What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 502 Magridar Maid

Chapter 502 Magridar Maid

The first thing I noticed when I came out through the portal was the cold.

Well… Not really, since I wasn't actually feeling cold thanks to the enchantments on my dress…

But I was standing in snow that was knee deep.

I shivered, more from the feeling of the snow than cold.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Mother came up from behind and hugged me, "Ufufufu~ Why don't my little one make a guess just by looking at the surroundings?"

I looked around.

Well… Snow, mountains and cold…

"Are we in the Frostiminir Kingdom?"

"Ara, ara~ My little one is so smart!" Mother squealed, hugging me even closer to her chest.

I mean… I don't think there's anywhere else in this World that has these types of features in the first place so it's not that hard to guess…

Not to mention this place was one of the locations I wanted to visit on my travels, especially since you need to go through here to reach Dungeon City.

But wow… We really went from one side of the World to the other in an instant? Grey Walkers are cool~

"Umm… So are we training here or…?"

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ I know what you are thinking of, my little one. It is unfortunate, but we are not going to Dungeon City~"

Awww~ Well no big deal, I'll head there sooner or later anyway.

"So where are we training?"

Just as those words left my mouth, a giant shadow loomed over us, causing the area around us to go dark.

Turning around, I realised I was looking up at a female Magridar that was at least six stories tall.

That wasn't even the weird part… The weird part was the fact that she was wearing a maid uniform.

Well… Not exactly weird but more unexpected I would say.

She bowed, "Madam, it has been awhile."

"Ufufufu~ Hello Thora~ I see that you have been well~"

"You as well, Madam. Is that the Young Mistress?"

"Ufufufu~ This is Thora, my little one~ She's one of our maids stationed in this place as the caretaker of our training camp here and also our liaison between the other Magridar tribes and the Frostiminir Kingdom~"

"Oh… Hello Thora~" I waved at her.

"Oh my~ Our Young Mistress is really cute~" The giant maid giggled before gesturing towards the mountains. "Everything is prepared, Madam."

"Ara, ara~ As hardworking as always~"

"You flatter me, Madam. But if the Young Mistress is here… The reason you had me prepare the camp…"

Mother giggled, "That's right~ My little one wishes to train with the maids this year~ A few of her friends are also here so do take care of them well~ For the time being, can you get my little one initiated?"

The giantess bowed, "Of course, Madam. Please forgive my rudeness, Young Mistress."

She then stuck out her palm to lay on the ground and I realised she wanted me to step onto it.

As thought to affirm that, Mother relaxed her grip on me, allowing me to separate myself from her to walk towards the giant hand.

Thora waited until I got to the centre of her palm before she carefully lifted me up into the air.

I thought she would let me sit on her shoulder but she stopped her hand right in front of her massive chests.

Oh well, you won't see me complaining about riding on a pair of giant boobs.

I jumped off her palm and landed on one of her boobs, only for her to point to the area in between her chest.

"It's safer here, Young Mistress. Otherwise you might fall off when I move."

Err… Considering the fact that I could fly, this wouldn't even be a problem… But I listened to her suggestion anyway and slid myself in between her two pillowy boobs.

I sunk into it, the feeling similar to being surrounded by mounds of fluffy pillows that were pressed up against me.

Ohmygoshhhhhh~ They're so soooooooft~

"Fufufu~ Is it comfortable, Young Mistress?" She asked.

"Mnnghhh~" I muttered, fully immersed in enjoying my new pillows.

"Fufufu~ Then please be careful, I shall be moving now."

I barely registered her words when she started to run. Like a full on sprint type of run.

Whoever gave me the idea that the giants are slow and lumbering type of people fucking lied.

I held on for dear life as her tits bounced up and down from her sprint, but it seems that was unneeded as the pressure between her boobs was enough to keep me there despite all the movement she was doing.

And probably by some kind of magic, it doesn't feel like the ground was shaking from the impact of her footfalls either, so there wasn't a risk of an avalanche.

The fact that I wasn't feeling any wind blowing at my face just reinforced the fact that there was some magic at play here.

This was… Actually pretty nice.

Thora eventually turned towards the valley in between two mountains, revealing an actual village there.

And before you ask, yes, it was a giant's village with the buildings being obviously made for a Magridar's size.

"How do you make those houses?" I asked.

They couldn't have just chopped down thousands of trees just to build a single house right?

"Fufufu~ There are usually Geomancers within a Magridar community so they are usually built out of earth, Young Mistress."

"I guess you must get that question quite a lot?" I guessed.

"Most of the newcomers would ask that question, yes."

Thora slowed down her sprint to a walk as she neared the entrance of the village. There were a few other Magridars around but I noted that all of them were female for some reason.

I looked up at Thora, "Are there no male Magridars?"

"Oh there is, but not here. Let's just say that there was a little bit of disagreement in this village about a decade ago and this place no longer welcomed any male Magridars."

"Oh… What happened?"

"I apologise Mistress. But since the event involved the Madam, I am not at liberty to tell you."

Eh? Mother was involved? Maybe it had something to do with recruiting Thora as one of our maids or something? I guess I'll try asking Mother later.

We passed by several Magridars who greeted Thora with a smile and wave. There were a few others who were also wearing maid uniforms and those bowed in our direction when they saw us.

Now my hypothesis extended to Mother trying to recruit this village to be employed by the Nilm Family but the males rejected the idea and probably got chased out by the females for that.

Of course, that was all just speculation on my part.

We reached the house at the far end of the village and Thora brought me inside with her.

"Here we are, Young Mistress," Thora announced, gesturing to the interior of the house.

The place was huge, but in terms of Magridar size, it was similar to a simple log cabin at most.

There was a simple kitchen that doubled as a dining room and a separate doorway that I assumed led to the bedroom. That was pretty much it.

But the size of this place was equivalent to at least half the size of an entire wing of our mansion.

Which… I suppose only served to highlight how big our house is instead…

"Nice house," I complimented, more because I didn't really know what else to say.

"Fufu~ Thank you, Young Mistress. Shall we get you changed?"

I gasped, "Oh my gosh! Was a maid uniform actually prepared for me?!"

"Of course, Young Mistress. In order to train you like one of the maids, you would also have to dress the part as well. Here you are."

She went towards the dining table where I realised a set of normal sized maid clothes was laid on its surface.

Thora then lowered herself until her chest was at the same level as the dining table, allowing me to climb out from her cleavage to leap onto the table.

I was just about to pick up the clothes when Thora stopped me.

"Young Mistress… Before you put that on, I have to first ask how you would like to be treated in this training camp?"

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?"

"We can, of course, still treat you like our Young Mistress and serve you. But if you were to wish for the authentic experience, we can also treat you like one of us. More specifically, a new combat maid here for training. Naturally, you can change your mind regardless of which one you choose later if you wish."

I did not hesitate, "In that case, please treat me like one of you and train me. I wish to get stronger here and I don't think coddling me would help much."

"Of course, Mistress. Though I would still have to warn you that we still have to treat you according to your real station in some of the training scenarios."

"Eh? Why?"

Her smile turned a little mischievous, "It would be inappropriate otherwise and the Madam would definitely not allow it."

"Huh… How bad are these training sessions that even I'm not allowed to join it as a maid?"

"I'm afraid I'm also not allowed to disclose the details, though Young Mistress will find out once the training starts."

Hmm… Alright then…

I guess once I put this uniform on, I would officially start my training with the maids.

Welp! Time to start then!


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