What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1329 I Can't Believe She Did This


Ok… So… Err… I am not sure how to say this…

But I found out that there's a religion based around me… That apparently is being worshipped throughout the continent.

What the fuck?

I'm not sure if they converted it from the previous religion that they made me the head of or they made it up completely after I left.

At first when I followed them to that church-like building, I thought they just made all of the things outside as a joke…

But when the sermons started… I knew it was serious…

They even have some kind of bible, or holy text as they called it, which basically praises me for everything that ever happened and commands everyone to worship me without question…

What the heck guys… I never asked for this… Whose idea even is this? Why would they even do something like this?

Don't tell me… Guiying? She's the one who inducted me as the head of their religion without any explanation after all…

But this doesn't make any sense… She doesn't seem like that type to do this? But if not her, then who?

Omnisc-- Eh?

I looked around me, quickly realising that I was no longer in the underground church where everyone started to sing prayers in my name.

I was now in a featureless expanse of white space with only one other person in here.

"Don't tell me you did this as well, Iris?" I asked the only person who could have transported me like that.

"Ufufufu~ I suppose Master caught me again~ Yes, I did indeed play a part in creating that little religion centred around Master~"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "But why? I didn't think you would be interested in the people here to even think about doing something like that?"

"Ufufufu~ That might be true for the old me but Master has already opened my eyes, have you not? I no longer think that other existences are beneath my notice. On the contrary, I have realised that they are simply uneducated~"

"Uneducated? What do you mean by that?"

"Ufufufu~ Despite being able to bask in Master's presence, they do not know of your greatness. That's why I have went ahead to join in on 'strongly suggesting' these people to learn more about Master~"

"You… Went to create a religion of me by brainwashing them?"

"Ara, ara? I certainly did not do any brainwashing, Master. There would be no point if they do not see your greatness with their own will~ If I just wanted mindless puppets to praise Master, I could have simply created clones instead~"

That is true… Then what's the point of this?

Reading my mind, Iris let a smile form on her lips, "Because it is what Master deserves~ What's more, I did not do much. All I did was just suggest some changes here and there and the people readily accepted Master~ It just goes to show how loved you are Master~"

I'm not so sure about that… Isn't it just because it's you that is asking them that they're listening?

"Ufufufu~ Does Master think that everyone here would just willingly listen to a few words from me? Master really gives me too much credit~"

Nnngghh… She has a point… Though I'm quite surprised that she did something like this…

I know that she has done, or more accurately, tried to do quite a lot of things in the past. Even that time where she tried to 'reset' me was quite a big project she had undertaken just to restore me back to my original self… So could this be part of something bigger?

"I swear upon my very existence that it is not, Master~" She answered me easily.

Hmm… I guess I should just be happy that she's broadening her horizons to involve people aside from myself now…

"So you really went to create a religion of me?" I asked.

"Ufufufu~ More accurately, there was already a religion of you from the start, Master~ Don't the other gods worship you as the All Creator? All I did was merely bring some ideas here and let them know about them~"

I raised an eyebrow, "So there's no coercion, blackmail, threats or anything like that involved?"

"Ufufufu~ I would never start a religion centred around Master using such boring methods~ Everyone is worshipping Master because they know that Master is truly worthy of their worship~"

"You're not telling me this extends to the entire World… Do you?"

Iris's smile grew a little wider, "Ara, ara? We're not there yet, but I believe it will be soon~"

Great… An entire World worshipping me as their god or whatever… How much worse can it get…

"May I remind Master that there's already Gods out there in the Universe that are already worshipping you, Master. And some of these even chose to spread that religion to their own Worlds too~"

Ugh… At least give me some good news…

"Ufufufu~ Does the fact that everyone would very much prefer to keep this religion a secret from Master be counted as a piece of good news?"

"How is that good?"

"Ara, ara? If Master just closes your eyes and ears, you wouldn't see any of this right?"

That's just running away from the problem… Ahhhh whatever, I don't care anymore…

I sighed, "I don't suppose I can ask you to stop all this?"

"Ara? Does Master really want that?"

"If I say yes?"

"Then as reluctant as I am to do so, I will still obey."

She sounded so sad saying it that I actually felt bad…

Arrrgggh… I'll just never bring this topic back up again and then pretend that I know nothing… This entire thing is pretty messed up to begin with…

It's their decision anyway, so they can do whatever they want as long as they aren't being coerced to do so.

Oh no… I even went to tell Guiying and Sect Master Qing about inducting my disciples as gods too… What's going to happen to them? Are they also going to start worshipping them too?

I've already seen that they made shrines for my disciples but… How this is going to affect the rest of the World is a mystery though…

Maybe… A little bit of future sight won't be too bad?

"Ara, ara? And Master even told me that things would be boring if you were to do something like this?" Iris giggled.

Ugh… She's right…

Ah fuck it, I'll just forget about it and pretend I never saw this…

Yeap, let's just concentrate on writing my book instead~


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