What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 147 A Walk Through A Park (*R)

That was one of the best desserts I have ever eaten and that's also counting Mary's desserts as well. I have a feeling that this particular shop has another person with tier four in cooking skills too.

"Was the place to your liking?" Lisa asked.

I blushed, remembering how Lisa had the time of her life feeding me spoonfuls of the dessert platter.

I didn't even think much of it while it was happening and only realised how we must have looked afterwards.

She even did the "Ahhhnn" thing when she was feeding me too.

"It was really nice," I admitted a little sheepishly. "What are we doing now? It looks like it's getting dark soon."

"Ehehe~ We'll have a walk in this really nice park and then head back to my place~"

She purposely left what would happen after that unsaid, but the glint in her eyes told me everything.

With her arm still wrapped around mine, she guided me towards a part of the city that seemed to be less populated than where we had been.

I was just beginning to think this was a rundown part of the city until I realised the buildings were still quite well maintained so that was unlikely.

It was just weird that this street was quite deserted with only a few people hanging around and all the shops closed at this time of the day.

I mean, sure it was starting to get late but it's not like it has gone completely dark yet. It wasn't even time for the lamps lining the streets to be lit either.

"Umm... Why is this place deserted?" I asked.

Lisa turned to giggle at me, "Oh, you'll know why in a bit later~ The park is right up ahead~"

I swallowed my curiosity and followed after her, moving through the streets until we reached the park that she was talking about.

It wasn't really big, probably about a quarter the size of a football field and the centre of it was taken up by a small lake with a path running around the circumference.

They even had benches built around it too.

All in all, the place looked like a nice, scenic place for an evening walk... If you were to just ignore the people that were actually having sex around the park right now.

"What... What is this?" I couldn't help but mutter.

"Ehehehe~ Is this your first time seeing this? Well I guess it's no surprise since the Mahuns in Lehcarouc Kingdom aren't really that big on public sex scene after all~"

I gestured at the scene in front of us, "You call this not big on the public sex scene? And what about that shop you brought me to? Also, I've been to The Guild in the lower districts you know? There's people who have sex in there too!"

She tilted her head, "Oh my~ Ehehe~ Aster is so innocent~ Things are quite vanilla here, you know? If you go to Nomed Metropolis in Arwan Territory, you might see a couple having sex every ten steps or so on the streets~ Not to mention the cities and towns of the Nekinumi Kingdom, you can witness families just having orgies out in the open too~"

I blinked at her, "So... This is considered tame?"

"Oh, very much so~ While you might not be arrested for having sex on the streets here, you'll receive quite a bit of judgmental gazes since it's considered disruptive here~ That's why there's specific places like these where people who are into having public sex can gather to do it~"

"Right... So you brought me here to do it as well?"

"Oh, by the Gods no~ I really did bring Aster here to take a walk before we go back though~ Nothing more~"

Yeah, I'm not buying that... I actually kind of guessed why she brought me here actually... It's obviously to get me horny so that the sex we would most likely have later would be more... Err... Intense?

Lisa took me by the hand and began walking down the path, passing by a man at the entrance who was kissing a girl standing up while another girl kneeled in front of him to suck on his cock.

Moans and grunts of pleasure echoed throughout the park as various people engaged in sex around the place.

But not everyone was engaged in sex at least. There were even a few people simply walking through the park and either minding their own business or openly masturbating while watching the others do it.

As we went by a girl riding on a futa's cock on one of the benches, Lisa suddenly giggled, "Ehehe~ Aster really is an innocent noble lady huh?"

"Eh? What makes you say that?"

"Oh~ Most commoners like myself would already know about places like these and I personally know quite a number of nobles who would also host orgy parties in their homes. Have you not gone to one yourself?"

I shook my head to show that I indeed have not gone to nor even heard of such parties before. I don't think Mother has attended or hosted these kinds of parties either, has she?

"Ehehehe~ That's why I said Aster is an innocent noble lady~ You're just so cute~ Oh! If you get too horny while on our walk, do let me know~ Or if you see someone you fancy, you can also go ahead and ask if they'll let you join in too~ I don't mind watching~"

"E... Eh? What do you mean?"

Instead of answering me, she pointed ahead of us.

Sitting on another one of those benches was a futa with two girls sucking on her cock, the futa moaning out loud while her hands were busy fingering the two girls.

A young man who was naked from the waist down then went up to them while still jerking himself off, "Hi, could I join you?"

The futa wordlessly slid herself a little lower and spread her legs wide to reveal her own pussy to him.

The young man then got closer and slid his cock into the futa's entrance, causing both of them to moan before he started pounding away at her.

So that's what happens when the partners are open to having extra people join in on their fun. A big difference compared to that time with the couple I saw at The Guild.

"What if the couple doesn't want someone to join and that person forces themselves on them anyway?" I asked.

Lisa smiled at me, "Unfortunately, that's not impossible either and there have been cases where that happened. But in a place like this, everyone would definitely have jumped in to help subdue the offender. That's why there's spots like these where people like them can come and have public sex without worrying about such a thing, compared to doing it by themselves in some dark alleyway."

"Why would they even bother to jump in to help?"

"Oh my, has Aster not been given a lesson about the Gods? The God Nilali is very particular about consent and really despises rapists. To see such an act and refuse to help is basically spitting on God Nilali too, making you no better than the rapist in her eyes."

"Huh... Just curious... What happens if you see such an act and not help? Will the Gods strike you down or something?"

"Ehehe~ No, no, no. Nothing of that sort, the Gods don't usually interfere directly like that after all. But in the event that you wish to have your relationship with someone be officiated into a marriage, don't expect to receive blessings from God Nilali in that case. It's been said that any marriage that fails to receive blessings from Nilali is either doomed to fail or will suffer immense hardships."

Oh wow... So there's still the 'Gods don't interfere directly' thing huh? But I suppose the fact that people of this World know they exist and possess divine powers made them act differently.

Lisa booped me on the nose, "Aster really is cute~ The sun is setting already, shall we go back to my place now?"

I looked up and sure enough, the sky was already darkening significantly and the streetlamps were just starting to light up after their Mana Crystals activated.

Lisa then guided me out of the park where it felt like more people were coming into the park as the day got darker.

When we went back onto the street however, I finally realised why this place was deserted just now.

It's the red light district...

Where previously the streets had been empty, it was now filled with people walking around the place, a number of them dressed quite provocatively.

The shops that had been closed had also opened up with sex workers of all kinds touting customers from the shop.

One really big, muscled Wrunch even waved at us as we passed by, "Hey there ladies. Do you want to sleep with a strong male tonight? I can be your male."

I really didn't think I'd be hearing that from someone as big of a size as he is..

But well... I didn't need to answer since Lisa simply walked past him without even acknowledging him, leading me out onto the main road before continuing towards her shophouse.

I would have thought she was intentionally ignoring him were it not for the look of anticipation on her face.

And no, that anticipation was not directed at the Wrunch but at me.

Guess I better be prepared for a long night.


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