What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1248 Dominating The Demon Lord


eαglesnᴏνel The moment they started using their own swords, the power balance was suddenly flipped around.

Previously, Eris was constantly on the defensive as she was not able to find any weaknesses to exploit to land any clear hits on the demon lord.

But right now she was swinging her sword in a barrage of blows that forced the demon lord to focus entirely on defending herself lest she gets cut up into ribbons.

She was already able to do that on her own but with Bait, Laverna and Denna supporting her, the demon lord had no chance of even fighting back.

"What… What is going on?!" The demon lord version of Eris screeched, unable to comprehend the sudden increase in strength in her opponents.

"Did you think we would let you go after showing such blatant disrespect to our Master?! No wonder you're a loser by yourself here!" Eris roared, her sword a blur as she swung her blade faster than the eye could see.

The demon lord was forced to leap away from her, only to have Denna appear from behind to take a stab at her back.

If this was before Eris and her other personalities changed their swords, the demon lord might have just ignored the attack and let her armour take the hit. But the killing intent from Denna must have been so great that her instincts took over and made her try to dodge it instead.

It was a decision that saved her life as the sword cut through her armour like it was made of paper, leaving a large hole in her side. Had she chosen not to avoid it, she would have already been separated into two.

The demon lord's eyes widened considerably but she had no time to recover as Laverna had flown in front of her with her sword wrapped up in lightning.

She barely managed to raise her own sword in defence before Laverna's blade came down on the flat of the demon lord's blade. 

The blow from Laverna possessed more force than she anticipated as she sank to a knee, her arms shaking from the weight pressing down on her.

As if it was all planned, Bait appeared to the demon lord's left and swung her blade towards her neck, intent on decapitating her while she was in that position.

The demon lord made the decision to drop her sword slightly to allow her to roll to the right, avoiding the deadly blow by mere inches as it sailed above her head.

The only problem was that Eris was waiting there for her as though she had already predicted it from the start and swung her sword at the demon lord with blinding speed.

There was a cry of pain and the evil Eris leapt away from my Eris, leaving behind her left arm that had been cut off in her attempt to escape.

I may seem like I'm taking this entire scene in stride but I'm actually really stunned right now.

I buffed the demon lord, you know? She's supposed to be ten times stronger than the original Eris of this World, you know? If the original Eris had gone ahead to fight this demon lord with her party, the entire party would have been wiped out in the first few seconds, you know?!

This demon lord even has a passive aura that temporarily erases divinity too, which means she's actually capable of killing gods as well. Yet over here I'm seeing Eris, Bait, Laverna and Denna beating her around like she's just some common thug.

They even managed to break apart her anti-divinity aura through sheer will alone to transform their weapons too, something that should have been impossible under normal circumstances.

I was wondering if I mistakenly buffed them a little too much to make them able to do all this, until I remembered that they took part in the battle royale where they had to fight against Origin Wielders who were basically anti-god specialists.

This demon lord must have just been another normal opponent for them.

To think there would come a day where I would actually lament the fact that my disciples have grown too strong…

I don't even know how I'm supposed to buff this demon lord without them inadvertently destroying the entire World at the next second but still pose a challenge for Eris to beat… I hope she doesn't tell me that the demon lord was too easy to beat later…

There was literally nothing for me to do as the healer as the four other members of the hero's party both figuratively and literally kicked the demon lord around like she was just some beginner swordswoman holding a sword for the first time.

At this point, the demon lord had already lost her left arm and right leg to Eris, looking especially pathetic in that state of hers.

"This… This cannot be…" She gasped while collapsed on the ground with her sword laying just out of reach.

Her previously perfect armour had been cut up into shreds with various parts of it completely destroyed or crushed.

At this point, I doubt anyone would believe me even if I were to tell them that this girl laying pathetically on the floor was supposed to be the demon lord.

Eris and her other personalities were standing over her with their blades pointed at her chest.

"Who's the washed up nobody now, you pathetic waste of space?" Eris sneered.

I don't even think I've ever seen her sneer at anyone before… Is she really that pissed from that one comment by the demon lord?

The demon lord coughed, "H… How… This… This power… And you chose to restrict yourself… By being a hero?"

Bait stabbed her sword into the ground, "Ha? We're spendin' our days happily with Master! Which part of dat' is bein' restricted to ya'?!"

Denna nodded, "This one humbly believes that the only one who chose to 'restrict' themselves is you."

Laverna made a show of shaking her head disappointingly at the demon lord, "Sad…"

She looked at me, "I… I don't understand…. What makes him… So special?"

Eris and her four personalities gave her a look of disdain and spoke at the same time, "Everything."

They then stabbed her in the chest, killing the 'evil' personality and ending the reign of the demon lord of this World.

Well… Umm… I guess the last part was quite unexpected but at least it turned out well in the end?


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