What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 506 Maids Eat Together (*R)

Chapter 506 Maids Eat Together (*R)

I just want to say… Everyone looks so good in maid uniforms.

But I didn't really get to enjoy it much since I'm now stuck in between Lisa and Delmare who were practically fawning over me right now.

"Ahhhh! You look so good, Aster!! How do you look so good in anything you wear?!" Lisa squealed while rubbing her cheek on mine.

"Aster! I… I think you look really good too!" Delmare added, pausing in her action of rubbing her face on my thigh though her fingers still remained entwined with mine.

Behind me, Odeta hugged me a little tighter while letting out a laugh, "Wahahaha! Sister Aster always looks good!"

"Zzz…" Tiara snored softly, the princess being completely exhausted after the training today and using one of my boobs as a pillow while hugging my arm.

Well… Not that I don't enjoy the attention so I just let them do whatever they want for now.

"Mistress, forgive me for being unable to serve you in the morning. Please accept these cookies I have prepared for you."

I looked up and sure enough, Katsuki was holding a plate of cookies in her hands. When did she even find the time to make those?

Naturally I went ahead to let Katsuki feed me the cookies since my hands were occupied.

Mmmm~~ The cookies were freshly made and the heat from the cookie made it much more delicious in the cold weather~

"Ahhhh~ Aster is so cuteeeee!" Lisa gasped, the Infrid practically trying to fuse her own face with mine right now.

The others also agreed and cuddled me even more.

Such was my position when Selene came by with an awkward look on her face.

"Umm… Aster? The food is ready… I think the other groups are also looking for the rest of you as well…"

"Awww~ How about we all eat together? Sharing food is not against the rules, right?" Lisa asked.

Selene hesitated, "Umm… I… I believe that is allowed, yes."

Lisa cheered, "Yay! Let's go, Aster! I'll feed you! Even mouth to mouth if you want it~"

I didn't even get a chance to respond to her before Odeta stood up and carried me in her arms, "Alright! Let's go! I'm so hungry I can eat a bear!!"

Unfortunately, Tiara was still leaning on me when she moved so that resulted in Tiara getting pulled out of the bench with me.

"Wha… What's going on?" She muttered groggily, still not fully awake.

Aria, who had been watching from the side all this while, quickly rushed towards the princess to catch her before she fell.

"Princess. It's dinner time now."

The princess gave a soft moan of acknowledgement while she shuffled her feet to find solid ground. Despite that, her hand never left mine and she even let herself get pulled along as Odeta carried me to our destination.

Odeta… I can walk by myself…

Surprisingly, when we reached our camp, we found quite a number of maids and butlers all gathered there with their own plates of food sitting around our campfire.

Turns out the others had also decided to join our little camp for dinner too. If my companions were surprised by this, they did not show it on their face.

Odeta merely carried me to an empty spot beside the campfire and sat back down on top of a wooden log, the rest of my companions moving to occupy the positions they had before we moved without hesitation.

Seraphine came towards me with a bowl of stew and I accepted it gratefully. Inside the stew were pieces of meat and several herbs and veggies, no doubt the fruits of our labour from our hunt.

I thanked her and everybody seemed to wait for me to take the first bite of my food before they started digging in themselves.

Even though they said that I would be treated like one of them, it seems like this did not extend outside of our training time…

Or, more likely, everyone here isn't able to adhere to that view of me on the first day at least.

Tiara, probably realising this, was the first to speak up to break the silence.

"Aster. Could I trade some of your stew for my roast venison? I've never tried monster meat before."

I smiled at her, "Of course you can! Here you go, say ah~"

She probably wasn't expecting me to offer to feed her the stew directly but she nevertheless did as I asked and opened her mouth wide, allowing me to feed her a spoonful of stew.

"How is it?" I asked a little cheekily, knowing that I had nothing to do with how good the stew tasted since I wasn't the one who made it.

"It's… Nice. I never knew monster meat could taste like this."

Odeta laughed in between her bites of grilled bear meat, "Wahahaha! Maybe you should follow us on our Dungeon hunts, princess! We would cook the meat of monsters we kill there when we have to stay overnight there!"

"Hmm… I will consider it."

Lisa was next to move close to me, "Aster!! Try my stew too!"

I only just managed to tell her 'yes' before she took a sip of her own stew and dove towards me, her lips wrapping around mine.

I felt the stew pass in between our mouths and I swallowed, barely tasting the food as my mouth was instantly invaded by her own tongue and forcing me to taste her instead.

Even though I had already swallowed the stew in question, Lisa did not break our kiss and simply deepened it, her bowl forgotten by the side so that she could concentrate on making out with me.

I moaned into her mouth, my mind completely lost in the pleasure I was feeling.

That was when I felt someone push my legs apart before pulling up my skirt to reveal my crotch.

I panicked a little and broke the kiss with Lisa, looking down to see who was responsible.

Delmare had repositioned herself in between my legs, her face pressed up against my crotch and sniffing my cock like it was the most wonderful thing she ever beheld.

I quickly realised why she was acting like this when I saw the slightly clouded look in her eyes.

Ah… I moaned just now didn't I? My Siren is now in heat…

"Delmare, wai--" I tried to protest.

Before I could fully vocalise my words though, the Siren had pulled off my penis sheath and fully engulfed my member in the warm confines of her mouth.

My hips instinctively raised on their own, causing my cock to thrust even deeper inside her mouth.

The Siren took it without complaint, her throat constricting around my head and massaging it softly.

My attention was then drawn away again as Lisa turned me to face her once more, her lips seeking out mine for another kiss.

I felt my grip on my bowl of stew loosen but I was unable to focus on it with all the pleasure I was feeling.

The bowl eventually slipped out of my grasp and I winced, expecting the bowl to fall on the ground.

Instead, two loud sounds of someone being smacked could be heard and Lisa broke our kiss.

The Infrid was clutching her head in pain, a pose mirrored by Delmare who had also stopped sucking on my cock all of a sudden.

Standing behind them was Katsuki with one hand posed in a chopping motion while the other was holding my bowl of stew.

Lisa turned back to scowl at her, "What was that for, Katsuki?!"

Katsuki merely shook her head at her, "Please refrain from disturbing Mistress during meal times. There is a hot spring in the village that we are allowed to use after dinner to wash ourselves. Do it there instead."

Ok, first of all, I'm surprised Katsuki actually didn't mind this and even sort of encouraged them.

Second of all… There's a hot spring here?! I thought this was the training camp arc! No one told me this was the hot spring arc!!

Is it mixed bathing?! Is there a table tennis table?! Are there milk bottles outside the hot springs for us to enjoy?!

Ok, I know this is ironic considering the usual bath at home could pretty much be considered a hot spring too but this is different!

You need the atmosphere! The feeling! The steam!

Ahhh! If only we were staying in some kind of hotel where the rooms featured sliding doors instead of tents! This would have been so perfect!

Oh well… Beggars can't be choosers I guess… But at least I now know the existence of such a place! I'll definitely go out and look for more hot springs in thr World and then bring my companions along as well!

Selene suddenly spoke up, "Young… I mean… Aster! If… If you don't mind, could all of us also join you in the hot springs later?"

Hmm? Why does she even need permission?

Oh, maybe she thinks that I would like to soak in the water by myself instead?"

I giggled, "I don't mind~ The more the merrier actually~"

And the moment those words left my mouth, I suddenly felt a chill down my spine and the other maids suddenly looked a little weird.

Was it something I said?


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