What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 465 Orc Berserker Rematch

Chapter 465 Orc Berserker Rematch

"Tch… So he's a Kalomancer… And he seems quite proficient in that magic too. Those Orcs from earlier must have been his summons," Lisa muttered.

"This is the worst… If we don't take him out, he'll just summon more monsters to bother us… And he's also a threat to the Kingdom with that stupid attitude of his," Tiara groaned.

I turned to my Inugami maid, "Katsuki… If you could bring Chamie and Harge to a safe place?"

"It shall be done, Mistress. Please follow me, Miss Chamie, Miss Harge."

"Wait! We can help! Please let us help!" Chamie objected.

Katsuki's brows scrunched up slightly, "I will need to warn the both of you that none of us will be able to focus our attention on protecting you. If you get hurt or even die, we will not be held responsible for such an outcome."

The reality of the situation then dawned on the two girls and they allowed themselves to be escorted away.

I mean… Considering the fact that this was their first time outside the city and participating in a monster subjugation on top of that… It's not unreasonable.

I turned my attention back to that Off-Worlder who had literally summoned a large group of Orc Grunts out of thin air.

"Hahaha! Are you fuckers scared now?! I have a literal army at my beck and call! If you get on your knees and beg for forgiveness, I may just let you go!!"

Oh wow, he has a talent for being a villain at least… You know, those kinds of stupid villains that you might see who get their asses kicked all the time but still act arrogant in front of everyone.

"Gathering a whole bunch of useless trash would still leave you with a bunch of useless trash. I don't even know why you're proud of this," Emilia pointed out.

The Off-Worlder smirked at her, "Haha! I know you're just pretending to be calm, but I know you're scared! I have an army!"

Odeta then jerked her thumb in my direction, "And we have Aster."

Err… Are you expecting me to call up my own Shadow Summons right now? Because if you were… I would have needed at least some heads up beforehand… Oh you weren't? Ok…

The Off-Worlder narrowed his eyes at me, "Hmph… So you think you can outlast my summons just because you have a good support? Ha! How stupid!! I will simply overwhelm all of you by sheer numbers alone!"

He pointed his finger in our direction and the Orcs let out a warcry before charging towards us.

I raised my hand and summoned a [Spotlight], materialising the ball of light above us to illuminate the area.

Lisa took that chance and used the light ball I summoned to shoot out a [Laser] at the charging Orcs. She must have also planned it ahead of time with Emilia since the Nekomata also shot several blades made of water at the charging Orcs.

A good number of the Orcs at the front fell which tripped up the Orcs behind, causing a small pileup and stopping their advance temporarily.

The delusional Off-Worlder was obviously not happy to see his summoned Orcs already getting cut down so he summoned even more to replace the ones that he lost.

I don't know why but the image of zombies rushing towards us just came to mind. If it wasn't for the light I summoned illuminating the area around us, this could qualify as a horror scene.

The Orcs picked themselves up again and started their rush towards us once more. Thankfully it either seems like this Off-Worlder can't summon monsters with weapons or the spell does not allow you to do so since all the Orcs were unarmed.

Odeta smashed her fists into the ground and picked up an entire chunk of earth to lob towards the mob, smashing a good number of Orcs on impact and further crushing even more as it rolled over the others behind.

Those that managed to avoid that had to face Emilia, Delmare and Tiara who worked together flawlessly to cut them down.

The shadow rapier that I made for Delmare seemed to be holding up well at least, and even if it breaks I can just create another one for her.

"Odeta! I'm going to buff your left arm!" I called out, using [Body Current] to enhance the body part I said I would.

The Amrap nodded and also used [Body Current] on herself, her spell targeting her other arm.

With the strength of both her arms amplified, she charged into the mob and began crushing any Orcs that stood in her way.

She was literally picking up and throwing Orcs around like they were toys.

The Amrap even went ahead to pick up two Orcs by their heads to smash them together, their heads popping open like crushed fruits. She then used their corpses as improvised weapons and swung them around to knock down the other Orcs around her.

We managed to hold but my party received their own share of wounds in the ensuing melee. Fortunately, I was quick to heal them whenever one of them did get hit.

Even if it was just a scratch or a bump against another Orc, I would be healing them immediately.

Hey, I have the mana to burn plus a whole bunch of Mana Crystals as my backup mana batteries, so there's no reason why I have to be stingy with my healing.

"Arrrgghh!! Damnit, damnit, damnit!! Why isn't this working?!! Fuck you all!!" The Off-Worlder screeched.

He raised his arms up into the air and the magic circle appeared in front of him, glowing brightly in the darkness and briefly illuminating the area around the clearing.

An Orc Berserker appeared in the circle, its dark red skin almost making it look like it was on fire like the burning wreckage behind it..

The Orc let out a roar and leapt over the heads of his brethren, though it seemed he did not manage to clear the whole mob since he landed on another Orc and crushed him underneath.

That didn't faze the monster at all as he immediately began sprinting towards Odeta, our Amrap growling out a challenge with a feral grin on her lips.

She definitely saw this as a rematch against the first Orc Berserker that got crushed by the door from earlier and a chance to claim her victory.

The two of them met in the middle with their fists impacting each other's, sending a shockwave blasting out with them in the epicentre.

Her [Body Current] buff was still in effect so it came as no surprise that the Berserker Orc was the one who got shoved back from the blow, though his arm still remained intact which was the surprising thing.

He roared and raised his arms to smash into the ground, sending chunks of earth flying towards Odeta.

She crossed her arms and withstood the barrage of debris, my healing spell working its magic to restore any damage she received from that attack.

When the barrage cleared, Odeta charged forward and grabbed the head of the Orc who was still in the midst of lifting his arms from the ground.

With a yell, she pulled the Orc's head down to smash into her knee, breaking his nose with a resounding 'crack'.

The Orc roared in anger and swung his fist at her only for Odeta to punch at it in response, this time shattering the bones in his arm.

The Berserker stared at his right arm that hung limply at his side, his distracted state allowing Odeta to send a roundhouse kick to his temple and sending him crashing into the ground.

Odeta lifted her foot and I quickly shifted the target of my [Body Current] to her raised foot, allowing her to stomp down on the fallen Orc with even more force.

The head of the Orc exploded like a crushed watermelon, the force of the stomp even causing his body to lift off the ground for a moment before it slammed back down.

Our Amrap let out a roar of victory before turning her glare to the Off-Worlder who was staring at the scene with a dumbfounded expression.

Why is he even surprised? We beat his Orc General too so an Orc Berserker shouldn't be that big of a deal.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!!!" He screamed, raising his arms into the air again.

This time, four magic circles appeared in front of him and each magic circle spat out an Orc Berserker.

Great… Of course he'll summon more…

Truth be told, I was prepared for him summoning multiple Orc Generals to fight us but I assume those must require quite a bit of mana which he does not have after summoning so many Orcs.

But still, four Orc Berserkers would be too much for Odeta to handle on her own and none of our other vanguards would be able to fight them on their own as well…

I guess I can call up a few of my shadow summons to even this out since everyone here has seen me use multiple shadow summons before.

I also just realised that there's more people who knows about my shadow army than I thought…

Just as I was about to put that plan into motion though, there was a scream from the direction of the Off-Worlder.

I looked up to see Katsuki standing over his unconscious form, her hand poised in a chopping stance.

Oh! Good work Katsuki! As expected of my assassin maid!


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