What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 158 Getting All Of Them To Meet

My days settled into a sort of routine after that. I would attend classes on the weekdays and then relax during the weekends with Katsuki, Odeta and Mother.

Sometimes the relaxing would take the form of me walking through the mansion and finding some of the maids pulling up their skirts invitingly at me when I was alone.

If I was in the mood, I would just start having sex with them right there.

Speaking of which, Lisa still wasn't ready to meet Mother yet but I decided to take this chance to have Katsuki and Odeta meet her first. That's why I was currently heading to Lisa's shop with the two of them following alongside me on this particular weekend.

Just for this, Katsuki had changed out of her maid uniform for a simple shirt and pants at my insistence since this was an outing as friends instead of her escorting me as my maid.

On the other hand, Odeta was wearing her usual clothes which consisted of a cloth wrapped around her chest and waist. I think we should take this chance to get some new clothes for the Amrap too.

"So what's she like, sister Aster?" Odeta asked, that larger sized girl strolling alongside me and getting most of the attention from the people around us.

I considered my words for a moment, "I guess you can say that she's eccentric and… I suppose unpredictable in a good way? She means well though and I trust her."

"Wahaha! If sister Aster trusts her then that means she must be a good person!" Odeta laughed.

Katsuki disagreed, "Please be careful, Mistress. For all we know, she might be pretending to be nice just to take advantage of you later on. There are some rumours about her that I was unable to verify if it's true or not."

I turned to her, "Eh? Like what?"

"There's a rumour that she's connected to some rather dangerous people and that she also seduces married men to ruin their relationships."

Ok, I can't even deny either point since those actually sound possible considering it's Lisa we're talking about here. But still…

I cleared my throat, "I think we should just reserve our judgement until we meet her face to face."

"If that is what Mistress has decided, I will obey of course."

"I do appreciate you looking out for me though, Katsuki~"

"That is natural since I am your maid, Mistress."

Awww~ Her tail is wagging~ So cute~ I wanna pat her~

The three of us reached the front of Lisa's shop and I was a little surprised to find it closed.

I did tell Lisa that I was coming today so it wasn't like I was showing up here unannounced, don't tell me she forgot?

"Oh! Asteeeeerrrr!!"

All of us turned around to see Lisa running towards us while in her adventuring gear. On her back was a wicker basket that was filled to the brim with herbs of some kind.

I guess that's why she wasn't in her shop since she was busy getting herbs in the morning, probably for our classes this coming week or something.

Lisa rushed straight up to me and pulled me into a hug before pulling back to look at Odeta and Katsuki.

"Oh! These must be the two friends you were telling me about! Hi! I'm Lisa! Aster's personal slu--"

I quickly covered her mouth with my hands before she could finish saying those words, "Yes! She's my personal Lumenmancy and Alchemy teacher! She's taught me a lot of things!"

Odeta and Katsuki looked at each other and I whispered in her ear, "They're still underaged… So please don't."

I made sure she understood that before I released her.

Odeta was the first to respond to her, "I'm Odeta! I'm Aster's Amrap sister! Nice to meet you!"

Lisa smiled at the Amrap, "It's nice to meet you too! You definitely look like you work out!"

Katsuki then curtsied, "And I am Katsuki, Mistress Aster's personal maid. It is nice to meet you."

"Ohhh~ As expected of a noble young Mistress to have a personal maid! You're really cute~" Lisa giggled before moving past us towards her store.

She unlocked the door and then gestured for us to follow her with a wide grin, "Come in, come in! I just need to put these away and change my clothes before I'm ready to go! In the meantime, just sit anywhere and don't touch anything please~"

Lisa took the basket of herbs to the back of the shop while the three of us waited for her at the front.

Katsuki took the chance to whisper to me, "I can see why Mistress said that she was eccentric and unpredictable…"

I giggled, "To be honest, she hasn't actually done anything yet."

Well… That is not considering the fact that she almost introduced herself as my personal slut at the beginning but she doesn't need to know that.

Lisa soon returned while wearing a dress that was suitable for an afternoon walk.

I had planned a cafe date with the three of them so I guess Lisa went for something that was more casual which suited me just fine.

Odeta gasped, "Oh wow! That's a really pretty dress!"

"Ehehe~ Why thank you Odeta! I need to make sure I look my best if I'm planning to seduce Aster after all~"

"Eh? Seduce? What's that?"

"Ehehe~ It's ok, you'll know when you get older!"

Lisa… What did I just tell you… Don't you have some kind of filter at least? Now I'm feeling a little worried about what you might tell Mother when you finally meet her…

Katsuki was giving me a look and I simply shook my head at her, "Don't ask…"

I led the way towards the cafe that Lisa had first brought me on our date, although I was not planning to order that super mega couple dessert since I wasn't going there as a couple this time. They do have other kinds of desserts that we could order so I was looking forward to trying those while having girls talk with my girl friends.

This time, we managed to get an indoor seat at one of the private booths for some privacy which suited our needs perfectly.

The maitre d' took our orders quickly and we were soon left alone, prompting Odeta and Katsuki to turn to Lisa.

"Do you like sister Aster?" Odeta asked.

Lisa's face brightened up, "Oh, I love Aster very much! She's my soulmate!"

Obviously Odeta didn't understand what a 'soulmate' was but she was able to infer that Lisa does indeed like me, which was enough to satisfy the Amrap with how she nodded and smiled to herself.

Katsuki wasn't as easily pleased so she leaned forward to ask, "What are your intentions with my Mistress?"

I was worried she was going to say something sexual again and got ready to cover her mouth. Surprisingly, she said something normal instead.

"Ehehe~ Marriage of course~ I want to spend the rest of my life by Aster's side~"

Ughhhh… Stop… You're going to make me blush, Lisa…

"And are you only interested in Mistress because of her position in society?"

Lisa pouted, "How mean! I didn't even know that Aster was a child of the Nilm family before I got together with her! I love Aster for who she is!"

"What are your credentials?"

"Oh! I own a few businesses of my own while also working as a teacher in the Aerialla Academy here! While the house I own is nothing compared to the Nilm Family estate, I am confident that Aster would not be uncomfortable if she chooses to live with me!"

"Are you also aware that Mistress does not intend to settle down here?"

"Oh! I am prepared to leave all of this behind for Aster of course! In fact, I don't have any attachments to this place! I'll follow Aster wherever she may want to go!"

"Do you have any survival skills in that case?"

"Ehehe~ I did not gather the herbs you saw earlier in my backyard you know? I had to go out of the city for that so I have experience on the field! Also, I'm registered as an Adventurer with the Guild so Aster can rely on me for any pathfinding and mapping skills!"

You know… I got us all together so that we could talk and get to know each other but it seems like Katsuki was already treating this like a marriage interview… Did Mother put her up to this or something? I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did…

I can only hope that the talk with Mother would go a little easier than this…

Look, my Inugami maid even brought out a notebook and started scribbling something inside it…

"Sister Aster~ What are they doing?" Odeta asked, the poor girl utterly lost in the conversation.

I simply smiled at her and continued patting her abs, they're so squishy and nice~ I don't even need to think about anything either~

Could the desserts come a little faster please? I think the questioning is starting to get a little too serious for my tastes…

Where's my cake…


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