What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1252 I Have Run To The Hero


Wait… Are they seriously planning on betraying Eris? Is this just some kind of ruse they are using to throw those nobles off before we escape?

The prime minister blinked at Bait, "You… You would agree to this?"

Hey, why are you as surprised as I am?! Wasn't this what you were aiming for?! Were you not even expecting to succeed when you pitched this idea to us?!

Then again, I have to admit your pitch was quite weak, so it really was surprising that anyone would even consider accepting your proposal.

Like seriously, you're expecting us to switch sides just to get some clout? How desperate do you think we are? 

Yet I'm quite shocked that not only Bait seemed to have accepted his offer, but even Laverna and Denna seemed to be on board as well.

Bait raised an eyebrow at the prime minister, "Well yeah? Isn't dis' wat' ya want? Why are ya' so surprised?"

Denna nodded beside her, "This one would humbly report that you have convinced us. She has indeed become too strong for even us to control. What we wish for is for the betterment of our country and it is this one's humble opinion that a threat like her should be eliminated."

"Agree…" Laverna added.

Woah… Ok… I actually can't tell if they are being serious about this or it was all just a lie to trick them at all. Or maybe they were just playing around?

The prime minister clapped his hands together, "Haha! That is perfect! What about you, Saint Lin? Surely you also agree with us as well? She may claim that she loves you but surely you feel inferior to her because she's stronger than you? Eventually, she might even get tired of you because of your weakness! But not to worry, I can introduce you to several other suitable marriage candidates for you after this!"

I frowned, "Does the prince and the king know about this?"

"Of course! I am, in fact, under their direct orders to do this."

Hmm… What should I do?

On one hand, Bait, Laverna and Denna seem to be betraying Eris though I can't tell if they are serious about it.

On the other hand, betraying Eris like that would leave a bitter taste in my mouth so I would rather it not come to that.

I was really tempted to use omniscience to look into the future to figure out what the best course of action is, but I remembered that this was supposed to be a date with Eris in the first place so I would definitely be considered quite trashy if I were to abandon my date.

That is why…

"I'm sorry, but I will have no part in this," I decided, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

The prime minister shook his head sadly, "I see… It's a shame but you do realise that we can't allow you to go free after you already know our plans, can we?"

I raised my eyebrow at him, "So what? Are you going to kill me here? Did you think I rejected your offer so blatantly without thinking? If I were to die here, everyone would know that I was killed within the Royal Palace itself and cause a scandal for you. Not to mention the fact that Eris would try to investigate the cause of my death and if she realises it's you, she'll kill you and everyone else involved. And if she fails to find the culprit, she might just decide to go on a rampage anyway. I'm the only one who can keep her in check now, aren't I?"

The prime minister smirked, "Oh, but we were also prepared for that, Saint Lin. Did you also think we came to ask you to betray the hero without some proper backup plans in case any of you rejected us?"

He snapped his fingers and one of the walls at the side of the room slid up to reveal a hidden passage, allowing a young woman to step through. I assume that she was a maid working inside the castle since she was wearing a maid outfit where the skirt stretched all the way to her ankles.

She made her way towards us before looking at the prime minister who gave her a curt nod.

The woman reached up her hands to collar before forcefully pulling down, tearing the front part of her dress and revealing her underwear.

She then sucked in a breath before screaming out in a shrill voice, "Help!! Help!! I'm being raped!! Help!!"

As though on cue, the door burst open and several guards poured into the room, all of them wearing unfriendly looks on their faces.

The leader of the guards shook his head mockingly at me, "Saint Lin… I had thought that you were a hero to be respected… But it seems like your reputation was made up all this while… To think a supposedly righteous man like you would actually lay your hands on another woman while the hero herself was busy with her duties… I'm sure she would be heartbroken to hear that. Now come with us quietly and we may even convince the maid to forgive you and not punish you."

Oh wow, can't say I never saw that coming, I thought for sure they were going to ask Bait and the others to subdue me but I guess they wanted my cooperation as well for some reason.

I looked at the guard captain, "And what if I refuse?"

"You would still be dragged away to the dungeons but you'll definitely spend the rest of your life behind bars. If I were you, I'd recommend that you just surrender and not make things difficult for everyone involved."

Wow this guard is really full of himself huh?

I raised my hand at him, "Alright, you got me. I'll go with you quietly if you guys promise me one thing."

Everyone turned to me, wondering what I could possibly ask from them.

"I just need you guys to… Oh… Hello there, Hero Eris," I waved.

All of them spun around to look at where I was waving, only to find no one there.

When they turned back, I had already leapt through the open window at the back of the room, escaping from them.

Ahahahaha! I can't believe they fell for the oldest trick in the book! The look on their faces!

I guess I should go find Eris now~


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