What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 475 Marriages In This World

"So you fucked my mother?"

"... Yes…"

"How was she?"

"Umm… I can't really tell… The ring kind of made all of my coherent thoughts go out the window…"

"Then did it feel good?"

"... I guess?"


Tiara went silent after that, opting to just look out at the crowd gathered in the hall for my 'hero party' or whatever they called it.

Like what I told Tiara, I had sex with the Queen while in the Royal Armoury, though Mother surprisingly only limited herself to using her mouth and her hands while the King simply watched and pleasured herself at the side.

I didn't actually want to take the ring, especially when I had chosen a boon that would also remove my refractory period, though I suppose the fact that I could just survive on sex was something I didn't have… But since we had already spent quite a bit of time down there, they told me to just take it for now and come back tomorrow when we weren't rushing for time to pick another one.

Mother had once again removed the libido curse from the ring so it was safe for me to wear it right now.

When I appeared in the hall that was hosting the party for me, I was pretty much swarmed by a ton of people who were trying to acquaint themselves with me.

My Noble Etiquette and Authority Projection skills were pretty much working overtime in putting on airs for these people where I try to act my part as the only child of the 'mysterious' Nilm Family.

From my experience and knowledge about Noble society, I could at least identify the intentions of some of the nobles who approached me so I could respond accordingly.

It was quite tiring but I managed to slip away from them now that the party had shifted gears to a dance, allowing me to escape to the corner of the room with Tiara under the pretence of getting to know her.

"Still… Good work out there," Tiara muttered all of a sudden.

I turned to her with a slight tilt of my head, "What do you mean?"

She nodded at the nobles, "I mean pandering to the crowd out there. I know how troublesome they can be, though I would say you have it easier because of your position and the fact that you're still an enigma."

"Hmm… So they're still being cautious of me, is that it?"

"That, plus the threat of your Family behind you of course. They fear the Nilm Family more than they fear the Royal Family."

"Gee, I wonder why?"

"Was that a rhetorical question?"

"If I say that it isn't?"

Tiara turned to look at me, her mouth opening before she stopped.

She then looked a little confused and turned back to look at the crowd, "Hmm… That's odd… I instinctively knew that these nobles have more reason to fear the Nilm Family but I don't know the reason why? It seems like some of my other memories from my alternate selves got mixed up… But… I can tell from their actions that they are indeed fearful or at least more cautious around you than normal."

I followed her gaze to look out at the nobles currently dancing in the middle of the hall, "Well… Do you know what my Family is known for around here?"

Tiara had a far off look on her face, like she was trying to sift through her memories.

I'm guessing she was reorganising what she knew from her alternate selves and what she knew from her actual self. Now I'm wondering if there were alternate versions of Mother and myself in those dimensions?

It took a minute before Tiara replied to me, "I see… The family of servants who double as bodyguards and assassins. I remember now. Forgive me but I did have your family confused with another one who were not quite the same but also rather alike to yours in another dimension."

"Was there another Nilm Family in those dimensions?"

Tiara shook her head, "Interestingly, no. And I believe if there was, the demons would not have been a problem for those dimensions."

I made a non-committal noise in response.

Tiara continued, "So, as I was saying… Good work out there."

I giggled, "Ehehe, I can't take you seriously when I know what you're like after getting some cookies."

"Please, Aster. I have already grown out of it. That was just a one time thing while I was still confused over the memories of my alternate selves."

I reached out my hand to the side to what appears to be thin air.

"Mistress," Katsuki greeted quietly, appearing right beside me with a cookie prepared in her hands.

I picked the treat up from my maid before she disappeared again, taking a moment to move myself in front of Tiara before showing her the cookie.

"Cookieeee~~ Nom~ Mmmmm~ Shooo gooooood~~" She squealed, having already taken the proffered cookie from me to nibble away at it with a contented look on her face.

So cute~

She practically inhaled the cookie and was even licking her fingers clean of the crumbs.

Good thing no one saw this side of the Princess since I had positioned myself to block everyone's view of her while she was lost in her cookie eating.

It was only after she finished licking her fingers clean did the Princess realise what she had just done, her face noticeably getting redder.

"... Why is it only with you, I wonder…" She sighed, not even trying to hide what happened.

That was a quick transition… She has already gone back to her cold demeanour.

I shrugged, "I don't know, but do you want another cookie?"

"Please don't try to destroy my image for your own amusement… Even if I plan to announce my withdrawal from the contest of the throne, rumours might still start about how the only child of the Nilm Family is engaged to a disgraceful princess."

I smiled at that, "I doubt your parents would stay silent about rumours like that though. And it's not like it would affect me much right? Although now that you mention it… Are you really planning to get engaged to me?"

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Are you against the idea?"

"If I have to be honest… Kind of?"

Tiara nodded, not at all surprised by my answer, "I get it. I'm not even a good candidate to be a wife anyway."

"Umm… That's not it… I mean… I'm already seeing two others and I doubt either of them would be happy if they were to find out that I got engaged to you first despite being together with them for longer…"

Now Tiara was confused, "Huh? Why would they be upset about that?"

"Eh? Shouldn't I at least marry them first before… Err… Does the order not matter?"

"Ah… Are you one of those people? I didn't think As.. Ahem… Lady Nilm was someone who believed in something like that."

"Are you telling me that people usually don't care what order they get married?"

I mean… I know polygamy is normal here and I could take multiple partners if I wanted to… But I thought that they would still fuss over who gets to marry me first so I was intending to marry everyone all at once later.

"Mmm… Not really? I mean… There's multiple cases where two people might already be dating but one of them has to marry someone from another family for political reasons. Despite that, it doesn't mean that the one they married first would be more important than the first partner they have. Especially if they have already shared a kiss."


I see, I see… So because of the existence of political marriages, the act of marriage is seen more like a contract to be together or something like that. On the other hand, kisses are this World's equivalent of marriage in my old World I guess.

So even if I were to marry Tiara or anyone else before Lisa and Delmare, the both of them wouldn't mind, I think?

Actually, I'm not so sure about Delmare since her common sense of this World is also a little skewed… But I think Mary might have also taught her about this one knowing how efficient she is.

I shrugged, "Well… Just to clear up any misunderstandings… I thought that my partners would care about it which was why I didn't want to do that… But now that you told me about this, I don't really mind as long as you don't. I do enjoy having those tea parties with you and if I could help you just by doing this, then I'm not against the engagement."

She looked down at herself, "Hmm… Well… I suppose now I know that Lady Nilm wasn't agreeing to my request just because you know how I'll look in the future thanks to my alternate selves and was aiming for that. Shall we dance?"

I took her hand by reflex and guided the Princess to the dance floor.

I honestly did not think of that but just because she brought it up, I have to admit that I would not be against tapping that ass in the future…


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