What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 150 It's Hunting Time

I went through the next few days feeling a little lost.

If you ask me, I am definitely not into being cucked so get that NTR shit out of here.

I'll freely admit that if I had a choice, I'd rather all the people I'm interested in be mine and only mine.

Yes, I'm selfish and a hypocrite, so if some other guy comes along trying to steal my girls from me, I'll definitely gut him and string him up with his entrails.

That's why I'm having trouble with Lisa's admission of having a cucking fetish despite telling me that I was her soulmate.

Is this what she was looking for? Someone she could indulge in her fantasies whenever she wanted? Is this why she went through all that just to get me to feel attached to her so she could feel the immorality of cucking me?

If this was what she planned, I definitely wouldn't be able to accept it.

That day when she told me about that fetish of hers, there wasn't really a conclusion to what she said and I just went home in a daze.

But perhaps I should go find her and get her to explain to me properly what she meant by that.

Unfortunately, when I went back to school on Creday, I couldn't find her at all.

I chalked it up to her having no classes that day so I went to her store after school only to see it closed shut with no signs of it being open that day.

Maybe she went out to get alchemy materials so I decided I'll just find her in my alchemy class on Godsday instead.

For now, it was Resday where I had my swords class alongside Odeta and we would be heading out of the city today.

The Instructor had us separated into groups of five and thankfully, I got paired with Odeta and three other seniors, one of them being Andrew the Off-Worlder.

Before we set off, I took him aside and looked him in the eye, "That girl is Odeta. She is very important to me. You try to use that stupid skill on her and I will cut your balls off. Understand?"

He nodded quickly and I left it at that.

Honestly, I wasn't too worried since the difficulty of the game would depend on how willing his target was in regards to sleeping with him and I for sure know that Odeta would be at the most unwilling stage for that. In fact, she might even be more unwilling than me.

And since my task was already so difficult, I doubt he could pass Odeta's requirement either.

For today's lesson, we were brought to the outskirts of the city where we were expected to try our hands at fighting some monsters.

Most of the students here were already at least tier one in the swords martial skill so I believe this shouldn't be too big of a hurdle for us.

What's more, it looks like it will be in a relatively controlled environment as they even hired some Mercenaries to keep watch over us in case some dangerous monsters showed up.

And as if just to show how small the World was, one of the Mercenary groups hired to watch over us was Viera and her harem from the Free wind Mercenary group, the group that escorted us to the capital two years ago.

They seem to have remembered me as Viera quickly approached me, "H... Hello Miss Aster! I... I didn't know you would be here!"

"Hello Viera," I greeted her back with a smile. "Did I not mention that I would be attending the Aerialla Academy here?"

"Eh? Umm... If you did, I don't remember, my apologies..."

I waved her apology away, "It's fine. It's been two years hasn't it?"

"In... Indeed  it has, Miss Aster. I'm glad to see that you are well."

"Aster, who's this?" Odeta asked, prodding me on the arm.

Ah that's right, I suppose introductions are in order.

"Odeta, this is Viera, Melissa and Sabrina. They were part of the Mercenary group that escorted Mother, Katsuki and myself to the capital. Girls, this is Odeta, my err... Umm... Amrap sister... I guess?"

I don't exactly want them to think we were blood related and give them a heart attack on having to deal with two Nilm sisters, so hopefully my explanation got through to them.

Viera bowed her head politely nonetheless, "It's very nice to meet you miss Odeta. As Miss Aster had mentioned, we had the honour of escorting her to the capital safely."

Odeta narrowed her eyes at the futa Mahun, "Mmm... Hello. Do you like sister Aster?"

Viera seemed to be at a loss on how to reply to her but then settled on nodding her head quickly, "Ye... Yes, I like Miss Aster very much! How can anyone dislike her?"

Odeta burst out laughing, "Wahaha! I know, right? Sister Aster is simply the best! She's pretty, strong and also kind! Anyone who dislikes sister Aster is a bad person!"

Umm... I'm not so sure about that but I guess that's just part of Odeta's childish innocence.

I cleared my throat and gestured ahead of us, hinting that we were not only attracting attention but also holding up the rest of the class.

Viera quickly bowed to me which Melissa and Sabrina mimicked before they went off to join the other Mercenary groups that were hired to escort us.

Instructor Henry nodded at us before turning to address the rest of the class, giving out instructions to the other students about what they should look out for in the forest and what to do in the event of an emergency.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Andrew looking at me curiously, "Do you know those people?"

I nodded, "Yes, why?"

"Are they... Are they also off limits?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're just really, really horny aren't  you?"

"I... Well... I don't deny that... They are really beautiful women... It would be a shame if I didn't at least try."

"Would it change anything if I told you one of them was a futa and all three of them are in a relationship?"

Andrew actually licked his lips, "That's even better then! So err... Are they off limits too?"

I shrugged, "Knock yourself out."

He did a guts pose and was already eyeing them with a lustful grin on his face.

I'm not exactly that close to those three in the first place and they were more like acquaintances anyway.

Besides, if none of them want to sleep with him, then the game he has to play should be impossible to beat so it's not like I'm letting him go break them up intentionally.

I turned my attention back to our Instructor again.

"... And make sure to stay within the designated area. If you go out of it, we cannot guarantee your safety. Do not be a hero, do not be stupid. The price you pay for that is your life and we don't have any healing magic to bring you back from that. Is that understood?"

There was a chorus of affirmatives and Instructor Henry stepped aside to open the way into the forest.

"Remember, you're looking to try and gather at least ten Mana Crystals before the end of today! Group leaders, make sure to send up a signal if you encounter trouble!"

Incidentally, Odeta was nominated the group leader instead of Andrew which was a surprise. Then again, it just might be everyone following me since I openly stated that she would be a better leader.

Instructor Henry then started letting the groups enter at alternate intervals with us being the fifth group to enter.

We stepped into the forest in single file formation with Odeta leading the way and myself directly behind her. Following closely behind me was Andrew and then the two other boys.

"Ummm... Are you ok wearing that?" Andrew whispered from behind me.

Oh, instead of my Mercenary gear, I was wearing my dress again and he must be wondering if I was going to change out of it.

I shook my head, "It's fine, you don't need to worry about me dragging the team down because of my dress. I can fight normally in it too."

"Ah, not that. I meant if you're ok with it getting dirty... We are in a forest after all..."

"Oh? Since when are you so considerate?" I giggled.

He tried to sputter out an excuse but that just made me laugh even louder.

I was just about to tell him that I was joking when I bumped into Odeta's back who seemed to have stopped moving for some reason.

I peeked over her shoulder to see what was wrong and there, barely a few metres away from us, was a group of six goblins that had also stopped in their tracks upon seeing us.

Alright, guess we're going to slay some goblins now!


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