What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 111 You Need To Be This Good Before Facing Me

The assembly was held in an auditorium inside the school and I estimated that there were about eight hundred to a thousand students here.

It looked like the auditorium itself was separated into six columns arranged in a semicircle spreading out from the stage and I quickly learned that each column represented a batch of students. Since we were the first years, we occupied the column on the rightmost section of the auditorium.

The seven of us were brought to the seats at the very front nearest to the stage which allowed everyone else to stare at the back of our heads.

The other students who were seated at the front of the other columns must also be the special students of their respective years.

On the stage was principal Dawn who was, as expected, delivering a welcome speech to all the students which I believe all schools have.

And as expected, I could see that most of the students aren't listening either.

Well, it's just that standard speech about the school year starting and for us to do our best for the upcoming year and stuff.

She did start naming some students who did well last year and also introduced the students who managed to usurp their year's special students, but it's not like I know who they are anyway so those names were meaningless to me.

The principal then turned her gaze towards us, "And I would like to welcome the new students of this year to our Aerialla Academy, may all of you have a fruitful experience here in our school. Could I invite all of first year special class students on stage please?"

All of us looked at one another before slowly standing up.

Since I was the one closest to the stage, I led the way up the steps with Odeta directly behind me.

Honestly it felt a little weird since it pretty much looked like a teen and an adult leading a bunch of kids when we're all actually the same age.

I noticed the look of relief on the principal's face when she saw me, clearly glad that I did not fail to get into the school as a special student.

Well… Mother was right that there was no way for me to fail in getting into the special class considering the level of proficiency in the other students. So I think her threat was made because the only reason I might fail was foul play.

Principal Dawn turned back to the crowd when we lined up on the stage beside her, "For the first year students, these are your peers who currently stand at the top of your year. Your teachers should have told you about them and also your right to challenge them. They will now state their challenge to anyone who wishes to claim their spot. Student Lucas, please."

Once again leaving me for last, eh? Well, I don't mind.

All eyes turned to Lucas who was at the other end of the line.

Since teacher Wex had already told us what to do, Lucas showed no hesitation in taking a step forward with a hand on his chest.

"I am Lucas, pleased to meet all of you! I am currently an Orange tier in Pyromancy! If you wish to take my spot, challenge and win me in a magic duel using Pyromancy magic!"

There were a few murmurs coming from the crowd and I could see a few of them already looking at him as though making him their target.

The next one to step forward was Charles.

"Hello everyone, my name is Charles. I'm a Gust tier in Aeromancy so my challenge is the same. Beat me in a magic duel using Aeromancy magic and my seat is yours~"

I'm not sure if I should be impressed that he didn't even sound fazed in the slightest. Was it confidence or he just didn't care?

After him was Henri of the Heres family.

"I am Henri of house Heres! Boulder tier in Geomancy! My challenge is to defeat me in a magic duel using Geomancy!"

And right after him was his brother of course.

"Jules of house Heres. Also Boulder tier in Geomancy. However, my challenge is different from my brother's. In front of a neutral panel of judges, compete in a debate with me on why you should take my position in this class. If the judges deem you worthy, I shall step down."

Yep, this guy's challenge was quite interesting. Apparently between the two brothers, he's considered the more bookish one and his reasoning for choosing this was that he knew most people despised public speaking, meaning there would be fewer competitors.

Even if he loses his position, he was already set to take over his family's business so he wouldn't lose much even if he does not attend the main Aerialla Academy.

I thought the brother would be jealous of that but it seems like they were already planning to run the business together. The only difference was that Henri was interested in attending the main Aerialla Academy first before returning to help his brother.

Paul was next and he wrung his fingers a little before taking a small step forward.

"Umm… I… I'm Paul… Rain tier in Hydromancy… My err… My challenge is… Is to… Is to do a… A… Perfect musical performance with an instrument in the rain… In front of an audience…"

Turns out this shy boy actually plays an instrument similar to a violin. According to him, he used to play in the rain since he was too shy and the bad weather would ensure no one would see him play. I'm not even sure why he had to go to that length but hey, his life, his choice.

Eventually, he learned Hydromancy just to keep himself dry when he played his music.

He did not say if he overcame his fear of performing in front of an audience so I don't know what he was going to do if someone actually takes up that challenge?

Finally, it was Odeta's turn and she confidently strode forward while punching her fists together.

"I am Odeta! I can use the sword and my fists! Oh! I'm also a… Umm… Ah! Current tier in Electromancy! If you want my place, then you have to beat me in a deathmatch with your own fists!!"

Wait what?!! Didn't you tell teacher Wex that your challenge was to beat you in a duel in unarmed combat?! Why did it suddenly turn into a deathmatch?!

Principal Dawn cleared her throat, "Student Odeta… We do not condone the taking of lives in this school so a deathmatch is out of the question…"

"Ehh? But if I were to lose my position beside sister Aster, then I would rather die…" She protested, looking dejected.

I coughed, "Odeta… I won't abandon you just because you aren't in the special class you know?"

She perked up, "Really?! Alright then! In that case, if you want my position, fight me with your fists and if you win, I'll let you have my spot in this class. Not the spot beside sister Aster though! That one you'll have to kill me to get it!"

I stifled a chuckle at her words. She's so cute.

Oh right, it's my turn now.

Taking a deep breath, I took my position and faced the students in the first year column as they stared at me.

"Good day, everyone. I am Aster. I am proficient in the sword, the bow, the dagger and also unarmed combat. In addition to that, I am Shadow tier in Umbramancy, Current tier in Electromancy, Glow tier in Lumenmancy, Red tier in Pyromancy, Droplet tier in Hydromancy, Breeze tier in Aeromancy, Stone tier in Geomancy, and Herbalist tier in Iatromancy. My challenge is simple: Defeat me in a duel while using at least eight different types of magic and my position in this special class is yours."

After issuing my challenge, I curtsied slightly and returned back to my spot.

The silence after that was expected and so is the commotion that happened right after that.

Some of the students had even stood up in their seats and began shouting as well, most of them either protesting about the impossible challenge and a few even questioning the validity of it.

Odeta was starting to look pissed at the crowd when the auditorium was suddenly filled with blinding light.

I was unaffected by it since my own Lumenmancy protected me from the flash but the others weren't so lucky.

"Enough!" Principal Dawn roared, silencing anyone else who were still thinking of protesting. "Student Aster was tested by the student council themselves and they have passed her! If you truly wish to test her then fulfil the requirements needed to challenge her! If you don't have that power then anything you say is just excuses!"

Ooh~ Looks like she's also using this opportunity to rile up the students to get them to be better, as expected of the principal.

Although I bet she knew just as well as I do that the likelihood of anyone challenging me was astronomically low unless there just so happens to be an Off-Worlder hiding here as well.

I don't think that is likely though since the better ones were already in my special class and none of them were Off-Worlders. Even if there was one in the senior year students, they can only challenge the special students in their own year anyway.

So you can ask if I intentionally set up an impossible task for them and the answer to that question was yes.


Because so that I can get through my school life without worrying about being challenged of course! I definitely wouldn't want to deal with such troublesome things!

Just let me study in peace!


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