What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 484 I Got Challenged?

"I challenge you to a duel, Aster!"

I turned to see Samuel pointing his finger at me while I was leaving my Pyromancy class a week after my date with Delmare.

He declared in a loud enough voice that everyone around us had stopped in their tracks just to look at us.

I tilted my head, "Challenge me… As in… For my position as a Special Class student?"

"Yeah! I know you did something to Delmare! She has been acting weirdly all week!!"

… Errr… Yeah… That's because she has been pretty much riding on a high after our first kiss that night… But I wasn't going to tell him that…

"Didn't Max do the same the other day? Did I not remind you that you need to be able to use eight different types of magic to be able to challenge me?"

He smirked as though he was waiting for me to say just that, "Oh but that's exactly what I intend to do!"


I checked his stats.

[Name: Samuel Ravenshart

Title: Self-proclaimed Delmare's Number One Fan

Race: Mahun

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Confident


12 Strength

10 Dexterity

12 Endurance

12 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Pyromancy (Tier 1)]

Oh wow, I have not seen stats that low since… Well… A long time… But I definitely do not see eight different types of magic proficiencies on him though? So how was he intending to circumvent the challenge?

But I didn't want to call him out on his lie here since that would reveal the fact that I have a skill to check other people's stats. Instead… I guess I'll act like I believe him I guess?

I clasped my hands together, "Oh wow! You managed to learn eight different magic proficiencies on your own?! That's really impressive!! Of course, of course! Do submit your request for the duel with the student council and I will accept it!"

The student council should be checking if he actually qualifies to challenge me anyway so if he doesn't, there isn't any need for me to do anything.

"Alright! Then you better be prepared! I'll show you I'm the better partner for Delmare!"

Seriously? You're still saying that even after Delmare slapped you? I don't know if I should feel impressed or sad for you.

I decided not to answer him and simply walked off with a backwards wave. 

Surely he would be rejected by the student council right?

… Right?


"Without further ado, we shall welcome first year Special Class Student Aster to enter the arena!"


His request to duel me actually got approved? But how? He only had Pyromancy in his skill list didn't he? How is he able to make the student council accept his issue of challenge?

Those were my thoughts going through my head as I stepped out into the training field that was set as the stage for this challenge.

Samuel was standing on the other side looking quite confidently at me with his hands resting on his hips.

Even Daniel, the president of the student council, was standing in the centre of the arena with an amused smile.

Quite a number of students were gathered all around the field to watch this challenge, filling up every available space around the field.

Given that the challenge was approved a day after he challenged me and the date of the challenge set a week later, it had garnered quite a lot of attention.

I had found out that pretty much everyone in my school year had given me the name of the 'Untouchable Special Class Student' because they believed no one would be able to even challenge my position. Because of that, the fact that I was being challenged was something that came as an unexpected surprise to everyone.

There were a few who speculated that the student council had made a mistake with the number of magic I could use but that rumour was quickly disproved when someone else pointed out the number of classes I was attending.

Others were saying that Samuel might have bribed his way to challenge me since his father was apparently a Count but I doubt the student council could be bribed for something like this.

Some even speculated that he actually did manage to learn eight different types of magic but not a lot of people agree with that.

What I'm trying to say was that this became the hottest topic in school and everyone in my year wanted to come and watch this challenge so the entire field was filled up with spectators.

The girls from Iatromancy class were amongst the crowd too and all of them were screaming the moment I entered. There's also some seniors from the classes I attend who are mixed into the crowd as well.

I even spotted Delmare, Lisa and Odeta in the crowd cheering for me.

Well… This was definitely a bigger crowd than I expected…

"Crush him Sister Aster!"

"Kick his ass!"

"Break his legs!!"

"We want to see blood!"

Ok, calm down girls…

The president gestured for the both of us to come forward and we did, stopping a few feet away from each other.

"First year student Samuel Ravenshart is challenging first year Special Class student Aster for her position as a Special Class student. The terms of the challenge is to use at least eight different kinds of magic in the duel to defeat her. Do both parties agree to the terms?"

"Yes," Both Samuel and I agreed.

"What does student Samuel offer in the wager of this duel?"

He pulled out a small ticket, "A pass to an all you can eat buffet at the Laruule Patisserie."

Yeah… I'll admit that was pretty much the reason why I even accepted this challenge in the first place… Why do you think I didn't protest against it?

The president then turned to me with a knowing smile, "Does student Aster have any objections?"

I pursed my lips at him, "I must know, has the student council deem Samuel to have fulfilled the requirements to challenge me?"

His smile got noticeably wider, "Yes. Yes we have."

Huh… That's all I need to know then.

I turned back to the boy in front of me, "In that case, I have no objections."

"Very well, both parties step towards the end of the field and we shall begin the challenge at my command."

We did as instructed and took our positions facing each other, ready for the duel to start.

The president went to join the spectators outside of the field before raising his hand in the air. He gave each of us one final look to ascertain our readiness before swinging his arm downwards.


Samuel reacted instantly and raised his right hand, the boy's brows furrowed in concentration.

"[Static Bolt]!"

Miraculously, a small ball of lightning actually materialised and shot out from his palm to fly towards me.

While I was surprised by this, I still managed to react in time in avoiding the attack by jumping to the side.

What the heck? Doesn't he only know Pyromancy? How did he manage to cast that spell then?!

Without hesitation, he raised his other arm to point at me, "[Rock Bullet]!"

A small chunk of earth rose up from the ground before shooting towards me with a flick of his hand.

I countered his attack with my own [Rock Bullet], both of our attacks meeting in the middle and exploding into a cloud of dust, cancelling each other out.

How the hell is he doing this?! He's not even chanting!

Wait… He's using skills that doesn't match his stats… And he is able to use spells without chanting…

Don't tell me he's an Off-Worlder who also found a way to hide his stats?!

He raised his other hand into the air again, "[Light Flash]!"

A ray of light shone from his palm directed at me but it was ineffective against me due to my own proficiency with Lumenmancy.

I tried to counter with a [Static Bolt] of my own, aimed to incapacitate him for at least a moment.

He responded just as quickly by pointing the same hand at me, "[Aqua Ball]!"

A ball of water was shot out from his palm and my ball of electricity exploded against it, once again being negated.

Ok, I have to treat this fight more seriously…

I first used [Darkness Paranoia] on him, robbing him of his sight and rendering him blind.

The boy let out a shout of surprise and clawed at his face, clearly frightened by his sudden loss of sight.

I took advantage of his panic by following up with a [Fire Blast] at him.

He felt his body burn and immediately started to scream and flail around in a panic, his hand smacking away on his clothes that had caught on fire trying to put it out.

Not giving him the chance to cast anymore spells, I closed in on him and delivered an elbow strike to his head.

I was fully prepared for him to defend himself or even try to counter my attack with another spell of his own so I had prepared a [Static Shock] spell in my other hand to paralyse him if he did.

Imagine my surprise when my attack connected without any resistance and the boy was blown away to crash into the ground, sliding on his face for a few feet before finally coming to a stop.

I waited for him to get back up but he continued to lay there, unmoving.

"Student Samuel is unable to battle! Student Aster has won the fight!"



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