What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1280 Our Daughter

Manami finished her tea and cream pie and left almost immediately after bidding us good day.

I turned to Lian Li, "So… Are you having fun?"

"Mmm… I'm assuming Master is asking me about the date?" She asked, breaking out of her character for the moment.

I nodded.

"Ehehe~ I am, Master~ Is Master enjoying this as well?"

"Well… I'm more confused, really… I'm still wondering why you chose to bring them into this World?"

"Ehehe~ I think it's interesting, Master~ We're together and we still have people we are familiar with in our lives even if it's a little different~"

"Even though I could just recreate alternate versions of them instead of bringing the real ones over with suppressed memories?"

"Ehehehe~ It wouldn't feel as real in that case, Master~"

I smiled wryly at her, "Or is it just because you want to show off our relationship to them in this World?"

"Ehehehe… Maybe?"

I wanted to give her a forehead flick when the entrance bell chimed again.

This time it was Cai Hong entering the store, having just returned from school.

"Papa! Mama! Cai Hong back!!"

I wiped my hands with a cloth and moved out from behind the counter, squatting down to let Cai Hong run up to hug me.

"Papa~ Papa! Cai Hong back!" She repeated excitedly.

"Welcome back~ Did you have fun at school today?"

"Yesh~ Cai Hong learn big numbers! Umm… Umm… Cai Hong love Papa nine thousand!"

Ohmigosh why are you so cuuuuuute?!!

I hugged the little dragon tightly before letting go and patting her head, "Papa loves Cai Hong nine thousand too! Why don't you go and put down your things and Papa will prepare some sweets for you?"

"Yayyyy! Papa's sweets!!"

She quickly ran towards the house, disappearing inside our kitchen.

At least in this World, Cai Hong was the same as always.

I turned back to see Lian Li blushing while poking her fingers together, "Darling… What do you feel about having another one?"

I stared at her, "You know that we won't have time for that, right?"

"Ehehehe~ I know, I just wanted to try saying that line at least once~"

"And do you want to? In our World?"

She quickly shook her head, "Oh no! Definitely not, Master! Especially when it means that I might have another rival…"

She whispered the last part but I managed to hear it.

Rival? What does that have anything to do with rivals? Does she mean that the other girls might want children too? Hmmm… I suppose that might happen…

I'm a bit concerned that the children I might have with my disciples would upset the balance of the universe since they would definitely not be ordinary children. Heck, basically all the gods in existence are my children and it's already so chaotic. I'm not irresponsible enough to make it more troublesome for everyone.

That is… Unless the girls want children… Then I would need to think of a way to deal with it.

Cai Hong quickly came back to me with a look of anticipation on her face, her eyes practically sparkling in the light while a line of drool was rolling down the side of her cheek.

I went ahead to give her a cookie I had prepared beforehand and she squealed out in excitement.

"Cookie!! Papa Cookie!! Cai Hong want!!"

I handed it over to her and she gave me a hug back, "Yayyyy! Cai Hong wuv Papa!!"

Ahhhhh~ She's soooo cute~

I then brought her to the other side of the counter so that she could have a seat while munching slowly on the cookie I gave her.

Lian Li giggled, "Darling always spoils Cai Hong, don't you?"

"Hmm? Don't you do the same?"

"I can't help it when our daughter is so cute~"

She definitely wanted to say that we have a daughter too.

I decided to humour her, "Well, she got the cute looks from you so that's to be expected."

Predictably, Lian Li got embarrassed from the praise and started waving her hands, "Ahhhh! Darling, stop! I can't take it!"

"Waaahh! Papa and Mama are flirting!" Cai Hong squealed while bouncing on her seat.

This cheeky little dragon, where did she even learn the word 'flirting'?

I went up and ruffled her hair, "Haha, that's right, Papa is flirting with Mama."

"Does that mean Papa and Mama are going to boink?"

I froze and so did Lian Li.

Lian Li quickly rushed up to Cai Hong, "Where did you learn that, Cai Hong?"

Cai Hong sucked on her finger, "Learn what, Mama?"

"That word! 'Boink'!"

"Ehehehe~ Sister Manami taught Cai Hong!" She squealed innocently.

Lian Li turned and shook her fist at the door, "That damned fox!! How dare she taint little Cai Hong's mind like that! The next time I see her, I'll definitely teach her a lesson! If she orders honey lemon tea again, see how she likes it if I don't put the honey! Hmph!!"

Cai Hong turned to me, "Mnn? Papa? Boink bad word?"

I thought about it for a moment, "What did sister Manami tell Cai Hong about that word?"

"Mmm… She said it means that Papa and Mama will love each other very much!"

Lian Li stopped fuming and started blushing in embarrassment again.

Ahahaha~ Like I said, the Manami of this World is really just treating her like a younger sister to be teased, though I would suspect that she was doing this because she was trying to replace Kiyomi with Lian Li instead.

Also, I'm not blind. I know Manami definitely had feelings for me. I've been with my World's version to know what she's like so I could tell that much.

The only thing I'm unsure of is how Lian Li wants me to approach this.

I patted Cai Hong's head again, "The meaning isn't wrong but it's a little embarrassing for people to say it and hear it. So don't say it out loud ok?"

Cai Hong placed a finger on her lips, "Okies! Cai Hong no say! Shhhhh!"

She's so cute~

Cai Hong then went back to nibble on her cookie for a while, enjoying the sweet I made her as well as my head patting.

That was when she suddenly let out a gasp, "Ah! Cai Hong forgot! Papa! Papa! Weird boy came to Cai Hong today!"

I tilted my head at her, "What do you mean?"

She bounced on her seat, "Cai Hong school! One weird boy give Cai Hong flower! He say he want Cai Hong be his wifey!"



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