What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1266 The Simped Watching The Simps


The prince stormed into the throne room with the remainder of his followers while the king was surrounded by even more guards.

On the other hand, Diao Chan was seated off to the side to watch the show while sipping on some tea like the whole thing did not concern her.

As for myself, I had planned to stand behind her to watch as well when Diao Chan suddenly materialised another chair beside her.

At first I was confused why she would create a chair for no one until she patted it deliberately as though asking someone to sit down on it. The only thing was that no one else was around.

Ah… Seems like she knew all along that I was following her while I was invisible…

I sat down on the offered seat and removed my invisibility to her so that only Diao Chan could see me.

"How long did you know?" I asked.

Diao Chan giggled, "Ehehehe~ I can feel Master's presence from my soul, so I knew Master was around!"

I bet she just guessed and materialised the chair 'just in case' and happened to be right about it.

In front of us, Feng Xian was giving his spiel about wanting the king to abdicate again while the king seemed to be quite confident that he would be safe behind his guards.

If you were to only look at numbers, Feng Xian's group was outnumbered five to one. But I'm pretty sure Feng Xian was able to beat all the guards single handedly anyway.

I leaned a little closer to Diao Chan, "So… Was this the drama that you wanted?"

"Ehehehe~ A little bit~ It wasn't this dramatic the last time and I didn't get this good of a view either~"

Huh… So even in this World the events ended up being rather similar anyway…

I watched as Feng Xian prepared to attack the guards but the followers behind suddenly rushed forward and stabbed the prince in the back.

Ohhh~ A double crossing event!

Even Diao Chan looked surprised by the sight, though I had to slap her hand away when she tried to reach for my crotch.

Not now, bad girl.

Feng Xian turned his head back to face the betrayers, "Wh… What?! How dare you?! We had a pact!!"

One of them growled back at him, "You were intending to sacrifice us as your disposable pawns to get the Mistress from the very beginning!"

He scowled, "It is your honour to die for me! You're all good for nothing anyway!!"

"This is why we have no reason to follow you! At least with the king, we can have a few moments with Mistress! But if we were to follow you  the only thing we would get is losing our lives!!"

"Betraying me would also result in you losing your lives too, you imbecile!!!"

Despite being stabbed by several swords, Feng Xian spun around and threw the betrayers away from him before swinging his halberd at them.

Their cries were cut short as their heads were separated from their bodies in a single blow, leaving their headless corpses to bleed out onto the ground.

I counted at least six blades still stuck to Feng Xian's back but he was completely unperturbed by them and simply turned back to face the guards fearlessly.

"Anyone still want a piece of me?!"

The king pointed his finger at him, "No, I want two! Get him!"

The guards formed a spearwall before slowly advancing on Feng Xian, obviously aware that fighting him one on one would only result in their deaths.

He raised his halberd before swinging it down at the guards, cutting through their spears when they raised it to try and block his blow.

The prince spun on his heel and thrust his halberd at the guard in the centre, piercing through his head like it was made of paper.

He used the dead guard as a pivot to flip himself over the spearwall, ending up behind them.

The guards tried to turn around to face him but they ended up tripping over each other and their broken spears got in the way of their movements.

That gave Feng Xian all the time he needed to swing his halberd to decapitate several of the guards unfortunate enough to be in front of him.

He then leapt to the side and impaled another guard on his halberd before swinging his halberd to throw him at the group of guards and toppling them over like bowling pins.

For a guy that got stabbed in the back, he seems pretty energetic… Not to mention the fact that all of them were still wearing that ridiculous looking fetish outfit this entire time.

He took advantage of their knocked over state to kill the rest of them by cutting off their heads in quick succession, effectively killing the entire group by himself despite already receiving what should have been debilitating injuries.

He then turned back slowly to the king who was slowly backing away from him, "I've given you a chance, Father… But you chose not to take it… You can't blame me for what happens next!"

The king cursed, "Damn you! I've raised you up and this is how you treat your father?!"

"For my love, I am willing to go this far! Prepare yourself, Father!!"

Feng Xian was about to leap at the king when the floor that he was standing on suddenly lit up, engulfing him in a white light.

When the light subsided, the prince was now tied up with some bandage looking stuff like a cocoon on the floor, his halberd discarded to the side.

"Ahahaha! Did you think I was not prepared for you at all?!" The king laughed maniacally. "I already knew you were planning to betray me from the start and prepared multiple traps just for you!"

The prince strained against his bindings but the cocoon remained wrapped up around him, preventing him from moving at all.

"Arrrghhh!! You coward! Face me like a man!"

The king ignored him and strolled towards Diao Chan confidently, "Now, I shall let you see what happens to people who defy me! The Mistress will only punish me and no one else! You are all pathetic!!"

As though to prove his point, he got down on all fours and tried to crawl over to Diao Chan and I.

But instead of 'punishing' him like the king had expected, Diao Chan waved her hand at him and caused a similar cocoon to wrap around him before teleporting him back beside the prince.

Ignoring the cries of surprise from both men, she slowly turned her head to me with a small smile.

Ah… I think I know exactly what she was planning to do…


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