What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 495 Intermission - Protecting Their Young Mistress

Chapter 495 Intermission - Protecting Their Young Mistress

Mary opened a portal and slipped inside the plush study room that was within the abode of her Mistress.

"Mistress," She greeted, bowing a perfect ninety degrees.

The Matriarch of the Nilm Family looked up from her table, "Ara, ara~ Welcome back Mary~ Do you have any news?"

"I have. The Young Mistress has just completed a Dungeon run and would be on her way back soon with Katsuki and Miss Odeta."

"Ufufufu~ I take it that it was a very fruitful hunt? Was my little one hurt?"

The maid nodded, "It was and not at all, Mistress."

"That is good to hear~ Very well, you may return to your other duties."

Mary bowed again, creating another portal that she went through to leave the room.

The place she teleported to was a walk in closet that was filled to the brim with clothes of different designs. There were commoner tunics, noble dresses and even a variety of armours made of different materials alongside weapons of different kinds.

The interesting thing about this closet was the fact that there was a distinct lack of doors or any other sort of entrance ways that one might use to get in or out.

Mary turned towards the full length mirror at the side, a figure that was not hers reflected on its surface.

Instead, the person staring back at her was a female Mahun Mercenary with a bow strapped to her back.

The Trasif showed no surprise at the reflection and merely activated her Somatomancy magic, causing her skin to ripple and morph.

The figure in the mirror also reflected the change, slowly shifting back to match Mary's features.

She then started to strip herself, removing the bow, quiver and armour she was wearing to store them to their respective places within the closet.

Now completely in the nude, she made sure her body was perfect in the mirror before she started to dress herself again, this time wearing her usual maid uniform once more.

Giving herself a once over to ensure that she looked immaculate, the Head Maid of the Nilm Family then left the room via a portal, appearing at the entrance hall of the mansion right as the door swung open.

The Young Mistress stepped inside, followed by Katsuki and Odeta right behind her.

"Welcome home, Young Mistress," Mary greeted, playing the part of being the Head Maid flawlessly.

Aster, the beloved child of her Mistress and the sole heir of the Nilm Family, smiled when she saw Mary.

"Hello Mary~ Thanks for your hard work as always! Is Mother home?"

She bowed, "The Madam is in the study, Young Mistress. Would you like to take a bath first or shall I prepare dinner?"

Aster shook her head, "It's ok, I already ate the food you prepared while I was in the Dungeon. It was delicious as always! Thank you again!"

"You are welcome, Young Mistress. Shall I prepare the bath then?"

"Oh, yes please! Let's go Odeta!"

"Wahaha! It's been a while since we've bathed together, Sister Aster!! Let's go!"

Mary watched her Young Mistress skip towards the bath with her friend merrily, leaving Katsuki with her.

The Head Maid waited until they were out of earshot before turning to the younger maid, "Were there any problems on the way back?"

Katsuki shook her head, "None. Thank you for the assistance today."

"Were there any suspicions?"

"None, Head Maid. Mistress did not seem to know you were disguising yourself."

"Fufu~ Seems like my skills are still up to par. Now, any report I should know about?"

Katsuki reached into her sleeve and pulled out a roll of paper, taking a moment to check its contents before passing it over to Mary.

The Trasif took the paper carefully with both hands, her eyes scanning through the page quickly.

"Hmm… I see… Two groups of Mercenaries were eyeing the Young Mistress back at the Guild. One of them is infatuated with her and might plan to attack her. Should we wipe them out?"

"I do not believe we need to do that yet. They merely brought up that intent in passing as a joke but we should still keep an eye on them."

Mary nodded, "I understand, I'll have someone watch them. Is there anything else?"

"Yes. I would like to know what you plan to do with those things that tried to disturb Mistress. We have already revived them from their deaths, have we not?"

"Yes we have. I have Fia tracking them right now. What would you suggest?"

"String them upside down, break their fingers, break their hands, then their arms. Then start again from their toes until all their limbs are broken. Then we kill them."

Any normal person who heard this might have given the Inugami maid a look of shock or surprise, probably even thinking that she was merely joking.

Even for Mary, if this was involving someone else, she might have thought that such a response was a tad too excessive.

But instead, the Head Maid merely nodded, "I am in agreement. Very well, I shall go and capture them myself and bring them to the training rooms. Would Katsuki wish to hold the whip yourself or shall I assign someone else to do it?"

"I'll do it. Let me know when it's done."

"Very well. I suppose you should go tend to the Young Mistress now."

Katsuki gave the Head Maid a nod before walking off, her tail wagging slightly indicating her excitement in serving her Mistress again.

Mary fished out her pocket watch from her apron, checking that it was just a little past dinnertime.

She still had quite a lot of things to do so she gave the other maids instructions to take care of the house before leaving the mansion through another portal.

The Trasif found herself in the Commoner District's Guild's main hall, her maid uniform a stark contrast to the sights and sounds within said Guild.

Right now the place was practically swarmed with people all around, the interior flooded with guild members of various professions and races.

It was no wonder since most parties would be back from their quests and celebrating their triumphant return for the day.

The local Guild members who saw her appear immediately quietened down and dropped their gaze. The ones who were not as familiar as their peers about the Nilm Family were confused about their sudden shift in demeanour and turned to see the cause of it.

Pretty soon, the Guild went completely silent and the once boisterous atmosphere had turned to what one akin to a funeral.

Mary was not interested in that and merely looked around the Guild, her eyes searching for the Rizzie maid that should be tracking her quarry.

But the maid in question found her first as the Rizzie flew over with her tiny wings, spinning around Mary a few times before stopping in front of her face.

"Head Maid Mary! Have we decided what to do about them?" She asked, a voice containing obvious excitement.

"Yes, we have. Where are they?"

Fia spun around and pointed to a corner of the Guild where three men were hunched over a table looking quite depressed.

Mary nodded and headed towards the group in question, ignoring the other Guild members who were either trying their best to meld into the background or were looking at her in confusion.

Those who didn't know about it started asking their comrades.

"Hey, what's gotten into you all of a sudden? Why are you not saying anything?"

"Sh… Shut up… That's the Head Maid of the Nilm Family… If she's showing up like that… It probably means someone pissed off the Nilm Family…"

"Who the heck is the Nilm Family?"

"Don't ask now… I'll tell you later but just shut up, seriously… Someone is probably dying today…

The two maids ignored the hush whispers coming from around them and stopped in front of the three men.

"Greetings trash," Mary spoke up, causing the three men to jump in surprise. "I would normally allow trash like you to explain your case and maybe even give you a punishment to redeem yourself. But unfortunately, nothing you can do would be enough to pay for your transgressions. Therefore, I hope all of you would at least be a little more entertaining while we torture you. Now good day."

The moment the Head Maid finished saying her words, she created portals underneath each of the men and caused them to fall through, all of them letting out a scream before the sound was cut off abruptly with the portal closing.

Fia looked at the space those three men had once occupied, "To think that they would be dumb enough to insult Young Mistress for some stupid chest they found in the Dungeon… Which turned out to be a Mimic anyway. They really are stupid."

Mary made no comments about it and simply opened another portal, "Let's go. We need to make sure our new guests suffer as much as possible."

"Oh! Are we in charge of it?"

"No. Katsuki has specifically requested to handle them on her own."

"Aww… Oh well. I hope she lets us watch at least~"

The two maids then stepped through the portal, disappearing just as suddenly as they had arrived.

Everyone else in the Guild let out the breath they had been holding before the atmosphere returned to the previous boisterous one, no one even caring about the three men who had been abducted.

It was just another day in the Capital after all.


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