding on Thora's shoulder.

"Go, my little one! You can do it! Go, go, go!" Mother cheered, going so far to even wave two pom poms in the air.

Where the hell did she get those? I didn't evn know there were those in this World…

We only stopped after the fifth round and more of us fell to our knees after finishing the run as compared to yesterday.

Unfortunately, Mary was quick to come out and correct that, forcing us to get back on our feet again. A stern glare from her was enough to cause most of us to climb unsteadily back up without complaint.

Well… That, and the fact that Mother was also there standing rigt beside me…

"You can do it, my little one! Fight! Fight!"

She had turned into my personal cheerleader it seems…

I will admit that it helped me a lot, since I forced myself back on my feet from the fear of embarrassment alone.

After the run, we were allowed to return to our campsite to prepare our own breakfast.

Selene quickly organised us with our own chores around the camp.

Gwen and Seraphine were in charge of making food for all of us. Groelle would be doing general cleaning around our camp after she helped prepare the bear meat we still have stored in our 'fridge'.

As for me, I would first prepare the fire before going out to gather more firewood to last us through the night.

For this venture, Selene would be accompanying me as my companion and guard.

I had asked why it was necessary for a simple task like this to require two people, then she reminded me that there were monsters in the mountain.

Not like I can't handle most of them on my own but I suppose it was better to be safe than sorry.

After lighting the campfire with a quick [Ember], I picked up my things and turned to Selene.

"Alright~ Let's go!"

Selene nodded, hefting her spear on her back before strapping her shield to her wrist, "I am ready, Young… Umm… Aster. There's no need to worry about the other groups attacking us so you can take it a little easier."

I nodded and let her lead the way, the Meslatar gladly taking up the position of our vanguard.

At the same time, I noticed that quite a number of the other groups were also sending out pairs to head out of the village to gather more supplies. I guess this was already stadard procedure for this training camp.

While we were walking, I decided to strike up a converstion with the Meslatar.

"Mmm… How long have you been with us, Selene?"

"This would be my fourth year, Young… Aster."

I giggled, "Is there some sort of punishment if you call me 'Young Mistress' or something?"

"No… We were just instructed to treat you like another maid while you are in that uniform."

"Well, in that case, I don't mind if you were to just use whichever term you are most comfortable with to call me."

"I… I will try… Aster."

Huh, I thought she would default back to calling me young mistress instead.

Selene continued, "Please forgive me, Aster… It's just that I really do have a lot of respect for you. I can't see myself living like you have even if our positions were switched…"

I tilted my head at her, "What do you mean?"

"If I had what you have, I would most definitely not be found in a place like this. And you don't even intend to take over the estate as soon as possible. Most nobles heirs would be either fighting with their siblings over their inheritance or scheming to amass more power before their inhritance. Some might even plot the death of their own parents just to obtain their inheritance sooner."

Well… I suppose I can't exactly tell her that it's most probably because I cme from another World so I've already lived a life where I had to struggle to earn a living. Now that I was presented a new World filled with various wonders and magic, there was no way I was giving up the opportunity to explore it.

Do I want to live a life of luxury? Of course I do.

But the want to explore and try out all the sweets this World had to offer triumphed over that.

Perhaps after I have had my fill of exploration would I return and think about taking over Mother's business. But before that, I want to explore!

Also… I would prefer to gain my success through efforts of my own than relying on others.

Still, I decided to just give her a plausible excuse.

"I suppose the fact that Mother raised me up in a secluded cottage had something to do with my current thinking?"

She giggled, "Ehehe, that might be the case. I can't say much since I wasn't a part of your Family yet."

"What were you doing back then?"

"Ah, I was a slave, Young… Aster. A crime slave if you will."

"Eh?" I couldn't help but let out a gasp in surprise.

She nodded, though she still kep her eyes on the path, "I was a bandit back then. I was originally from the forests of the Nekinumi Kingdom but was drawn here because I thought I could live a better life in the Mahun cities. Unfortunately, I got myself involved with some unsavoury people and ended up being caught by slavers."

We continued for a while in silence.

"What happened after that?" I asked.

Selene hesitated, "Long story short… A few maids came by, listened to my story and asked if I wanted to devote myself to the Nilm Family as a maid or live a life as a crime slave. I accepted the offer and they bought me."

"I didn't know we hired maids like that… I mean… I know some of you were slaves but…"

She turned back and flashed me a wry smile, "There are still a lot of things Young… Aster does not know about the Family. Although I'm not sure if the Madam would want you to know anyway."

I guess that's because I wasn't taking over the Family yet so Mother felt there wasn't a need to burden me with such knowledge?

Now I wonder if we have a group of people who just go around slave markets recruiting slaves as servants? I won't be surprised if there actually was one.

"No offense but… Have you thought about running away?" I asked.

"And not only spit on the generosity the Nilm Family has shown me but also go back to a life of banditry where my life is not guaranteed? I do not think so, Aster."

Right…. That's a good point.

She continued, he voice dropping to just above whispr, "And… And if I did run away… I wouldn't be able to see you, Young Mistress…"

"Eh? Umm… Thank you?" I replied a little uncertainly, unsure if that was the correct response.

"Ehehe~ You do not need to think about it that deeply, Aster. There are a lot of us who admire you. In fact, I can very safely say that pretty much everyone in this training camp fought for the right to be here for you."


I turned to her, "Wait, wait… Why do you even need to fight for the right to be in this training camp? I thought this camp was mandatory?"

"For the junior maids, yes. But Aster also knows that we can't have everyone leave the mansion to attend the camp, right?"

I nodded.

She gave me a wry smile, "Please don't tell anyone that I told you this… But we had a small competition to determine who could come to this training camp. Even some of the non-combat maids also participated to get the chance to join us."

"Eh?! Why?!"

"Umm… I think I can't say anything more than that, Aster. But I suppose what I can tell you is that you might need to be prepared for quite an arduous training either today or tomorrow."

"That doesn't sound ominous at all…" I remarked sarcastically.

"My apologies, Young Mistress… But I truly cannot tell you anymore than that."

Ugh… Oh well… At least I know that I need to prepare myself I guess.

Speaking of which… I better concentrate on picking up the firewood now.


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